#!/usr/bin/env python # # python script to process makedoc instructions in a source file and produce # DocBook XML output # # # This performs 3 stages of processing on it's input, in a similar fashion # to makedoc: # # 1. Discard everything outside of /* */ comments # 2. Identify lines which contains commands (a single uppercase word) # 3. Apply each command to the text of the following lines (up to the next # command or the end of the comment block), to produce some output # # The resulting output contains one or more DocBook XML refentry elements. # # To make the output a valid XML document which can be xincluded, those refentry # elements are contained by a refcontainer element. refcontainer is not part of # the DocBook DTD and should be removed by a suitable XSLT. # from __future__ import print_function import sys import re from optparse import OptionParser import lxml.etree import ply.lex as lex import ply.yacc as yacc rootelement = None # root element of the XML tree refentry = None # the current refentry verbose = 0 def dump(s, stage, threshold = 1): if verbose > threshold: print('*' * 40, file=sys.stderr) print(stage, file=sys.stderr) print('*' * 40, file=sys.stderr) print('%s' % s, file=sys.stderr) print('*' * 40, file=sys.stderr) # # Stage 1 # def skip_whitespace_and_stars(i, src): while i < len(src) and (src[i].isspace() or (src[i] == '*' and src[i+1] != '/')): i += 1 return i # Discard everything not inside '/* */' style-comments which start at column 0 # Discard any leading blank space or '*' # Discard a single leading '.' # Discard blank lines after a blank line def comment_contents_generator(src): i = 0 while i < len(src) - 2: if src[i] == '\n' and src[i+1] == '/' and src[i+2] == '*': i = i + 3 i = skip_whitespace_and_stars(i, src) if src[i] == '.': i += 1 while i < len(src): if src[i] == '\n': yield '\n' i += 1 # allow a single blank line if i < len(src) and src[i] == '\n': yield '\n' i += 1 i = skip_whitespace_and_stars(i, src) elif src[i] == '*' and src[i+1] == '/': i = i + 2 # If we have just output \n\n, this adds another blank line. # This is the only way a double blank line can occur. yield '\nEND\n' break else: yield src[i] i += 1 else: i += 1 def remove_noncomments(src): src = '\n' + src dst = ''.join(comment_contents_generator(src)) dump(dst, 'extracted from comments') return dst # # Stage 2 # # A command is a single word of at least 3 characters, all uppercase, and alone on a line def iscommand(l): if re.match('^[A-Z_]{3,}\s*$', l): return True return False def command_block_generator(content): command = 'START' text = '' for l in content.splitlines(): if iscommand(l): yield (command, text) command = l.rstrip() text = '' else: text = text + l + '\n' yield (command, text) # Look for commands, which give instructions how to process the following input def process(content): content = content.lstrip() dump(content, 'about to process for commands') # process into a list of tuples of commands and the associated following text # it is important to maintain the order of the sections the commands generate processed = list(command_block_generator(content)) return processed # # Stage 3 # # invoke each command on it's text def perform(processed): for i in processed: c = i[0].rstrip() t = i[1].strip() + '\n' if verbose: print("performing command '%s'" % c, file=sys.stderr) if c in command_dispatch_dict: command_dispatch_dict[c](c, t) else: print("command '%s' is not recognized" % c, file=sys.stderr) # the text following an unrecognized command is discarded # FUNCTION (aka TYPEDEF) # def function(c, l): global refentry global rootelement l = l.strip() if verbose: print('FUNCTION %s' % l, file=sys.stderr) separator = '---' if ';' in l: # fpclassify has an unusual format we also need to handle spliton = ';' l = l.splitlines()[0] elif len(l.splitlines()) > 1: # a few pages like mktemp have two '---' lines spliton = ';' o = '' for i in l.splitlines(): if separator in i: o += i + ';' else: o += i l = o[:-1] else: spliton = '\n' namelist = [] descrlist = [] for a in l.split(spliton): (n, d) = a.split(separator, 1) namelist = namelist + n.split(',') descrlist = descrlist + [d] # only copysign and log1p use <[ ]> markup in descr, # only gets() uses << >> markup # but we should handle it correctly descr = line_markup_convert(', '.join(descrlist)) # fpclassify includes an 'and' we need to discard namelist = map(lambda v: re.sub('^and ', '', v.strip(), 1), namelist) # strip off << >> surrounding name namelist = map(lambda v: v.strip().lstrip('<').rstrip('>'), namelist) if verbose: print(namelist, file=sys.stderr) # additional alternate names may also appear in INDEX commands # create the root element if needed if rootelement is None: rootelement = lxml.etree.Element('refentrycontainer') # FUNCTION implies starting a new refentry if refentry is not None: print("multiple FUNCTIONs without NEWPAGE", file=sys.stderr) exit(1) # create the refentry refentry = lxml.etree.SubElement(rootelement, 'refentry') refentry.append(lxml.etree.Comment(' Generated by makedocbook.py ')) refentry.set('id', namelist[0].lstrip('_')) refmeta = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refmeta') # refentrytitle will be same as refdescriptor, the primary name refentrytitle = lxml.etree.SubElement(refmeta, 'refentrytitle') refentrytitle.text = namelist[0] manvolnum = lxml.etree.SubElement(refmeta, 'manvolnum') manvolnum.text = '3' refnamediv = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refnamediv') # refdescriptor is the primary name, assume we should use the one which # appears first in the list refdescriptor = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refdescriptor') refdescriptor.text = namelist[0] # refname elements exist for all alternate names for n in namelist: refname = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refname') refname.text = n refpurpose = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refpurpose') refnamediv.replace(refpurpose, lxml.etree.fromstring('<refpurpose>' + descr + '</refpurpose>')) # Only FUNCTION currently exists, which implies that the SYNOPSIS should be # a funcsynopsis. If TYPEDEF was to be added, SYNOPSIS should be processed # in a different way, probably producing a refsynopsis. # INDEX # may occur more than once for each FUNCTION giving alternate names this # function should be indexed under # def index(c, l): l = l.strip() if verbose: print('INDEX %s' % l, file=sys.stderr) # discard anything after the first word l = l.split()[0] # add indexterm # (we could just index under all the refnames, but we control the indexing # separately as that is what makedoc does) indexterm = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'indexterm') primary = lxml.etree.SubElement(indexterm, 'primary') primary.text = l # to validate, it seems we need to maintain refentry elements in a certain order refentry[:] = sorted(refentry, key = lambda x: x.tag) # adds another alternate refname refnamediv = refentry.find('refnamediv') # as long as it doesn't already exist if not refnamediv.xpath(('refname[.="%s"]') % l): refname = lxml.etree.SubElement(refnamediv, 'refname') refname.text = l if verbose > 1: print('added refname %s' % l, file=sys.stderr) else: if verbose > 1: print('duplicate refname %s discarded' % l, file=sys.stderr) # to validate, it seems we need to maintain refnamediv elements in a certain order refnamediv[:] = sorted(refnamediv, key = lambda x: x.tag) # SYNOPSIS aka ANSI_SYNOPSIS # ANSI-style synopsis # # Note that makedoc would also process <<code>> markup here, but there are no # such uses. # def synopsis(c, t): refsynopsisdiv = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refsynopsisdiv') funcsynopsis = lxml.etree.SubElement(refsynopsisdiv, 'funcsynopsis') s = '' for l in t.splitlines(): if re.match('\s*(#|\[|struct)', l): # preprocessor # directives, structs, comments in square brackets funcsynopsisinfo = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcsynopsis, 'funcsynopsisinfo') funcsynopsisinfo.text = l.strip() + '\n' elif re.match('[Ll]ink with', l): pass else: s = s + l # a prototype without a terminating ';' is an error if s.endswith(')'): print("'%s' missing terminating semicolon" % l, file=sys.stderr) s = s + ';' exit(1) if ';' in s: synopsis_for_prototype(funcsynopsis, s) s = '' if s.strip(): print("surplus synopsis '%s'" % s, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) def synopsis_for_prototype(funcsynopsis, s): s = s.strip() # funcsynopsis has a very detailed content model, so we need to massage the # bare prototype into it. Fortunately, since the parameter names are marked # up, we have enough information to do this. for fp in s.split(';'): fp = fp.strip() if fp: if verbose: print("'%s'" % fp, file=sys.stderr) match = re.match(r'(.