/* * File : at_socket_sim76xx.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2018, RT-Thread Development Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2018-12-22 thomasonegd first version * 2019-03-06 thomasonegd fix udp connection. * 2019-03-08 thomasonegd add power_on & power_off api * 2019-05-14 chenyong multi AT socket client support * 2019-08-24 chenyong add netdev support */ #include #include #include #define LOG_TAG "at.skt" #include #ifdef AT_DEVICE_USING_SIM76XX #define SIM76XX_MODULE_SEND_MAX_SIZE 1500 #define SIM76XX_MAX_CONNECTIONS 10 #define SIM76XX_IPADDR_LEN 16 /* set real event by current socket and current state */ #define SET_EVENT(socket, event) (((socket + 1) << 16) | (event)) /* AT socket event type */ #define SIM76XX_EVENT_CONN_OK (1L << 0) #define SIM76XX_EVENT_SEND_OK (1L << 1) #define SIM76XX_EVENT_RECV_OK (1L << 2) #define SIM76XX_EVNET_CLOSE_OK (1L << 3) #define SIM76XX_EVENT_CONN_FAIL (1L << 4) #define SIM76XX_EVENT_SEND_FAIL (1L << 5) static at_evt_cb_t at_evt_cb_set[] = { [AT_SOCKET_EVT_RECV] = NULL, [AT_SOCKET_EVT_CLOSED] = NULL, }; static char udp_ipstr[SIM76XX_MAX_CONNECTIONS][SIM76XX_IPADDR_LEN] = {0}; static int udp_port[SIM76XX_MAX_CONNECTIONS] = {0}; /* unsolicited TCP/IP command codes */ static void at_tcp_ip_errcode_parse(int result) { switch(result) { case 0 : LOG_D("%d : operation succeeded ", result); break; case 1 : LOG_E("%d : UNetwork failure", result); break; case 2 : LOG_E("%d : Network not opened", result); break; case 3 : LOG_E("%d : Wrong parameter", result); break; case 4 : LOG_D("%d : Operation not supported", result); break; case 5 : LOG_E("%d : Failed to create socket", result); break; case 6 : LOG_E("%d : Failed to bind socket", result); break; case 7 : LOG_E("%d : TCP server is already listening", result); break; case 8 : LOG_E("%d : Busy", result); break; case 9 : LOG_E("%d : Sockets opened", result); break; case 10 : LOG_E("%d : Timeout ", result); break; case 11 : LOG_E("%d : DNS parse failed for AT+CIPOPEN", result); break; case 255 : LOG_E("%d : Unknown error", result); break; } } static int sim76xx_socket_event_send(struct at_device *device, uint32_t event) { return (int)rt_event_send(device->socket_event, event); } static int sim76xx_socket_event_recv(struct at_device *device, uint32_t event, uint32_t timeout, rt_uint8_t option) { int result = RT_EOK; rt_uint32_t recved; result = rt_event_recv(device->socket_event, event, option | RT_EVENT_FLAG_CLEAR, timeout, &recved); if (result != RT_EOK) { return -RT_ETIMEOUT; } return recved; } /** * close socket by AT commands. * * @param current socket * * @return 0: close socket success * -1: send AT commands error * -2: wait socket event timeout * -5: no memory */ static int sim76xx_socket_close(struct at_socket *socket) { int result = RT_EOK; int lnk_stat[10] = {0}; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; int device_socket = (int) socket->user_data; struct at_device *device = (struct at_device *) socket->device; resp = at_create_resp(64, 0, RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim76xx device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } rt_thread_mdelay(100); /* check socket link_state */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPCLOSE?") < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CIPCLOSE:", "+CIPCLOSE: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &lnk_stat[0], &lnk_stat[1], &lnk_stat[2], &lnk_stat[3], &lnk_stat[4], &lnk_stat[5], &lnk_stat[6], &lnk_stat[7], &lnk_stat[8], &lnk_stat[9]) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } if (lnk_stat[device_socket]) { #define CLOSE_COUNTS 5 int i = 0; /* close tcp or udp socket if connected */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPCLOSE=%d", device_socket) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* wait sim76xx device sockt closed */ for (i = 0; i < CLOSE_COUNTS; i++) { if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPCLOSE?") < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CIPCLOSE:", "+CIPCLOSE: %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d", &lnk_stat[0], &lnk_stat[1], &lnk_stat[2], &lnk_stat[3], &lnk_stat[4], &lnk_stat[5], &lnk_stat[6], &lnk_stat[7], &lnk_stat[8], &lnk_stat[9]); if (lnk_stat[device_socket] == 0) { break; } rt_thread_delay(1000); } } __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } /** * create TCP/UDP client or server connect by AT commands. * * @param socket current socket * @param ip server or client IP address * @param port server or client port * @param type connect socket type(tcp, udp) * @param is_client connection is client * * @return 0: connect success * -1: connect failed, send commands error or type error * -2: wait socket event timeout * -5: no memory */ static int sim76xx_socket_connect(struct at_socket *socket, char *ip, int32_t port, enum at_socket_type type, rt_bool_t is_client) { int result = RT_EOK, event_result = 0; rt_bool_t retryed = RT_FALSE; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; int