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""" a clumsy attempt at a macro language to let the programmer execute code on the server (ex: determine 64bit)"""
import is64bit as is64bit
def macro_call(macro_name, args, kwargs):
""" allow the programmer to perform limited processing on the server by passing macro names and args
:new_key - the key name the macro will create
:args[0] - macro name
:args[1:] - any arguments
:code - the value of the keyword item
:kwargs - the connection keyword dictionary. ??key has been removed
--> the value to put in for kwargs['name'] = value
if isinstance(args, (str, unicode)):
args = [args] # the user forgot to pass a sequence, so make a string into args[0]
new_key = args[0]
if macro_name == "is64bit":
if is64bit.Python(): # if on 64 bit Python
return new_key, args[1] # return first argument
return new_key, args[2] # else return second argument (if defined)
except IndexError:
return new_key, '' # else return blank
elif macro_name == "getuser": # get the name of the user the server is logged in under
if not new_key in kwargs:
import getpass
return new_key, getpass.getuser()
elif macro_name == "getnode": # get the name of the computer running the server
import platform
return new_key, args[1] % platform.node()
except IndexError:
return new_key, platform.node()
elif macro_name == "getenv": # expand the server's environment variable args[1]
dflt = args[2] # if not found, default from args[2]
except IndexError: # or blank
dflt = ''
return new_key, os.environ.get(args[1], dflt)
elif macro_name == "auto_security":
if not 'user' in kwargs or not kwargs['user']: # missing, blank, or Null username
return new_key, 'Integrated Security=SSPI'
return new_key, 'User ID=%(user)s; Password=%(password)s' % kwargs
elif macro_name == "find_temp_test_path": # helper function for testing ado operation -- undocumented
import tempfile, os
return new_key, os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'adodbapi_test', args[1])
raise ValueError ('Unknown connect string macro=%s' % macro_name)
raise ValueError ('Error in macro processing %s %s' % (macro_name, repr(args)))
def process(args, kwargs, expand_macros=False): # --> connection string with keyword arguments processed.
""" attempts to inject arguments into a connection string using Python "%" operator for strings
co: adodbapi connection object
args: positional parameters from the .connect() call
kvargs: keyword arguments from the .connect() call
dsn = args[0]
except IndexError:
dsn = None
if isinstance(dsn, dict): # as a convenience the first argument may be django settings
elif dsn: # the connection string is passed to the connection as part of the keyword dictionary
kwargs['connection_string'] = dsn
a1 = args[1]
except IndexError:
a1 = None
# historically, the second positional argument might be a timeout value
if isinstance(a1, int):
kwargs['timeout'] = a1
# if the second positional argument is a string, then it is user
elif isinstance(a1, basestring):
kwargs['user'] = a1
# if the second positional argument is a dictionary, use it as keyword arguments, too
elif isinstance(a1, dict):
kwargs['password'] = args[2] # the third positional argument is password
kwargs['host'] = args[3] # the fourth positional argument is host name
kwargs['database'] = args[4] # the fifth positional argument is database name
except IndexError:
# make sure connection string is defined somehow
if not 'connection_string' in kwargs:
try: # perhaps 'dsn' was defined
kwargs['connection_string'] = kwargs['dsn']
except KeyError:
try: # as a last effort, use the "host" keyword
kwargs['connection_string'] = kwargs['host']
except KeyError:
raise TypeError ("Must define 'connection_string' for ado connections")
if expand_macros:
for kwarg in kwargs.keys():
if kwarg.startswith('macro_'): # If a key defines a macro
macro_name = kwarg[6:] # name without the "macro_"
macro_code = kwargs.pop(kwarg) # we remove the macro_key and get the code to execute
new_key, rslt = macro_call(macro_name, macro_code, kwargs) # run the code in the local context
kwargs[new_key] = rslt # put the result back in the keywords dict
# special processing for PyRO IPv6 host address
s = kwargs['proxy_host']
if ':' in s: # it is an IPv6 address
if s[0] != '[': # is not surrounded by brackets
kwargs['proxy_host'] = s.join(('[',']')) # put it in brackets
except KeyError:
return kwargs