/* fhandler_netdrive.cc: fhandler for // and //MACHINE handling This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include "cygerrno.h" #include "security.h" #include "path.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include "cygthread.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include /* SMBv1 is deprectated and not even installed by default anymore on Windows 10 and 11 machines or their servers. So this fhandler class now uses Network Discovery, which, unfortunately, requires to use the shell API. */ /* Define the required GUIDs here to avoid linking with libuuid.a */ const GUID FOLDERID_NetworkFolder = { 0xd20beec4, 0x5ca8, 0x4905, { 0xae, 0x3b, 0xbf, 0x25, 0x1e, 0xa0, 0x9b, 0x53 } }; const GUID BHID_StorageEnum = { 0x4621a4e3, 0xf0d6, 0x4773, { 0x8a, 0x9c, 0x46, 0xe7, 0x7b, 0x17, 0x48, 0x40 } }; const GUID BHID_EnumItems = { 0x94f60519, 0x2850, 0x4924, { 0xaa, 0x5a, 0xd1, 0x5e, 0x84, 0x86, 0x80, 0x39 } }; class dir_cache { size_t max_entries; size_t num_entries; wchar_t **entry; public: dir_cache () : max_entries (0), num_entries (0), entry (NULL) {} ~dir_cache () { while (num_entries > 0) free (entry[--num_entries]); free (entry); } void add (wchar_t *str) { if (num_entries >= max_entries) { wchar_t **newentry; newentry = (wchar_t **) realloc (entry, (max_entries + 10) * sizeof (wchar_t *)); if (!newentry) return; entry = newentry; max_entries += 10; } entry[num_entries] = wcsdup (str); if (entry[num_entries]) { wchar_t *p = entry[num_entries]; while ((*p = towlower (*p))) ++p; ++num_entries; } } inline wchar_t *operator [](size_t idx) const { if (idx < num_entries) return entry[idx]; return NULL; } }; #define DIR_cache (*reinterpret_cast (dir->__handle)) struct netdriveinf { DIR *dir; int err; bool test_only; HANDLE sem; }; static inline int hresult_to_errno (HRESULT wres, bool test_only = false) { if (SUCCEEDED (wres)) return 0; /* IEnumShellItems::Reset returns E_NOTIMPL when called for share enumeration. However, if the machine doesn't exist, the Win32 error ERROR_BAD_NETPATH (converted into a HRESULT) is returned. In test_only mode, we exploit this. Also, E_ACCESSDENIED is a funny one. It means, the machine exists, you just have no right to access the share list, or SMB doesn't run. */ if (test_only && (wres == E_NOTIMPL || wres == E_ACCESSDENIED)) return 0; if (((ULONG) wres & 0xffff0000) == (ULONG) MAKE_HRESULT(SEVERITY_ERROR, FACILITY_WIN32, 0)) return geterrno_from_win_error ((ULONG) wres & 0xffff); return EACCES; } static DWORD thread_netdrive (void *arg) { netdriveinf *ndi = (netdriveinf *) arg; DIR *dir = ndi->dir; IEnumShellItems *netitem_enum; IShellItem *netparent; HRESULT wres; ReleaseSemaphore (ndi->sem, 1, NULL); size_t len = strlen (dir->__d_dirname); wres = CoInitialize (NULL); if (FAILED (wres)) { ndi->err = hresult_to_errno (wres); goto out; } if (len == 2) /* // */ { wres = SHGetKnownFolderItem (FOLDERID_NetworkFolder, KF_FLAG_DEFAULT, NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS (&netparent)); if (FAILED (wres)) { ndi->err = hresult_to_errno (wres); goto out; } } else { wchar_t name[CYG_MAX_PATH]; sys_mbstowcs (name, CYG_MAX_PATH, dir->__d_dirname); name[0] = L'\\'; name[1] = L'\\'; wres = SHCreateItemFromParsingName (name, NULL, IID_PPV_ARGS (&netparent)); if (FAILED (wres)) { ndi->err = hresult_to_errno (wres); goto out; } } wres = netparent->BindToHandler (NULL, len == 2 ? BHID_StorageEnum : BHID_EnumItems, IID_PPV_ARGS (&netitem_enum)); if (FAILED (wres)) { ndi->err = hresult_to_errno (wres); netparent->Release (); goto out; } if (len == 2 || ndi->test_only) { wres = netitem_enum->Reset (); if (FAILED (wres) || ndi->test_only) { ndi->err = hresult_to_errno (wres, ndi->test_only); netitem_enum->Release (); netparent->Release (); goto out; } /* Don't look at me! Network discovery is very unreliable and the list of machines returned is just fly-by-night, if the enumerator doesn't have enough