/* Copyright (c) 2017 SiFive Inc. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the FreeBSD License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. A copy of this license is available at http://www.opensource.org/licenses. */ #include #ifdef __riscv_flen static void fssr(unsigned value) { asm volatile ("fscsr %0" :: "r"(value)); } static unsigned frsr() { unsigned value; asm volatile ("frcsr %0" : "=r" (value)); return value; } static fp_rnd frm_fp_rnd (unsigned frm) { switch (frm) { case 0: return FP_RN; case 1: return FP_RZ; case 2: return FP_RM; case 3: return FP_RP; /* 4 ~ 7 is invalid value, so just retun FP_RP. */ default:return FP_RP; } } #endif /* __riscv_flen */ fp_except fpgetmask(void) { return 0; } fp_rnd fpgetround(void) { #ifdef __riscv_flen unsigned rm = (frsr () >> 5) & 0x7; return frm_fp_rnd (rm); #else return FP_RZ; #endif /* __riscv_flen */ } fp_except fpgetsticky(void) { #ifdef __riscv_flen return frsr () & 0x1f; #else return 0; #endif /* __riscv_flen */ } fp_except fpsetmask(fp_except mask) { return -1; } fp_rnd fpsetround(fp_rnd rnd_dir) { #ifdef __riscv_flen unsigned fsr = frsr (); unsigned rm = (fsr >> 5) & 0x7; unsigned new_rm; switch (rnd_dir) { case FP_RN: new_rm = 0; case FP_RZ: new_rm = 1; case FP_RM: new_rm = 2; case FP_RP: new_rm = 3; default: return -1; } fssr (new_rm << 5 | fsr & 0x1f); return frm_fp_rnd (rm); #else return -1; #endif /* __riscv_flen */ } fp_except fpsetsticky(fp_except sticky) { #ifdef __riscv_flen unsigned fsr = frsr (); fssr (sticky & 0x1f | fsr & ~0x1f); return fsr & 0x1f; #else return -1; #endif /* __riscv_flen */ }