361 lines
7.6 KiB
361 lines
7.6 KiB
# -*- mode: TCL; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: CObjView.tcl,v 1.3 2001/12/09 05:04:02 idiscovery Exp $
# CObjView.tcl --
# This file implements the Canvas Object View widget. This is a base
# class of IconView. It implements:
# (1) Automatic placement/adjustment of the scrollbars according
# to the canvas objects inside the canvas subwidget. The
# scrollbars are adjusted so that the canvas is just large
# enough to see all the objects.
# (2) D+D bindings of the objects (%% not implemented)
# (3) Keyboard traversal of the objects (%% not implemented). By the
# virtual method :SelectObject.
# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Ioi Kim Lam.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Tix Project Group.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
tixWidgetClass tixCObjView {
-classname TixCObjView
-superclass tixScrolledWidget
-method {
-flag {
-xscrollincrement -yscrollincrement
-static {
-configspec {
{-xscrollincrement xScrollIncrement ScrollIncrement 10}
{-yscrollincrement yScrollIncrement ScrollIncrement 10}
-default {
{.scrollbar auto}
{*borderWidth 1}
{*canvas.background #c3c3c3}
{*canvas.highlightBackground #d9d9d9}
{*canvas.relief sunken}
{*canvas.takeFocus 1}
{*Scrollbar.takeFocus 0}
-forcecall {
proc tixCObjView:ConstructWidget {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w ConstructWidget
set data(w:canvas) \
[canvas $w.canvas]
set data(w:hsb) \
[scrollbar $w.hsb -orient horizontal]
set data(w:vsb) \
[scrollbar $w.vsb -orient vertical]
set data(pw:client) $data(w:canvas)
set data(xorig) 0
set data(yorig) 0
set data(sx1) 0
set data(sy1) 0
set data(sx2) 0
set data(sy2) 0
proc tixCObjView:SetBindings {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
tixChainMethod $w SetBindings
# %% scan/drag of canvas??
# $data(w:canvas) config \
# -xscrollcommand "tixCObjView:XScroll $w"\
# -yscrollcommand "tixCObjView:YScroll $w"
$data(w:hsb) config -command "tixCObjView:UserScroll $w x"
$data(w:vsb) config -command "tixCObjView:UserScroll $w y"
# option configs
proc tixCObjView:config-takefocus {w value} {
upvar #0 $w data
$data(w:canvas) config -takefocus $value
# Widget commands
proc tixCObjView:adjustscrollregion {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
set cW [tixWinWidth $data(w:canvas)]
set cH [tixWinHeight $data(w:canvas)]
tixCObjView:GetScrollRegion $w $cW $cH 1 1
# Private Methods
proc tixCObjView:GeometryInfo {w cW cH} {
upvar #0 $w data
set bd \
[expr [$data(w:canvas) cget -bd] + [$data(w:canvas) cget -highlightthickness]]
incr cW -[expr {2*$bd}]
incr cH -[expr {2*$bd}]
return [tixCObjView:GetScrollRegion $w $cW $cH 0 0]
proc tixCObjView:PlaceWindow {w} {
upvar #0 $w data
set cW [tixWinWidth $data(w:canvas)]
set cH [tixWinHeight $data(w:canvas)]
tixCObjView:GetScrollRegion $w $cW $cH 1 0
tixChainMethod $w PlaceWindow
proc tixCObjView:GetScrollRegion {w cW cH setReg callConfig} {
upvar #0 $w data
set x1max $data(xorig)
set y1max $data(yorig)
set x2min [expr {$x1max + $cW - 1}]
set y2min [expr {$y1max + $cH - 1}]
set bbox [$data(w:canvas) bbox all]
if {$bbox == ""} {
set bbox {0 0 1 1}
set x1 [lindex $bbox 0]
set y1 [lindex $bbox 1]
