/* shared.cc: shared data area support. This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include "miscfuncs.h" #include <unistd.h> #include "cygerrno.h" #include "pinfo.h" #include "path.h" #include "fhandler.h" #include "dtable.h" #include "cygheap.h" #include "heap.h" #include "shared_info_magic.h" #include "registry.h" #include "cygwin_version.h" #include "spinlock.h" #include <alloca.h> #include <wchar.h> shared_info NO_COPY *cygwin_shared; user_info NO_COPY *user_shared; HANDLE NO_COPY cygwin_shared_h; HANDLE NO_COPY cygwin_user_h; /* This function returns a handle to the top-level directory in the global NT namespace used to implement global objects including shared memory. */ static HANDLE NO_COPY shared_parent_dir; HANDLE get_shared_parent_dir () { UNICODE_STRING uname; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr; NTSTATUS status; if (!shared_parent_dir) { WCHAR bnoname[MAX_PATH]; __small_swprintf (bnoname, L"\\BaseNamedObjects\\%s%s-%S", cygwin_version.shared_id, _cygwin_testing ? cygwin_version.dll_build_date : "", &cygheap->installation_key); RtlInitUnicodeString (&uname, bnoname); InitializeObjectAttributes (&attr, &uname, OBJ_OPENIF, NULL, everyone_sd (CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS)); status = NtCreateDirectoryObject (&shared_parent_dir, CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS, &attr); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) api_fatal ("NtCreateDirectoryObject(%S): %y", &uname, status); } return shared_parent_dir; } static HANDLE NO_COPY session_parent_dir; HANDLE get_session_parent_dir () { UNICODE_STRING uname; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr; NTSTATUS status; if (!session_parent_dir) { PROCESS_SESSION_INFORMATION psi; status = NtQueryInformationProcess (NtCurrentProcess (), ProcessSessionInformation, &psi, sizeof psi, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status) || psi.SessionId == 0) session_parent_dir = get_shared_parent_dir (); else { WCHAR bnoname[MAX_PATH]; __small_swprintf (bnoname, L"\\Sessions\\BNOLINKS\\%d\\%s%s-%S", psi.SessionId, cygwin_version.shared_id, _cygwin_testing ? cygwin_version.dll_build_date : "", &cygheap->installation_key); RtlInitUnicodeString (&uname, bnoname); InitializeObjectAttributes (&attr, &uname, OBJ_OPENIF, NULL, everyone_sd(CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS)); status = NtCreateDirectoryObject (&session_parent_dir, CYG_SHARED_DIR_ACCESS, &attr); if (!NT_SUCCESS (status)) api_fatal ("NtCreateDirectoryObject(%S): %y", &uname, status); } } return session_parent_dir; } char * __stdcall shared_name (char *ret_buf, const char *str, int num) { __small_sprintf (ret_buf, "%s.%d", str, num); return ret_buf; } WCHAR * __stdcall shared_name (WCHAR *ret_buf, const WCHAR *str, int num) { __small_swprintf (ret_buf, L"%W.%d", str, num); return ret_buf; } #define page_const ((ptrdiff_t) 65535) #define pround(n) ((ptrdiff_t)(((n) + page_const) & ~page_const)) /* The order in offsets is so that the constant blocks shared_info and user_info are right below the cygwin DLL, then the pinfo block which changes with each process. Below that is the console_state, an optional block which only exists when running in a Windows console window. Therefore, if we are not running in a console, we have 64K more of contiguous memory below the Cygwin DLL. */ static ptrdiff_t offsets[] = { - pround (sizeof (shared_info)), /* SH_CYGWIN_SHARED */ - pround (sizeof (shared_info)) /* SH_USER_SHARED */ - pround (sizeof (user_info)), - pround (sizeof (shared_info)) /* SH_MYSELF */ - pround (sizeof (user_info)) - pround (sizeof (_pinfo)), - pround (sizeof (shared_info)) /* SH_SHARED_CONSOLE */ - pround (sizeof (user_info)) - pround (sizeof (_pinfo)) - pround (sizeof (fhandler_console::console_state)), 0 }; #define off_addr(x) ((void *)((caddr_t) cygwin_hmodule + offsets[x])) void * __stdcall open_shared (const WCHAR *name, int n, HANDLE& shared_h, DWORD size, shared_locations m, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa, DWORD access) { return open_shared (name, n, shared_h, size, &m, psa, access); } void * __stdcall open_shared (const WCHAR *name, int n, HANDLE& shared_h, DWORD size, shared_locations *m, PSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES psa, DWORD access) { void *shared; void *addr; if (*m == SH_JUSTCREATE || *m == SH_JUSTOPEN) addr = NULL; else { addr = off_addr (*m); VirtualFree (addr, 0, MEM_RELEASE); } WCHAR map_buf[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR *mapname = NULL; if (shared_h) *m = SH_JUSTOPEN; else { if (name) mapname = shared_name (map_buf, name, n); if (*m == SH_JUSTOPEN) shared_h = OpenFileMappingW (access, FALSE, mapname); else { shared_h = CreateFileMappingW (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, psa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, size, mapname); if (GetLastError () == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) *m = SH_JUSTOPEN; } if (shared_h) /* ok! */; else if (*m != SH_JUSTOPEN) api_fatal ("CreateFileMapping %W, %E. Terminating.", mapname); else return NULL; } shared = (shared_info *) MapViewOfFileEx (shared_h, access, 0, 0, 0, addr); if (!shared && addr) { shared = (shared_info *) MapViewOfFileEx (shared_h, FILE_MAP_READ|FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0, NULL); #ifdef DEBUGGING system_printf ("relocating shared object %W(%d) from %p to %p", name, n, addr, shared); #endif