/* * gmtime.c * Original Author: G. Haley * * Converts the calendar time pointed to by tim_p into a broken-down time * expressed as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Returns a pointer to a structure * containing the broken-down time, or a null pointer if GMT is not * available. */ /* FUNCTION <>---convert time to UTC traditional form INDEX gmtime ANSI_SYNOPSIS #include struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *<[clock]>); struct tm *gmtime_r(const time_t *<[clock]>, struct tm *<[res]>); TRAD_SYNOPSIS #include struct tm *gmtime(<[clock]>) const time_t *<[clock]>; struct tm *gmtime_r(<[clock]>, <[res]>) const time_t *<[clock]>; struct tm *<[res]>; DESCRIPTION <> takes the time at <[clock]> representing the number of elapsed seconds since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Universal Coordinated Time (UTC, also known in some countries as GMT, Greenwich Mean time) and converts it to a <> representation. <> constructs the traditional time representation in static storage; each call to <> or <> will overwrite the information generated by previous calls to either function. RETURNS A pointer to the traditional time representation (<>). PORTABILITY ANSI C requires <>. <> requires no supporting OS subroutines. */ #include #include #define _GMT_OFFSET 0 #ifndef _REENT_ONLY struct tm * _DEFUN (gmtime, (tim_p), _CONST time_t * tim_p) { _REENT_CHECK_TM(_REENT); return gmtime_r (tim_p, (struct tm *)_REENT_TM(_REENT)); } #endif