set x2 [lindex $bbox 2]
set y2 [lindex $bbox 3]
set bd \
[expr [$data(w:canvas) cget -bd] + [$data(w:canvas) cget -highlightthickness]]
incr x1 -$bd
incr y1 -$bd
incr x2 -$bd
incr y2 -$bd
if {$x1 > $x1max} {
set x1 $x1max
if {$y1 > $y1max} {
set y1 $y1max
if {$x2 < $x2min} {
set x2 $x2min
if {$y2 < $y2min} {
set y2 $y2min
set data(sx1) $x1
set data(sy1) $y1
set data(sx2) $x2
set data(sy2) $y2
set sW [expr {$x2 - $x1 + 1}]
set sH [expr {$y2 - $y1 + 1}]
# puts "sregion = {$x1 $y1 $x2 $y2}; sW=$sW; cW=$cW"
if {$sW > $cW} {
set hsbSpec {0.5 1}
} else {
set hsbSpec {0 1}
if {$sH > $cH} {
set vsbSpec {0.5 1}
} else {
set vsbSpec {0 1}
if $setReg {
tixCObjView:SetScrollBars $w $cW $cH $sW $sH
if $callConfig {
tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixScrolledWidget:Configure $w
return [list $hsbSpec $vsbSpec]
#xF = xFirst
proc tixCObjView:SetScrollBars {w cW cH sW sH} {
upvar #0 $w data
# puts "$data(xorig) <--> $data(sx1)"
set xF [expr ($data(xorig).0-$data(sx1).0)/$sW.0]
set xL [expr $cW.0/$sW.0 + $xF]
set yF [expr ($data(yorig).0-$data(sy1).0)/$sH.0]
set yL [expr $cH.0/$sH.0 + $yF]
# puts "$xF $xL : $yF $yL"
$data(w:hsb) set $xF $xL
$data(w:vsb) set $yF $yL
proc tixCObjView:UserScroll {w dir type args} {
upvar #0 $w data
$data(w:canvas) config -xscrollincrement 1 -yscrollincrement 1
case $dir {
x {
set n $data(xorig)
set orig $data(xorig)
set s1 $data(sx1)
set total [expr {$data(sx2)-$data(sx1)}]
set page [tixWinWidth $data(w:canvas)]
set min $data(sx1)
set max [expr {$data(sx1)+$total-$page}]
set inc $data(-xscrollincrement)
y {
set n $data(yorig)
set orig $data(yorig)
set s1 $data(sy1)
set total [expr {$data(sy2)-$data(sy1)}]
set page [tixWinHeight $data(w:canvas)]
set min $data(sy1)
set max [expr {$data(sy1)+$total-$page}]
set inc $data(-yscrollincrement)
case $type {
scroll {
set amt [lindex $args 0]
set unit [lindex $args 1]
case $unit {
units {
incr n [expr int($inc)*$amt]
pages {
incr n [expr {$page*$amt}]
moveto {
set first [lindex $args 0]
set n [expr round($first*$total)+$s1]
if {$n < $min} {
set n $min
if {$n > $max} {
set n $max
# puts "n=$n min=$min max=$max"
case $dir {
x {
$data(w:canvas) xview scroll [expr {$n-$orig}] units
set data(xorig) $n
y {
$data(w:canvas) yview scroll [expr {$n-$orig}] units
set data(yorig) $n
set cW [tixWinWidth $data(w:canvas)]
set cH [tixWinHeight $data(w:canvas)]
set sW [expr {$data(sx2)-$data(sx1)+1}]
set sH [expr {$data(sy2)-$data(sy1)+1}]
tixCObjView:SetScrollBars $w $cW $cH $sW $sH
# Junk
proc tixCObjView:XScroll {w first last} {
upvar #0 $w data
set sc [$data(w:canvas) cget -scrollregion]
if {$sc == ""} {
set x1 1
set x2 [tixWinWidth $data(w:canvas)]
} else {
set x1 [lindex $sc 0]
set x2 [lindex $sc 2]
set W [expr {$x2 - $x1}]
if {$W < 1} {
set W 1
$data(w:hsb) set $first $last
# tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixScrolledWidget:Configure $w
# Junk
proc tixCObjView:YScroll {w first last} {
upvar #0 $w data
set sc [$data(w:canvas) cget -scrollregion]
if {$sc == ""} {
set y1 1
set y2 [tixWinHeight $data(w:canvas)]
} else {
set y1 [lindex $sc 1]
set y2 [lindex $sc 3]
set H [expr {$y2 - $y1}]
if {$H < 1} {
set H 1
$data(w:vsb) set $first $last
# tixWidgetDoWhenIdle tixScrolledWidget:Configure $w