/* * File : at_socket_mw31.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2018, RT-Thread Development Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2019-06-23 flybreak first version */ #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "at.dev" #include #ifdef AT_DEVICE_USING_MW31 #define MW31_WAIT_CONNECT_TIME 5000 #define MW31_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define MW31_THREAD_PRIORITY (RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX / 2) /* ============================= mw31 network interface operations ============================= */ #define AT_ADDR_LEN 32 #define IPADDR_RESP_SIZE 128 #define IPADDR_SIZE 16 char mw31_ip_addr[AT_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; char mw31_gw_addr[AT_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; char mw31_netmask_addr[AT_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; static void mw31_get_netdev_info(struct rt_work *work, void *work_data) { at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; char mac[AT_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; char dns_server1[AT_ADDR_LEN] = {0}; char dhcp_stat_buf[5] = {0}; ip_addr_t ip_addr; rt_uint32_t mac_addr[6] = {0}; rt_uint32_t num = 0; rt_uint8_t dhcp_stat = 0; struct rt_delayed_work *delay_work = (struct rt_delayed_work *)work; struct at_device *device = (struct at_device *)work_data; struct netdev *netdev = device->netdev; struct at_client *client = device->client; if (delay_work) { rt_free(delay_work); } resp = at_create_resp(512, 0, rt_tick_from_millisecond(300)); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device(%d) response structure.", device->name); return; } /* send mac addr query commond "AT+CIFSR" and wait response */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(client, resp, "AT+WMAC?") < 0) { goto __exit; } if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+WMAC:", "+WMAC:%s", mac) <= 0) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) parse \"AT+WMAC\" command response data error.", device->name); goto __exit; } /* send addr info query commond "AT+CIPSTA?" and wait response */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(client, resp, "AT+WJAPIP?") < 0) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) send \"AT+WJAPIP?\" commands error.", device->name); goto __exit; } if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+WJAPIP?:", "+WJAPIP?:%[^,],%[^,],%[^,],%s", mw31_ip_addr, mw31_netmask_addr, mw31_gw_addr, dns_server1) < 0) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) prase \"AT+WJAPIP?\" command resposne data error.", device->name); goto __exit; } /* set netdev info */ inet_aton(mw31_gw_addr, &ip_addr); netdev_low_level_set_gw(netdev, &ip_addr); inet_aton(mw31_netmask_addr, &ip_addr); netdev_low_level_set_netmask(netdev, &ip_addr); inet_aton(mw31_ip_addr, &ip_addr); netdev_low_level_set_ipaddr(netdev, &ip_addr); sscanf(mac, "%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x%2x", &mac_addr[0], &mac_addr[1], &mac_addr[2], &mac_addr[3], &mac_addr[4], &mac_addr[5]); for (num = 0; num < netdev->hwaddr_len; num++) { netdev->hwaddr[num] = mac_addr[num]; } if (rt_strlen(dns_server1) > 0) { inet_aton(dns_server1, &ip_addr); netdev_low_level_set_dns_server(netdev, 0, &ip_addr); } /* send DHCP query commond " AT+WDHCP?" and wait response */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(client, resp, "AT+WDHCP?") < 0) { goto __exit; } /* parse response data, get the DHCP status */ if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+WDHCP:", "+WDHCP:%s", dhcp_stat_buf) < 0) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) get DHCP status failed.", device->name); goto __exit; } if (rt_strstr(dhcp_stat_buf, "ON")) { dhcp_stat |= 0x03; } /* Bit0 - SoftAP DHCP status, Bit1 - Station DHCP status */ netdev_low_level_set_dhcp_status(netdev, dhcp_stat & 0x02 ? RT_TRUE : RT_FALSE); __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } } static int mw31_net_init(struct at_device *device); static int mw31_netdev_set_up(struct netdev *netdev) { struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get mw31 device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } if (device->is_init == RT_FALSE) { mw31_net_init(device); netdev_low_level_set_status(netdev, RT_TRUE); LOG_D("the network interface device(%s) set up status", netdev->name); } return RT_EOK; } static int mw31_netdev_set_down(struct netdev *netdev) { struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get mw31 device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } if (device->is_init == RT_TRUE) { device->is_init = RT_FALSE; netdev_low_level_set_status(netdev, RT_FALSE); LOG_D("the network interface device(%s) set down status", netdev->name); } return RT_EOK; } static int mw31_netdev_set_addr_info(struct netdev *netdev, ip_addr_t *ip_addr, ip_addr_t *netmask, ip_addr_t *gw) { int result = RT_EOK; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(netdev); RT_ASSERT(ip_addr || netmask || gw); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get mw31 device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } resp = at_create_resp(IPADDR_RESP_SIZE, 0, rt_tick_from_millisecond(300)); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device(%s) response structure.", device->name); result = -RT_ENOMEM; goto __exit; } /* Convert numeric IP address into decimal dotted ASCII representation. */ if (ip_addr) rt_memcpy(mw31_ip_addr, inet_ntoa(*ip_addr), IPADDR_SIZE); else rt_memcpy(mw31_ip_addr, inet_ntoa(netdev->ip_addr), IPADDR_SIZE); if (gw) rt_memcpy(mw31_gw_addr, inet_ntoa(*gw), IPADDR_SIZE); else rt_memcpy(mw31_gw_addr, inet_ntoa(netdev->gw), IPADDR_SIZE); if (netmask) rt_memcpy(mw31_netmask_addr, inet_ntoa(*netmask), IPADDR_SIZE); else rt_memcpy(mw31_netmask_addr, inet_ntoa(netdev->netmask), IPADDR_SIZE); /* send addr info set commond "AT+WJAPIP=,,[,] " and wait response */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+WJAPIP=%s,%s,%s", mw31_ip_addr, mw31_netmask_addr, mw31_gw_addr) < 0) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) set address information failed.", device->name); result = -RT_ERROR; } else { /* Update netdev information */ if (ip_addr) netdev_low_level_set_ipaddr(netdev, ip_addr); if (gw) netdev_low_level_set_gw(netdev, gw); if (netmask) netdev_low_level_set_netmask(netdev, netmask); LOG_D("mw31 device(%s) set address information successfully.", device->name); } __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } static int mw31_netdev_set_dns_server(struct netdev *netdev, uint8_t dns_num, ip_addr_t *dns_server) { #define DNS_RESP_SIZE 128 int result = RT_EOK; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(netdev); RT_ASSERT(dns_server); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get mw31 device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } resp = at_create_resp(DNS_RESP_SIZE, 0, rt_tick_from_millisecond(300)); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* send dns server set commond "AT+WJAPIP=,,[,] " and wait response */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+WJAPIP=%s,%s,%s,%s", mw31_ip_addr, mw31_netmask_addr, mw31_gw_addr, inet_ntoa(*dns_server)) < 0) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) set DNS server(%s) failed.", device->name, inet_ntoa(*dns_server)); result = -RT_ERROR; } else { netdev_low_level_set_dns_server(netdev, dns_num, dns_server); LOG_D("mw31 device(%s) set DNS server(%s) successfully.", device->name, inet_ntoa(*dns_server)); } if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } static int mw31_netdev_set_dhcp(struct netdev *netdev, rt_bool_t is_enabled) { #define MW31_STATION 1 #define RESP_SIZE 128 int result = RT_EOK; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; const char *send_buf; RT_ASSERT(netdev); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get AT device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } resp = at_create_resp(RESP_SIZE, 0, rt_tick_from_millisecond(300)); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } if (is_enabled) { send_buf = "AT+WDHCP=ON"; } else { send_buf = "AT+WDHCP=OFF"; } /* send dhcp set commond "AT+WDHCP=" and wait response */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, send_buf) < 0) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) set DHCP status(%d) failed.", device->name, is_enabled); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } else { netdev_low_level_set_dhcp_status(netdev, is_enabled); LOG_D("mw31 device(%d) set DHCP status(%d) successfully.", device->name, is_enabled); } __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } static const struct netdev_ops mw31_netdev_ops = { mw31_netdev_set_up, mw31_netdev_set_down, mw31_netdev_set_addr_info, mw31_netdev_set_dns_server, mw31_netdev_set_dhcp, #ifdef NETDEV_USING_PING RT_NULL, #endif #ifdef NETDEV_USING_NETSTAT RT_NULL, #endif }; static struct netdev *mw31_netdev_add(const char *netdev_name) { #define ETHERNET_MTU 1500 #define HWADDR_LEN 6 struct netdev *netdev = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(netdev_name); netdev = (struct netdev *) rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct netdev)); if (netdev == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device(%s) netdev