time. The fact that you see *most* (but not necessarily *all*) machines on the network in Windows Explorer is a result of the enumeration running in a loop. You can observe this when rebooting a remote machine and it disappears and reappears in the Explorer Network list. However, this is no option for the command line. We need to be able to enumerate in a single go, since we can't just linger during readdir() and reset the enumeration multiple times until we have a supposedly full list. This makes the following Sleep necessary. Sleeping ~3secs after Reset fills the enumeration with high probability with almost all available machines. */ Sleep (3000L); } dir->__handle = (char *) new dir_cache (); do { IShellItem *netitem[10] = { 0 }; LPWSTR item_name = NULL; ULONG count; wres = netitem_enum->Next (10, netitem, &count); if (SUCCEEDED (wres) && count > 0) { for (ULONG idx = 0; idx < count; ++idx) { if (netitem[idx]->GetDisplayName (SIGDN_PARENTRELATIVEPARSING, &item_name) == S_OK) { DIR_cache.add (item_name); CoTaskMemFree (item_name); } netitem[idx]->Release (); } } } while (wres == S_OK); netitem_enum->Release (); netparent->Release (); ndi->err = 0; out: CoUninitialize (); ReleaseSemaphore (ndi->sem, 1, NULL); return 0; } static DWORD create_thread_and_wait (DIR *dir, bool test_only) { netdriveinf ndi = { dir, 0, test_only, CreateSemaphore (&sec_none_nih, 0, 2, NULL) }; cygthread *thr = new cygthread (thread_netdrive, &ndi, "netdrive"); if (thr->detach (ndi.sem)) ndi.err = EINTR; CloseHandle (ndi.sem); return ndi.err; } virtual_ftype_t fhandler_netdrive::exists () { if (strlen (get_name ()) == 2) return virt_rootdir; DIR dir = { 0 }; dir.__d_dirname = (char *) get_name (); int ret = create_thread_and_wait (&dir, true); return ret ? virt_none : virt_directory; } fhandler_netdrive::fhandler_netdrive (): fhandler_virtual () { } int fhandler_netdrive::fstat (struct stat *buf) { const char *path = get_name (); debug_printf ("fstat (%s)", path); fhandler_base::fstat (buf); buf->st_mode = S_IFDIR | STD_RBITS | STD_XBITS; buf->st_ino = get_ino (); return 0; } DIR * fhandler_netdrive::opendir (int fd) { DIR *dir; int ret; dir = fhandler_virtual::opendir (fd); if (dir && (ret = create_thread_and_wait (dir, false))) { free (dir->__d_dirname); free (dir->__d_dirent); free (dir); dir = NULL; set_errno (ret); syscall_printf ("%p = opendir (%s)", dir, get_name ()); } return dir; } int fhandler_netdrive::readdir (DIR *dir, dirent *de) { int ret; if (!DIR_cache[dir->__d_position]) { ret = ENMFILE; goto out; } if (strlen (dir->__d_dirname) == 2) { sys_wcstombs (de->d_name, sizeof de->d_name, DIR_cache[dir->__d_position] + 2); de->d_ino = hash_path_name (get_ino (), de->d_name); } else { char full[2 * CYG_MAX_PATH]; char *s; sys_wcstombs (de->d_name, sizeof de->d_name, DIR_cache[dir->__d_position]); s = stpcpy (full, dir->__d_dirname); *s++ = '/'; stpcpy (s, de->d_name); de->d_ino = readdir_get_ino (full, false); } dir->__d_position++; de->d_type = DT_DIR; ret = 0; out: syscall_printf ("%d = readdir(%p, %p)", ret, dir, de); return ret; } void fhandler_netdrive::seekdir (DIR *dir, long pos) { ::rewinddir (dir); if (pos < 0) return; while (dir->__d_position < pos) if (readdir (dir, dir->__d_dirent)) break; } void fhandler_netdrive::rewinddir (DIR *dir) { dir->__d_position = 0; } int fhandler_netdrive::closedir (DIR *dir) { if (dir->__handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) delete &DIR_cache; return fhandler_virtual::closedir (dir); } int fhandler_netdrive::open (int flags, mode_t mode) { if ((flags & (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) == (O_CREAT | O_EXCL)) { set_errno (EEXIST); return 0; } if (flags & O_WRONLY) { set_errno (EISDIR); return 0; } /* Open a fake handle to \\Device\\Null */ return open_null (flags); } int fhandler_netdrive::close () { /* Skip fhandler_virtual::close, which is a no-op. */ return fhandler_base::close (); }