The new implementations are provided under !__OBSOLETE_MATH, they use
ISO C99 code. There are several settings, with the default one the
worst case error in nearest rounding mode is 0.509 ULP for exp and
0.507 ULP for exp2 when a multiply and add is contracted into an fma.
They use a shared 2 KB lookup table, on aarch64 .text+.rodata size
of libm.a is increased by 1868 bytes. The w_*.c wrappers are disabled
for the new code as it takes care of error handling inline.
The old exp2(x) code used to be just pow(2,x) so the speedup there
is more significant.
The file name has no special prefix to avoid any name collision with
existing files.
Improvements on Cortex-A72:
exp latency: 3.2x
exp thruput: 4.1x
exp2 latency: 7.8x
exp2 thruput: 18.8x