ICONV - Charset Conversion Library. Version 2.0 ----------------------------------------------- This distribution provides: * the library (libiconv.a and .so) for conversion between various charsets (character encoding schemes); * and the command line utility (iconv), providing conversion of a file, standard input or its argument line from one charset to another; * a set of coded character set tables (binary files) and character encoding schemes (dynamically loaded modules) for use by the library; * a utility for creating character set tables from Unicode conversion tables and RFC1345-style charset descriptions. Syntax of the library functions (iconv_open, iconv, iconv_close) and the utility is described in the man pages. Features of the library: - Coded character set (CCS) tables are binary files containing pairs of tables for converting characters from some charset to Unicode (UCS-2 in host byte order) and vice versa. There are 4 types of tables supported in iconv-2.0: for 7-bit, 8-bit, 14-bit and 16-bit charsets. The library uses memory mapping (in read-only mode) to access the table data. - Character encoding schemes (CES) are small sets of C structures and functions. The functions implement virtual methods for converting a sequence of characters in some charset to a Unicode character (UCS-4 in host byte order). Each encoding scheme is located in a separate C file and can be compiled to a dynamically loaded shared module. - A universal CES for all table driven charsets is compiled into the library and used for all CCS tables. - Both CCS tables and CES C code can be built into the library by specifying the corresponding charset name in the ICONV_BUILTIN_CHARSETS make variable. By default us-ascii, utf-8 and ucs-4-internal are built in (plus the CES for all CCS tables). All the CES modules are included to a static version of the library (libiconv.a). - Multiple aliases for every charset are supported. All aliases are listed in the charset.aliases file(s). The library uses memory mapping to parse alias information and find a canonical name of a charset before looking it up in the internal list or external table or shared module. Alias information can also be compiled into the library (which is useful for compiled-in charsets ;-) - ISO/IEC 10646 conformance of the internal representation of characters; conversion is done in two steps: (1) a sequence of zero or more bytes from input buffer coded in the source charset is converted to exactly one valid UCS-4 character and (2) the UCS-4 character is converted to a sequence of zero or more bytes in the target charset to the output buffer. In the case when two charset names are found to be aliases of the same charset, conversion is done via a simplified converter by copying the data from the input buffer to the output one. - Open module API: adding new modules is easy. API has only been documented via iconv.h file comments so far. A perl utility is provided for conversion of Unicode charset tables (http://www.unicode.org/Public/MAPPINGS/) and RFC1345-style charset tables into the CCS format recognized by the library. - API conformance to Unix98 specification. - BSD-style copyright. Konstantin Chuguev November 2000.