*?)([\w\d]*) ?\((.*)\)', fp) if verbose: print(match.groups(), file=sys.stderr) funcprototype = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcsynopsis, 'funcprototype') funcdef = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'funcdef') funcdef.text = match.group(1) function = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcdef, 'function') function.text = match.group(2) if match.group(3).strip() == 'void': void = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'void') else: # Split parameters on ',' except if it is inside () for p in re.split(',(?![^()]*\))', match.group(3)): p = p.strip() if verbose: print(p, file=sys.stderr) if p == '...': varargs = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'varargs') else: paramdef = lxml.etree.SubElement(funcprototype, 'paramdef') parameter = lxml.etree.SubElement(paramdef, 'parameter') # <[ ]> enclose the parameter name match2 = re.match('(.*)<\[(.*)\]>(.*)', p) if verbose: print(match2.groups(), file=sys.stderr) paramdef.text = match2.group(1) parameter.text = match2.group(2) parameter.tail = match2.group(3) # DESCRIPTION # (RETURNS, ERRORS, PORTABILITY, BUGS, WARNINGS, SEEALSO, NOTES are handled the same) # # Create a refsect with a title corresponding to the command # # Nearly all the the existing DESCRIPTION contents could be transformed into # DocBook with a few regex substitutions. Unfortunately, pages like sprintf and # sscanf, have very complex layout using nested tables and itemized lists, which # it is best to parse in order to transform correctly. # def refsect(t, s): refsect = lxml.etree.SubElement(refentry, 'refsect1') title = lxml.etree.SubElement(refsect, 'title') title.text = t.title() if verbose: print('%s has %d paragraphs' % (t, len(s.split('\n\n'))) , file=sys.stderr) if verbose > 1: dump(s, 'before lexing') # dump out lexer token sequence lex.input(s) for tok in lexer: print(tok, file=sys.stderr) # parse the section text for makedoc markup and the few pieces of texinfo # markup we understand, and output an XML marked-up string xml = parser.parse(s, tracking=True, debug=(verbose > 2)) dump(xml, 'after parsing') xml = '<refsect1>' + xml + '</refsect1>' refsect.extend(lxml.etree.fromstring(xml)) def seealso(c, t): refsect('SEE ALSO', t) # NEWPAGE # # start a new refentry def newpage(c, t): global refentry refentry = None # command dispatch table def discarded(c, t): return command_dispatch_dict = { 'FUNCTION' : function, 'TYPEDEF' : function, # TYPEDEF is not currently used, but described in doc.str 'INDEX' : index, 'TRAD_SYNOPSIS' : discarded, # K&R-style synopsis, obsolete and discarded 'ANSI_SYNOPSIS' : synopsis, 'SYNOPSIS' : synopsis, 'DESCRIPTION' : refsect, 'RETURNS' : refsect, 'ERRORS' : refsect, 'PORTABILITY' : refsect, 'BUGS' : refsect, 'WARNINGS' : refsect, 'SEEALSO' : seealso, 'NOTES' : refsect, # NOTES is not described in doc.str, so is currently discarded by makedoc, but that doesn't seem right 'QUICKREF' : discarded, # The intent of QUICKREF and MATHREF is not obvious, but they don't generate any output currently 'MATHREF' : discarded, 'START' : discarded, # a START command is inserted to contain the text before the first command 'END' : discarded, # an END command is inserted merely to terminate the text for the last command in a comment block 'NEWPAGE' : newpage, } # # Utility functions # # apply transformations which are easy to do in-place def line_markup_convert(p): s = p; # process the texinfo escape for an @ s = s.replace('@@', '@') # escape characters not allowed in XML s = s.replace('&','&') s = s.replace('<','<') s = s.replace('>','>') # convert <<somecode>> to <code>somecode</code> and <[var]> to # <varname>var</varname> # also handle nested << <[ ]> >> correctly s = s.replace('<<','<code>') s = s.replace('<[','<varname>') s = s.replace(']>','</varname>') s = s.replace('>>','</code>') # also convert some simple texinfo markup # convert @emph{foo} to <emphasis>foo</emphasis> s = re.sub('@emph{(.