structure.", netdev_name); return RT_NULL; } netdev->mtu = ETHERNET_MTU; netdev->ops = &mw31_netdev_ops; netdev->hwaddr_len = HWADDR_LEN; #ifdef SAL_USING_AT extern int sal_at_netdev_set_pf_info(struct netdev * netdev); /* set the network interface socket/netdb operations */ sal_at_netdev_set_pf_info(netdev); #endif netdev_register(netdev, netdev_name, RT_NULL); return netdev; } /* ============================= mw31 device operations ============================= */ #define AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, cmd) \ do { \ (resp) = at_resp_set_info((resp), 256, 0, 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); \ if (at_obj_exec_cmd((client), (resp), (cmd)) < 0) \ { \ result = -RT_ERROR; \ goto __exit; \ } \ } while(0) \ static void mw31_netdev_start_delay_work(struct at_device *device) { struct rt_delayed_work *net_work = RT_NULL; net_work = (struct rt_delayed_work *)rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct rt_delayed_work)); if (net_work == RT_NULL) { return; } rt_delayed_work_init(net_work, mw31_get_netdev_info, (void *)device); rt_work_submit(&(net_work->work), RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); } static void mw31_init_thread_entry(void *parameter) { #define INIT_RETRY 2 struct at_device *device = (struct at_device *) parameter; struct at_device_mw31 *mw31 = (struct at_device_mw31 *) device->user_data; struct at_client *client = device->client; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; rt_size_t i = 0, retry_num = INIT_RETRY; LOG_D("mw31 device(%s) initialize start.", device->name); /* wait mw31 device startup finish */ if (at_client_obj_wait_connect(client, MW31_WAIT_CONNECT_TIME)) { return; } resp = at_create_resp(128, 0, 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device(%d) response structure.", device->name); return; } while (retry_num--) { /* reset module */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, "AT+REBOOT"); /* reset waiting delay */ rt_thread_mdelay(2000); /* set current mode to Wi-Fi station */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, "AT+WSAPQ"); /* get module version */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, "AT+FWVER?"); /* show module version */ for (i = 0; i < resp->line_counts - 1; i++) { LOG_D("%s", at_resp_get_line(resp, i + 1)); } /* connect to WiFi AP */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(client, at_resp_set_info(resp, 128, 0, 20 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND), "AT+WJAP=%s,%s", mw31->wifi_ssid, mw31->wifi_password) != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("AT device(%s) network initialize failed, check ssid(%s) and password(%s).", device->name, mw31->wifi_ssid, mw31->wifi_password); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } __exit: if (result == RT_EOK) { break; } else { rt_thread_mdelay(1000); LOG_I("mw31 device(%s) initialize retry...", device->name); } } if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } if (result != RT_EOK) { netdev_low_level_set_status(device->netdev, RT_FALSE); LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) network initialize failed(%d).", device->name, result); } else { device->is_init = RT_TRUE; netdev_low_level_set_status(device->netdev, RT_TRUE); netdev_low_level_set_link_status(device->netdev, RT_TRUE); LOG_I("mw31 device(%s) network initialize successfully.", device->name); } } static int mw31_net_init(struct at_device *device) { #ifdef AT_DEVICE_MW31_INIT_ASYN rt_thread_t tid; tid = rt_thread_create("mw31_net_init", mw31_init_thread_entry, (void *) device, MW31_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, MW31_THREAD_PRIORITY, 20); if (tid) { rt_thread_startup(tid); } else { LOG_E("create mw31 device(%s) initialize thread failed.", device->name); return -RT_ERROR; } #else mw31_init_thread_entry(device); #endif /* AT_DEVICE_MW31_INIT_ASYN */ return RT_EOK; } static void urc_func(struct at_client *client, const char *data, rt_size_t size) { struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; char *client_name = client->device->parent.name; RT_ASSERT(client && data && size); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_CLIENT, client_name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get mw31 device by client name(%s) failed.", client_name); return; } if (rt_strstr(data, "STATION_UP")) { LOG_I("mw31 device(%s) WIFI is connected.", device->name); if (device->is_init) { netdev_low_level_set_link_status(device->netdev, RT_TRUE); mw31_netdev_start_delay_work(device); } } else if (rt_strstr(data, "STATION_DOWN")) { LOG_I("mw31 