/* * File: cancel5.c * * Test Synopsis: Test calling pthread_cancel from the main thread * without calling pthread_self() in main. * * Test Method (Validation or Falsification): * - * * Requirements Tested: * - * * Features Tested: * - * * Cases Tested: * - * * Description: * - * * Environment: * - * * Input: * - None. * * Output: * - File name, Line number, and failed expression on failure. * - No output on success. * * Assumptions: * - have working pthread_create, pthread_self, pthread_mutex_lock/unlock * pthread_testcancel, pthread_cancel, pthread_join * * Pass Criteria: * - Process returns zero exit status. * * Fail Criteria: * - Process returns non-zero exit status. */ #include "test.h" /* * Create NUMTHREADS threads in addition to the Main thread. */ enum { NUMTHREADS = 10 }; typedef struct bag_t_ bag_t; struct bag_t_ { int threadnum; int started; /* Add more per-thread state variables here */ int count; }; static bag_t threadbag[NUMTHREADS + 1]; void * mythread(void * arg) { void* result = (void*)((int)(size_t)PTHREAD_CANCELED + 1); bag_t * bag = (bag_t *) arg; assert(bag == &threadbag[bag->threadnum]); assert(bag->started == 0); bag->started = 1; /* Set to known state and type */ assert(pthread_setcancelstate(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ENABLE, NULL) == 0); assert(pthread_setcanceltype(PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL) == 0); /* * We wait up to 30 seconds for a cancelation to be applied to us. */ for (bag->count = 0; bag->count < 30; bag->count++) { /* Busy wait to avoid Sleep(), since we can't asynchronous cancel inside a kernel function. (This is still somewhat fragile as if the async cancel can fail if it happens to occur while we're inside the kernel function that time() calls...) */ time_t start = time(NULL); while ((time(NULL) - start) < 1) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 1E7; i++) __asm__ volatile ("pause":::); } } /* Notice if asynchronous cancel got deferred */ pthread_testcancel(); return result; } int main() { int failed = 0; int i; pthread_t t[NUMTHREADS + 1]; int ran_to_completion = 0; for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++) { threadbag[i].started = 0; threadbag[i].threadnum = i; assert(pthread_create(&t[i], NULL, mythread, &threadbag[i]) == 0); } /* * Code to control or munipulate child threads should probably go here. */ Sleep(500); for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++) { assert(pthread_cancel(t[i]) == 0); } /* * Give threads time to run. */ Sleep(NUMTHREADS * 100); /* * Standard check that all threads started. */ for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++) { if (!threadbag[i].started) { failed |= !threadbag[i].started; fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d: started %d\n", i, threadbag[i].started); } } assert(!failed); /* * Check any results here. Set "failed" and only print output on failure. */ failed = 0; for (i = 1; i <= NUMTHREADS; i++) { int fail = 0; void* result = (void*)((int)(size_t)PTHREAD_CANCELED + 1); /* * The thread does not contain any cancelation points, so * a return value of PTHREAD_CANCELED confirms that async * cancelation succeeded. */ assert(pthread_join(t[i], &result) == 0); fail = (result != PTHREAD_CANCELED); if (fail) { fprintf(stderr, "Thread %d: started %d: count %d: result %d\n", i, threadbag[i].started, threadbag[i].count, result); } if (threadbag[i].count >= 30) ran_to_completion++; failed = (failed || fail); } if (ran_to_completion >= 10) { fprintf(stderr, "All threads ran to completion, async cancellation never happened\n"); failed = TRUE; } assert(!failed); /* * Success. */ return 0; }