/* sched.cc: scheduler interface for Cygwin Written by Robert Collins <rbtcollins@hotmail.com> This file is part of Cygwin. This software is a copyrighted work licensed under the terms of the Cygwin license. Please consult the file "CYGWIN_LICENSE" for details. */ #include "winsup.h" #include "miscfuncs.h" #include "cygerrno.h" #include "pinfo.h" #include "clock.h" /* for getpid */ #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/param.h> #include "registry.h" /* Win32 priority to UNIX priority Mapping. */ extern "C" { /* We support prio values from 1 to 32. This is marginally in line with Linux (1 - 99) and matches the POSIX requirement to support at least 32 priority values. */ /* max priority for policy */ int sched_get_priority_max (int policy) { switch (policy) { case SCHED_FIFO: case SCHED_RR: case SCHED_OTHER: return 32; } set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } /* min priority for policy */ int sched_get_priority_min (int policy) { switch (policy) { case SCHED_FIFO: case SCHED_RR: case SCHED_OTHER: return 1; } set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } /* Check a scheduler parameter struct for valid settings */ bool valid_sched_parameters (const struct sched_param *param) { return param->sched_priority >= 1 && param->sched_priority <= 32; } /* get sched params for process Note, we're never returning EPERM, always ESRCH. This is by design. Walking the pid values is a known hole in some OSes. */ int sched_getparam (pid_t pid, struct sched_param *param) { pid_t localpid; if (!param || pid < 0) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } localpid = pid ? pid : getpid (); DWORD pclass; HANDLE process; pinfo p (localpid); /* get the class */ if (!p) { set_errno (ESRCH); return -1; } process = OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, FALSE, p->dwProcessId); if (!process) { set_errno (ESRCH); return -1; } pclass = GetPriorityClass (process); CloseHandle (process); if (!pclass) { set_errno (ESRCH); return -1; } /* calculate the unix priority. */ switch (pclass) { case IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS: param->sched_priority = 3; break; case BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: param->sched_priority = 9; break; case NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: default: param->sched_priority = 15; break; case ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: param->sched_priority = 21; break; case HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS: param->sched_priority = 27; break; case REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: param->sched_priority = 32; break; } return 0; } /* get the scheduler for pid All process's on WIN32 run with SCHED_FIFO. So we just give an answer. (WIN32 uses a multi queue FIFO). */ int sched_getscheduler (pid_t pid) { if (pid < 0) return ESRCH; else return SCHED_FIFO; } /* get the time quantum for pid */ int sched_rr_get_interval (pid_t pid, struct timespec *interval) { static const char quantable[2][2][3] = {{{12, 24, 36}, { 6, 12, 18}}, {{36, 36, 36}, {18, 18, 18}}}; /* FIXME: Clocktickinterval can be 15 ms for multi-processor system. */ static const int clocktickinterval = 10; static const int quantapertick = 3; HWND forwin; DWORD forprocid; DWORD vfindex, slindex, qindex, prisep; long nsec; forwin = GetForegroundWindow (); if (!forwin) GetWindowThreadProcessId (forwin, &forprocid); else forprocid = 0; reg_key reg (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, KEY_READ, L"SYSTEM", L"CurrentControlSet", L"Control", L"PriorityControl", NULL); if (reg.error ()) { set_errno (ESRCH); return -1; } prisep = reg.get_dword (L"Win32PrioritySeparation", 2); pinfo pi (pid ? pid : myself->pid); if (!pi) { set_errno (ESRCH); return -1; } if (pi->dwProcessId == forprocid) { qindex = prisep & 3; qindex = qindex == 3 ? 2 : qindex; } else qindex = 0; vfindex = ((prisep >> 2) & 3) % 3; if (vfindex == 0) vfindex = wincap.is_server () || (prisep & 3) == 0 ? 1 : 0; else vfindex -= 1; slindex = ((prisep >> 4) & 3) % 3; if (slindex == 0) slindex = wincap.is_server () ? 1 : 0; else slindex -= 1; nsec = quantable[vfindex][slindex][qindex] / quantapertick * clocktickinterval * (NSPERSEC / MSPERSEC); interval->tv_sec = nsec / NSPERSEC; interval->tv_nsec = nsec % NSPERSEC; return 0; } /* set the scheduling parameters */ int sched_setparam (pid_t pid, const struct sched_param *param) { pid_t localpid; int pri; DWORD pclass; HANDLE process; if (!param || pid < 0) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } if (!valid_sched_parameters (param)) { set_errno (EINVAL); return -1; } pri = param->sched_priority; /* calculate our desired priority class. We only reserve a small area (31/32) for realtime priority. */ if (pri <= 6) pclass = IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (pri <= 12) pclass = BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (pri <= 18) pclass = NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (pri <= 24) pclass = ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS; else if (pri <= 30) pclass = HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS; else pclass = REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS; localpid = pid ? pid : getpid (); pinfo p (localpid); /* set the class */ if (!p) { set_errno (ESRCH); return -1; } process = OpenProcess (PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, FALSE, p->dwProcessId); if (!process) { set_errno (ESRCH); return -1; } if (!SetPriorityClass (process, pclass)) { CloseHandle (process); set_errno (EPERM); return -1; } CloseHandle (process); return 0; } /* POSIX thread priorities loosely compare to Windows thread base priorities. Base priority is a function of process priority class and thread priority. https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms685100%28v=vs.85%29.aspx Note 1: We deliberately handle the REALTIME prority class the same as the HIGH priority class. Realtime has it's own range from 16 to 31 so half the arena is reserved for REALTIME. The problem is that this isn't visible nor expected in the POSIX scenario. Therefore we hide this here and fold REALTIME into HIGH. Note 2: sched_get_thread_priority is only called internally and only for threads of the current process, with no good reason for the caller to fail. Therefore it never returns an error but a valid priority (base value equivalent to process priority class + THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL... Note 3: ...multiplied by 2 to stretch the priorities over the entire range 1 - 32. */ static int sched_base_prio_from_win_prio_class (DWORD pclass) { int base; switch (pclass) { case IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS: base = 4; break; case BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: base = 6; break; case NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: default: base = 8; break; case ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: base = 10; break; case HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS: case REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: /* See above note 1 */ base = 13; break; } return base; } int sched_get_thread_priority (HANDLE thread) { int tprio; DWORD pclass; int priority; tprio = GetThreadPriority (thread); pclass = GetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess ()); switch (tprio) { case THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN: priority = sched_base_prio_from_win_prio_class (pclass); break; case THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE: priority = 1; break; case THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL: priority = 15; break; default: priority = tprio + sched_base_prio_from_win_prio_class (pclass); break; } return priority << 1; /* See above note 3 */ } int sched_set_thread_priority (HANDLE thread, int priority) { DWORD pclass; int tprio; pclass = GetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess ()); if (!pclass) return EPERM; if (priority < 1 || priority > 32) return EINVAL; priority >>= 1; /* See above note 3 */ if (priority < 1) priority = 1; else if (priority > 15) priority = 15; if (priority == 1) tprio = THREAD_PRIORITY_IDLE; else if (priority == 15) tprio = THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL; else { tprio = priority - sched_base_prio_from_win_prio_class (pclass); /* Intermediate values only allowed in REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS. */ if (pclass != REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS) { if (tprio < THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST) tprio = THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST; else if (tprio > THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST) tprio = THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST; } } if (!SetThreadPriority (thread, tprio)) /* invalid handle, no access are the only expected errors. */ return EPERM; return 0; } /* set the scheduler */ int sched_setscheduler (pid_t pid, int policy, const struct sched_param *param) { /* on win32, you can't change the scheduler. Doh! */ set_errno (ENOSYS); return -1; } /* yield the cpu */ int sched_yield () { SwitchToThread (); return 0; } int sched_getcpu () { if (!wincap.has_processor_groups ()) return (int) GetCurrentProcessorNumber (); PROCESSOR_NUMBER pnum; GetCurrentProcessorNumberEx (&pnum); return pnum.Group * __get_cpus_per_group () + pnum.Number; } /* construct an affinity mask with just the 'count' lower-order bits set */ static __cpu_mask groupmask (int count) { if (count >= (int) (NBBY * sizeof (__cpu_mask))) return ~(__cpu_mask) 0; else return ((__cpu_mask) 1 << count) - 1; } /* return the affinity mask of the indicated group from the given cpu set */ static __cpu_mask getgroup (size_t sizeof_set, const cpu_set_t *set, int groupnum) { int groupsize = __get_cpus_per_group (); int bitindex = groupnum * groupsize; int setsize = NBBY * sizeof_set; // bit size of whole cpu set if (bitindex + groupsize > setsize) return (__cpu_mask) 0; int wordsize = NBBY * sizeof (cpu_set_t); int wordindex = bitindex / wordsize; __cpu_mask result = set->__bits[wordindex]; int offset = bitindex % wordsize; if (offset) { result >>= offset; offset = wordsize - offset; } else offset = wordsize; if (offset < groupsize) result |= (set->__bits[wordindex + 1] << offset); if (groupsize < wordsize) result &= groupmask (groupsize); return result; } /* set the given affinity mask for indicated group within the given cpu set */ static __cpu_mask setgroup (size_t sizeof_set, cpu_set_t *set, int groupnum, __cpu_mask aff) { int groupsize = __get_cpus_per_group (); int bitindex = groupnum * groupsize; int setsize = NBBY * sizeof_set; // bit size of whole cpu set if (bitindex + groupsize > setsize) return (__cpu_mask) 0; int wordsize = NBBY * sizeof (cpu_set_t); int wordindex = bitindex / wordsize; int offset = bitindex % wordsize; __cpu_mask mask = groupmask (groupsize); aff &= mask; set->__bits[wordindex] &= ~(mask << offset); set->__bits[wordindex] |= aff << offset; if ((bitindex + groupsize - 1) / wordsize != wordindex) { offset = wordsize - offset; set->__bits[wordindex + 1] &= ~(mask >> offset); set->__bits[wordindex + 1] |= aff >> offset; } return aff; } /* figure out which processor group the set bits indicate; can only be one */ static int whichgroup (size_t sizeof_set, const cpu_set_t *set) { int res = -1; int maxgroup = min (__get_group_count (), (NBBY * sizeof_set) / __get_cpus_per_group ()); for (int i = 0; i < maxgroup; ++i) if (getgroup (sizeof_set, set, i)) { if (res >= 0) return -1; // error return if more than one group indicated else res = i; // remember first group found } return res; } int sched_get_thread_affinity (HANDLE thread, size_t sizeof_set, cpu_set_t *set) { int status = 0; if (thread) { memset (set, 0, sizeof_set); if (wincap.has_processor_groups () && __get_group_count () > 1) { GROUP_AFFINITY ga; if (!GetThreadGroupAffinity (thread, &ga)) { status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } setgroup (sizeof_set, set, ga.Group, ga.Mask); } else { THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION tbi; status = NtQueryInformationThread (thread, ThreadBasicInformation, &tbi, sizeof (tbi), NULL); if (NT_SUCCESS (status)) setgroup (sizeof_set, set, 0, tbi.AffinityMask); else status = geterrno_from_nt_status (status); } } else status = ESRCH; done: return status; } int __sched_getaffinity_sys (pid_t pid, size_t sizeof_set, cpu_set_t *set) { /* Emulate Linux raw sched_getaffinity syscall for benefit of taskset(1) */ HANDLE process = 0; int status = 0; pinfo p (pid ? pid : getpid ()); if (p) { process = pid && pid != myself->pid ? OpenProcess (PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, FALSE, p->dwProcessId) : GetCurrentProcess (); KAFFINITY procmask; KAFFINITY sysmask; if (!GetProcessAffinityMask (process, &procmask, &sysmask)) { status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } memset (set, 0, sizeof_set); if (wincap.has_processor_groups () && __get_group_count () > 1) { USHORT groupcount = __CPU_GROUPMAX; USHORT grouparray[__CPU_GROUPMAX]; if (!GetProcessGroupAffinity (process, &groupcount, grouparray)) { status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } KAFFINITY miscmask = groupmask (__get_cpus_per_group ()); for (int i = 0; i < groupcount; i++) setgroup (sizeof_set, set, grouparray[i], miscmask); } else setgroup (sizeof_set, set, 0, procmask); } else status = ESRCH; done: if (process && process != GetCurrentProcess ()) CloseHandle (process); if (status) { set_errno (status); return -1; } /* On successful return, we would ordinarily return 0, but instead we emulate the behavior of the raw sched_getaffinity syscall on Linux. */ return min (sizeof_set, sizeof (cpu_set_t)); } int sched_getaffinity (pid_t pid, size_t sizeof_set, cpu_set_t *set) { /* Emulate the Linux glibc interface of sched_getaffinity() by calling the raw syscall emulation and mapping positive results to 0. */ int status = __sched_getaffinity_sys (pid, sizeof_set, set); return status > 0 ? 0 : status; } int sched_set_thread_affinity (HANDLE thread, size_t sizeof_set, const cpu_set_t *set) { int group = whichgroup (sizeof_set, set); int status = 0; if (thread) { if (wincap.has_processor_groups () && __get_group_count () > 1) { GROUP_AFFINITY ga; if (group < 0) { status = EINVAL; goto done; } memset (&ga, 0, sizeof (ga)); ga.Mask = getgroup (sizeof_set, set, group); ga.Group = group; if (!SetThreadGroupAffinity (thread, &ga, NULL)) { status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } } else { if (group != 0) { status = EINVAL; goto done; } if (!SetThreadAffinityMask (thread, getgroup (sizeof_set, set, 0))) { status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } } } else status = ESRCH; done: return status; } int sched_setaffinity (pid_t pid, size_t sizeof_set, const cpu_set_t *set) { int group = whichgroup (sizeof_set, set); HANDLE process = 0; int status = 0; pinfo p (pid ? pid : getpid ()); if (p) { process = pid && pid != myself->pid ? OpenProcess (PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, FALSE, p->dwProcessId) : GetCurrentProcess (); if (wincap.has_processor_groups () && __get_group_count () > 1) { USHORT groupcount = __CPU_GROUPMAX; USHORT grouparray[__CPU_GROUPMAX]; if (!GetProcessGroupAffinity (process, &groupcount, grouparray)) { status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } if (group < 0) { status = EINVAL; goto done; } if (groupcount == 1 && grouparray[0] == group) { if (!SetProcessAffinityMask (process, getgroup (sizeof_set, set, group))) status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } /* If we get here, the user is trying to add the process to another group or move it from current group to another group. These ops are not allowed by Windows. One has to move one or more of the process' threads to the new group(s) one by one. Here, we bail. */ status = EINVAL; goto done; } else { if (group != 0) { status = EINVAL; goto done; } if (!SetProcessAffinityMask (process, getgroup (sizeof_set, set, 0))) { status = geterrno_from_win_error (GetLastError (), EPERM); goto done; } } } else status = ESRCH; done: if (process && process != GetCurrentProcess ()) CloseHandle (process); if (status) { set_errno (status); return -1; } return 0; } } /* extern C */