device(%s) WIFI is disconnect.", device->name); if (device->is_init) { netdev_low_level_set_link_status(device->netdev, RT_FALSE); } } } static const struct at_urc urc_table[] = { {"+WEVENT:", "\r\n", urc_func}, }; static int mw31_init(struct at_device *device) { struct at_device_mw31 *mw31 = (struct at_device_mw31 *) device->user_data; /* initialize AT client */ at_client_init(mw31->client_name, mw31->recv_line_num); device->client = at_client_get(mw31->client_name); if (device->client == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) initialize failed, get AT client(%s) failed.", mw31->device_name, mw31->client_name); return -RT_ERROR; } /* register URC data execution function */ at_obj_set_urc_table(device->client, urc_table, sizeof(urc_table) / sizeof(urc_table[0])); #ifdef AT_USING_SOCKET mw31_socket_init(device); #endif /* add mw31 device to the netdev list */ device->netdev = mw31_netdev_add(mw31->device_name); if (device->netdev == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) initialize failed, get network interface device failed.", mw31->device_name); return -RT_ERROR; } /* initialize mw31 device network */ return mw31_netdev_set_up(device->netdev); } static int mw31_deinit(struct at_device *device) { return mw31_netdev_set_down(device->netdev); } /* reset eap8266 device and initialize device network again */ static int mw31_reset(struct at_device *device) { int result = RT_EOK; struct at_client *client = device->client; /* send "AT+RST" commonds to mw31 device */ result = at_obj_exec_cmd(client, RT_NULL, "AT+RST"); rt_thread_mdelay(1000); /* waiting 10 seconds for mw31 device reset */ device->is_init = RT_FALSE; if (at_client_obj_wait_connect(client, MW31_WAIT_CONNECT_TIME)) { return -RT_ETIMEOUT; } /* initialize mw31 device network */ mw31_net_init(device); device->is_init = RT_TRUE; return result; } /* change eap8266 wifi ssid and password information */ static int mw31_wifi_info_set(struct at_device *device, struct at_device_ssid_pwd *info) { int result = RT_EOK; struct at_response *resp = RT_NULL; if (info->ssid == RT_NULL || info->password == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("input mw31 wifi ssid(%s) and password(%s) error.", info->ssid, info->password); return -RT_ERROR; } resp = at_create_resp(128, 0, 20 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* connect to input wifi ap */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CWJAP=\"%s\",\"%s\"", info->ssid, info->password) != RT_EOK) { LOG_E("mw31 device(%s) wifi connect failed, check ssid(%s) and password(%s).", device->name, info->ssid, info->password); result = -RT_ERROR; } if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } static int mw31_control(struct at_device *device, int cmd, void *arg) { int result = -RT_ERROR; RT_ASSERT(device); switch (cmd) { case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_POWER_ON: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_POWER_OFF: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_LOW_POWER: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_SLEEP: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_WAKEUP: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_NET_CONN: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_NET_DISCONN: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_GET_SIGNAL: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_GET_GPS: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_GET_VER: LOG_W("mw31 not support the control command(%d).", cmd); break; case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_RESET: result = mw31_reset(device); break; case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_SET_WIFI_INFO: result = mw31_wifi_info_set(device, (struct at_device_ssid_pwd *) arg); break; default: LOG_E("input error control command(%d).", cmd); break; } return result; } static const struct at_device_ops mw31_device_ops = { mw31_init, mw31_deinit, mw31_control, }; static int mw31_device_class_register(void) { struct at_device_class *class = RT_NULL; class = (struct at_device_class *) rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct at_device_class)); if (class == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for mw31 device class create."); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* fill MW31 device class object */ #ifdef AT_USING_SOCKET mw31_socket_class_register(class); #endif class->device_ops = &mw31_device_ops; return at_device_class_register(class, AT_DEVICE_CLASS_MW31); } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(mw31_device_class_register); #endif /* AT_DEVICE_USING_MW31 */