*?)}', '<emphasis>\\1</emphasis>', s) # convert @strong{foo} to <emphasis role=strong>foo</emphasis> s = re.sub('@strong{(.*?)}', '<emphasis role="strong">\\1</emphasis>', s) # convert @minus{} to U+2212 MINUS SIGN s = s.replace('@minus{}', '−') # convert @dots{} to U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS s = s.replace('@dots{}', '…') # convert xref and pxref s = re.sub('@xref{(.*?)}', "See <xref linkend='\\1'/>", s) # very hacky way of dealing with @* to force a newline s = s.replace('@*', '</para><para>') if (verbose > 3) and (s != p): print('%s-> line_markup_convert ->\n%s' % (p, s), file=sys.stderr) return s # # lexer # texinfo_commands = { 'ifnottex' : 'IFNOTTEX', 'end ifnottex' : 'ENDIFNOTTEX', 'tex' : 'IFTEX', 'end tex' : 'ENDIFTEX', 'comment' : 'COMMENT', 'c ' : 'COMMENT', 'multitable' : 'MULTICOLUMNTABLE', 'end multitable' : 'ENDMULTICOLUMNTABLE', 'headitem' : 'MCT_HEADITEM', 'tab' : 'MCT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR', 'item' : 'MCT_ITEM', } # token names tokens = [ 'BLANKLINE', 'BULLETEND', 'BULLETSTART', 'COURIER', 'EOF', 'ITEM', 'TABLEEND', 'TABLESTART', 'TEXINFO', 'TEXT', ] + list(set(texinfo_commands.values())) # regular expression rules for tokens, in priority order # (all these expressions should match a whole line) def t_TEXINFO(t): # this matches any @command. but not @command{} which just happens to be at # the start of a line r'@\w+[^{]*?\n' # if the line starts with a known texinfo command, change t.type to the # token for that command for k in texinfo_commands.keys(): if t.value[1:].startswith(k): t.type = texinfo_commands[k] break return t def t_COURIER(t): r'[.|].*\n' t.value = line_markup_convert(t.value[1:]) return t def t_BULLETSTART(t): r'O\+\n' return t def t_BULLETEND(t): r'O-\n' return t def t_TABLESTART(t): r'o\+\n' return t def t_TABLEEND(t): r'o-\n' return t def t_ITEM(t): r'o\s.*\n' t.value = re.sub('o\s', '', lexer.lexmatch.group(0), 1) t.value = line_markup_convert(t.value) return t def t_TEXT(t): r'.+\n' t.value = line_markup_convert(t.value) t.lexer.lineno += 1 return t def t_BLANKLINE(t): r'\n' t.lexer.lineno += 1 return t def t_eof(t): if hasattr(t.lexer,'at_eof'): # remove eof flag ready for lexing next input delattr(t.lexer,'at_eof') t.lexer.lineno = 0 return None t.type = 'EOF' t.lexer.at_eof = True; return t # Error handling rule def t_error(t): print("tokenization error, remaining text '%s'" % t.value, file=sys.stderr) exit(1) lexer = lex.lex() # # parser # def parser_verbose(p): if verbose > 2: print(p[0], file=sys.stderr) def p_input(p): '''input : paragraph | input paragraph''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) # Strictly, text at top level should be paragraphs (i.e terminated by a # BLANKLINE), while text contained in rows or bullets may not be, but this # grammar doesn't enforce that for simplicity's sake. def p_paragraph(p): '''paragraph : paragraph_content maybe_eof_or_blankline''' p[0] = '<para>\n' + p[1] + '</para>' parser_verbose(p) def p_paragraph_content(p): '''paragraph_content : paragraph_line | paragraph_line paragraph_content''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[1] + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) def p_paragraph_line(p): '''paragraph_line : TEXT | texinfocmd | courierblock | table | bulletlist''' p[0] = p[1] def p_empty(p): 'empty :' p[0] = '' def p_maybe_eof_or_blankline(p): '''maybe_eof_or_blankline : empty | EOF | BLANKLINE | BLANKLINE EOF''' p[0] = '' def p_maybe_lines(p): '''maybe_lines : empty | paragraph maybe_lines''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[1] + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) def p_maybe_blankline(p): '''maybe_blankline : empty | BLANKLINE''' p[0] = '' def p_courierblock(p): '''courierblock : courier''' p[0] = '<literallayout class="monospaced">' + p[1] + '</literallayout>' parser_verbose(p) def p_courier(p): '''courier : COURIER | COURIER courier''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[1] + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) def