offsets[0] = 0; } if (!shared) api_fatal ("MapViewOfFileEx '%W'(%p), %E. Terminating.", mapname, shared_h); if (*m == SH_CYGWIN_SHARED && offsets[0]) { /* Reserve subsequent shared memory areas in non-relocated case only. There's no good reason to reserve the console shmem, because it's not yet known if we will allocate it at all. */ for (int i = SH_USER_SHARED; i < SH_SHARED_CONSOLE; i++) { DWORD size = offsets[i - 1] - offsets[i]; if (!VirtualAlloc (off_addr (i), size, MEM_RESERVE, PAGE_NOACCESS)) continue; /* oh well */ } } debug_printf ("name %W, n %d, shared %p (wanted %p), h %p, *m %d", mapname, n, shared, addr, shared_h, *m); return shared; } /* Second half of user shared initialization: Initialize content. */ void user_info::initialize () { /* Wait for initialization of the Cygwin per-user shared, if necessary */ spinlock sversion (version, CURR_USER_MAGIC); if (!sversion) { cb = sizeof (*user_shared); /* Initialize mount table from system fstab prior to calling internal_getpwsid. This allows to convert pw_dir and pw_shell paths given in DOS notation to valid POSIX paths. */ mountinfo.init (false); cygpsid sid (cygheap->user.sid ()); struct passwd *pw = internal_getpwsid (sid); /* Correct the user name with what's defined in /etc/passwd before loading the user fstab file. */ if (pw) cygheap->user.set_name (pw->pw_name); /* After fetching the user infos, add mount entries from user's fstab. */ mountinfo.init (true); } else if (sversion != CURR_USER_MAGIC) sversion.multiple_cygwin_problem ("user shared memory version", version, sversion); else if (user_shared->cb != sizeof (*user_shared)) sversion.multiple_cygwin_problem ("user shared memory size", cb, sizeof (*user_shared)); } /* First half of user shared initialization: Create shared mem region. */ void user_info::create (bool reinit) { WCHAR name[UNLEN + 1] = L""; /* Large enough for SID */ if (reinit) { if (!UnmapViewOfFile (user_shared)) debug_printf("UnmapViewOfFile %E"); if (!ForceCloseHandle (cygwin_user_h)) debug_printf("CloseHandle %E"); cygwin_user_h = NULL; } if (!cygwin_user_h) cygheap->user.get_windows_id (name); user_shared = (user_info *) open_shared (name, USER_VERSION, cygwin_user_h, sizeof (user_info), SH_USER_SHARED, &sec_none); debug_printf ("opening user shared for '%W' at %p", name, user_shared); ProtectHandleINH (cygwin_user_h); debug_printf ("user shared version %x", user_shared->version); if (reinit) user_shared->initialize (); } void __stdcall shared_destroy () { ForceCloseHandle (cygwin_shared_h); UnmapViewOfFile (cygwin_shared); ForceCloseHandle (cygwin_user_h); UnmapViewOfFile (user_shared); } /* Initialize obcaseinsensitive.*/ void shared_info::init_obcaseinsensitive () { /* Instead of reading the obcaseinsensitive registry value, test the actual state of case sensitivity handling in the kernel. */ UNICODE_STRING sysroot; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES attr; HANDLE h; RtlInitUnicodeString (&sysroot, L"\\SYSTEMROOT"); InitializeObjectAttributes (&attr, &sysroot, 0, NULL, NULL); /* NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject returns STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED when called with a 0 access mask. However, if the kernel is case sensitive, it returns STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND because we used the incorrect case for the filename (It's actually "\\SystemRoot"). */ obcaseinsensitive = NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject (&h, 0, &attr) != STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND; } void inline shared_info::create () { cygwin_shared = (shared_info *) open_shared (L"shared", CYGWIN_VERSION_SHARED_DATA, cygwin_shared_h, sizeof (*cygwin_shared), SH_CYGWIN_SHARED, &sec_all_nih); cygwin_shared->initialize (); } void shared_info::initialize () { spinlock sversion (version, CURR_SHARED_MAGIC); if (!sversion) { LUID luid; cb = sizeof (*this); get_session_parent_dir (); /* Create session dir if first process. */ init_obcaseinsensitive (); /* Initialize obcaseinsensitive */ tty.init (); /* Initialize tty table */ mt.initialize (); /* Initialize shared tape information */ loadavg.initialize (); /* Initialize loadavg information */ NtAllocateLocallyUniqueId (&luid);/* Initialize pid_src to a low */ InterlockedExchange (&pid_src, /* random value to make start pid */ luid.LowPart % 2048);/* less predictably */ forkable_hardlink_support = 0; /* 0: Unknown, 1: Yes, -1: No */ /* Defer debug output printing the installation root and installation key up to this point. Debug output except for system_printf requires the global shared memory to exist. */ debug_printf ("Installation root: <%W> key: <%S>", cygheap->installation_root, &cygheap->installation_key); } else if (sversion != CURR_SHARED_MAGIC) sversion.multiple_cygwin_problem ("system shared memory version", sversion, CURR_SHARED_MAGIC); else if (cb != sizeof (*this)) system_printf ("size of shared memory region changed from %lu to %u", sizeof (*this), cb); /* FIXME? Shouldn't this be in memory_init? */ cygheap->user_heap.init (); } void memory_init () { shared_info::create (); /* Initialize global shared memory */ user_info::create (false); /* Initialize per-user shared memory */ /* Initialize tty list session stuff. Doesn't really belong here but this needs to be initialized before any tty or console manipulation happens and it is a common location. */ tty_list::init_session (); }