p_bullet(p): '''bullet : ITEM maybe_lines | ITEM BLANKLINE maybe_lines''' if len(p) == 3: # Glue any text in ITEM into the first para of maybe_lines # (This is an unfortunate consequence of the line-based tokenization we do) if p[2].startswith('<para>'): p[0] = '<listitem><para>' + p[1] + p[2][len('<para>'):] + '</listitem>' else: p[0] = '<listitem><para>' + p[1] + '</para>' + p[2] + '</listitem>' else: p[0] = '<listitem><para>' + p[1] + '</para>' + p[3] + '</listitem>' parser_verbose(p) def p_bullets(p): '''bullets : bullet | bullet bullets''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) def p_bulletlist(p): '''bulletlist : BULLETSTART bullets BULLETEND maybe_blankline''' p[0] = '<itemizedlist>' + p[2] + '</itemizedlist>' parser_verbose(p) def p_row(p): '''row : ITEM maybe_lines | ITEM BLANKLINE maybe_lines''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = '<row><entry><code>' + p[1] + '</code></entry><entry>' + p[2] + '</entry></row>' else: p[0] = '<row><entry><code>' + p[1] + '</code></entry><entry>' + p[3] + '</entry></row>' parser_verbose(p) def p_rows(p): '''rows : row | row rows''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) def p_table(p): '''table : TABLESTART rows TABLEEND maybe_blankline''' p[0] = '<informaltable><tgroup cols="2"><tbody>' + p[2] + '</tbody></tgroup></informaltable>' parser_verbose(p) def p_texinfocmd(p): '''texinfocmd : unknown_texinfocmd | comment | multitable | nottex | tex''' p[0] = p[1] def p_unknown_texinfocmd(p): '''unknown_texinfocmd : TEXINFO''' print("unknown texinfo command '%s'" % p[1].strip(), file=sys.stderr) p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) def p_nottex(p): '''nottex : IFNOTTEX paragraph_content ENDIFNOTTEX''' p[0] = p[2] def p_tex(p): '''tex : IFTEX paragraph_content ENDIFTEX''' # text for TeX formatter inside @iftex is discarded p[0] = '' def p_comment(p): '''comment : COMMENT''' # comment text is discarded p[0] = '' def p_mct_columns(p): '''mct_columns : maybe_lines | maybe_lines MCT_COLUMN_SEPARATOR mct_columns''' if len(p) == 4: p[0] = '<entry>' + p[1] + '</entry>' + p[3] else: p[0] = '<entry>' + p[1] + '</entry>' parser_verbose(p) def p_mct_row(p): '''mct_row : MCT_ITEM mct_columns''' p[0] = '<row>' + p[2] + '</row>' parser_verbose(p) def p_mct_rows(p): '''mct_rows : mct_row | mct_row mct_rows''' if len(p) == 3: p[0] = p[1] + '\n' + p[2] else: p[0] = p[1] parser_verbose(p) def p_mct_header(p): '''mct_header : MCT_HEADITEM mct_columns''' p[0] = '<row>' + p[2] + '</row>' parser_verbose(p) def p_multitable(p): '''multitable : MULTICOLUMNTABLE mct_header mct_rows ENDMULTICOLUMNTABLE''' # this doesn't handle the prototype row form of @multitable, only the @columnfractions form colfrac = p[1].replace('@multitable @columnfractions', '').split() colspec = '\n'.join(['<colspec colwidth="%s*"/>' % (c) for c in colfrac]) header = '<thead>' + p[2] + '</thead>\n' body = '<tbody>' + p[3] + '</tbody>\n' p[0] = '<informaltable><tgroup cols="' + str(len(colfrac)) +'">' + colspec + header + body + '</tgroup></informaltable>' parser_verbose(p) def p_error(t): print('parse error at line %d, token %s, next token %s' % (t.lineno, t, parser.token()), file=sys.stderr) exit(1) parser = yacc.yacc(start='input') # # # def main(file): content = file.read() content = remove_noncomments(content) processed = process(content) perform(processed) # output the XML tree s = lxml.etree.tostring(rootelement, pretty_print=True) if not s: print('No output produced (perhaps the input has no makedoc markup?)', file=sys.stderr) exit(1) print(s) # warn about texinfo commands which didn't get processed match = re.search('@[a-z*]+', s) if match: print('texinfo command %s remains in output' % match.group(), file=sys.stderr) # # # if __name__ == '__main__' : options = OptionParser() options.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count', dest = 'verbose') options.add_option('-c', '--cache', action='store_true', dest = 'cache', help="just ensure PLY cache is up to date") (opts, args) = options.parse_args() if opts.cache: sys.exit() verbose = opts.verbose if len(args) > 0: main(open(args[0], 'rb')) else: main(sys.stdin)