device_socket = (int) socket->user_data; struct at_device *device = (struct at_device *) socket->device; rt_mutex_t lock = device->client->lock; RT_ASSERT(ip); RT_ASSERT(port >= 0); resp = at_create_resp(128, 0, 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim76xx device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } rt_mutex_take(lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); /* check and close current socket */ sim76xx_socket_close(socket); __retry: if (is_client) { switch (type) { case AT_SOCKET_TCP: /* send AT commands to connect TCP server */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPOPEN=%d,\"TCP\",\"%s\",%d", device_socket, ip, port) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; } break; case AT_SOCKET_UDP: if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPOPEN=%d,\"UDP\",,,%d", device_socket, port) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; } rt_strncpy(udp_ipstr[device_socket], ip, SIM76XX_IPADDR_LEN); udp_port[device_socket] = port; break; default: LOG_E("Not supported connect type : %d.", type); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } } /* waiting result event from AT URC, the device default connection timeout is 75 seconds, but it set to 10 seconds is convenient to use.*/ if (sim76xx_socket_event_recv(device, SET_EVENT(device_socket, 0), 10 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND, RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR) < 0) { LOG_E("sim76xx device(%s) socket(%d) connect failed, wait connect result timeout.", device->name, device_socket); result = -RT_ETIMEOUT; goto __exit; } /* waiting OK or failed result */ event_result = sim76xx_socket_event_recv(device, SIM76XX_EVENT_CONN_OK | SIM76XX_EVENT_CONN_FAIL, 1 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND, RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR); if (event_result < 0) { LOG_E("sim76xx device(%s) socket(%d) connect failed, wait connect OK|FAIL timeout.", device->name, device_socket); result = -RT_ETIMEOUT; goto __exit; } /* check result */ if (event_result & SIM76XX_EVENT_CONN_FAIL) { if (retryed == RT_FALSE) { LOG_D("socket (%d) connect failed, maybe the socket was not be closed at the last time and now will retry.", device_socket); if (sim76xx_socket_close(socket) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } retryed = RT_TRUE; goto __retry; } LOG_E("socket (%d) connect failed, failed to establish a connection.", device_socket); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } __exit: rt_mutex_release(lock); if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } /** * send data to server or client by AT commands. * * @param socket current socket * @param buff send buffer * @param bfsz send buffer size * @param type connect socket type(tcp, udp) * * @return >=0: the size of send success * -1: send AT commands error or send data error * -2: waited socket event timeout * -5: no memory */ static int sim76xx_socket_send(struct at_socket *socket, const char *buff, size_t bfsz, enum at_socket_type type) { int result = RT_EOK; int event_result = 0; size_t cur_pkt_size = 0, sent_size = 0; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; int device_socket = (int) socket->user_data; struct at_device *device = (struct at_device *) socket->device; struct at_device_sim76xx *sim76xx = (struct at_device_sim76xx *) device->user_data; rt_mutex_t lock = device->client->lock; RT_ASSERT(buff); RT_ASSERT(bfsz > 0); resp = at_create_resp(128, 2, 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim76xx device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } rt_mutex_take(lock, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); /* set current socket for send URC event */ sim76xx->user_data = (void *) device_socket; /* set AT client end sign to deal with '>' sign.*/ at_obj_set_end_sign(device->client, '>'); while (sent_size < bfsz) { if (bfsz - sent_size < SIM76XX_MODULE_SEND_MAX_SIZE) { cur_pkt_size = bfsz - sent_size; } else { cur_pkt_size = SIM76XX_MODULE_SEND_MAX_SIZE; } switch (socket->type) { case AT_SOCKET_TCP: /* send the "AT+CIPSEND" commands to AT server than receive the '>' response on the first line. */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d", device_socket, cur_pkt_size) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } break; case AT_SOCKET_UDP: /* send the "AT+CIPSEND" commands to AT server than receive the '>' response on the first line. */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPSEND=%d,%d,\"%s\",%d", device_socket, cur_pkt_size, udp_ipstr[device_socket], udp_port[device_socket]) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } break; default: LOG_E("input socket type(%d) error.", socket->type); break; } /* send the real data to server or client */ result = (int) at_client_send(buff + sent_size, cur_pkt_size); if (result == 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* waiting result event from AT URC */ if (sim76xx_socket_event_recv(device, SET_EVENT(device_socket, 0), 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND, RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR) < 0) { LOG_E("sim76xx device(%s) socket (%d) send failed, wait connect result timeout.", device->name, device_socket); result = -RT_ETIMEOUT; goto __exit; } /* waiting OK or failed result */ event_result = sim76xx_socket_event_recv(device, SIM76XX_EVENT_SEND_OK | SIM76XX_EVENT_SEND_FAIL, 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND, RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR); if (event_result < 0) { LOG_E("sim76xx device(%s) socket(%d) send failed, wait connect OK|FAIL timeout.", device->name, device_socket); result = -RT_ETIMEOUT; goto __exit; } /* check result */ if (event_result & SIM76XX_EVENT_SEND_FAIL) { LOG_E("sim76xx device(%s) socket(%d) send failed.", device->name, device_socket); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } sent_size += cur_pkt_size; } __exit: /* reset the end sign for data */ at_obj_set_end_sign(device->client, 0); rt_mutex_release(lock); if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result > 0 ? sent_size : result; } /** * domain resolve by AT commands. * * @param name domain name * @param ip parsed IP address, it's length must be 16 * * @return 0: domain resolve success * -2: wait socket event timeout * -5: no memory */ static int sim76xx_domain_resolve(const char *name, char ip[16]) { #define RESOLVE_RETRY 5 int i, result = RT_EOK; char domain[32] = {0}; char domain_ip[16] = {0}; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(name); RT_ASSERT(ip); device = at_device_get_first_initialized(); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get first initialized sim76xx device failed."); return -RT_ERROR; } resp = at_create_resp(128, 0, 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim76xx device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } for (i = 0; i < RESOLVE_RETRY; i++) { if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CDNSGIP=\"%s\"", name) < 0) { rt_thread_mdelay(200); /* resolve failed, maybe receive an URC CRLF */ continue; } /* parse the third line of response data, get the IP address */ /* +CDNSGIP: 1,"www.baidu.com","" */ if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CDNSGIP:", "+CDNSGIP: 1,%[^,],\"%[^\"]", domain, domain_ip) < 0) { rt_thread_mdelay(200); /* resolve failed, maybe receive an URC CRLF */ continue; } if (rt_strlen(domain_ip) < 8) { rt_thread_mdelay(200); /* resolve failed, maybe receive an URC CRLF */ continue; } else { rt_strncpy(ip, domain_ip, 15); ip[15] = '\0'; break; } } if (i == RESOLVE_RETRY) { result = -RT_ERROR; } if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } /** * set AT socket event notice callback * * @param event notice event * @param cb notice callback */ static void sim76xx_socket_set_event_cb(at_socket_evt_t event, at_evt_cb_t cb) { if (event < (sizeof(at_evt_cb_set) / sizeof(at_evt_cb_set[1]))) { at_evt_cb_set[event] = cb; } } static void urc_send_func(struct at_client *client, const char *data, rt_size_t size) { int device_socket = 0, rqst_size, cnf_size; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; char *client_name = client->device->parent.name; RT_ASSERT(data && size); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_CLIENT, client_name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim76xx device by client name(%s) failed.", client_name); return; } sscanf(data, "+CIPSEND: %d,%d,%d", &device_socket, &rqst_size, &cnf_size); sim76xx_socket_event_send(device, SET_EVENT(device_socket, SIM76XX_EVENT_SEND_OK)); } static void urc_connect_func(struct at_client *client, const char *data, rt_size_t size) { int device_socket = 0, result = 0; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; char *client_name = client->device->parent.name; RT_ASSERT(data && size); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_CLIENT, client_name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim76xx device by client name(%s) failed.", client_name); return; } sscanf(data, "+CIPOPEN: %d,%d", &device_socket, &result); if (result == 0) { sim76xx_socket_event_send(device, SET_EVENT(device_socket, SIM76XX_EVENT_CONN_OK)); } else { at_tcp_ip_errcode_parse(result); sim76xx_socket_event_send(device, SET_EVENT(device_socket, SIM76XX_EVENT_CONN_FAIL)); } } static void urc_close_func(struct at_client *client, const char *data, rt_size_t size) { int device_socket = 0, reason = 0; struct at_socket *socket = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; char *client_name = client->device->parent.name; RT_ASSERT(data && size); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_CLIENT, client_name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim76xx device by client name(%s) failed.", device->name); return; } sscanf(data, "+IPCLOSE %d,%d", &device_socket, &reason); /* get AT socket object by device socket descriptor */ socket = &(device->sockets[device_socket]); /* notice the socket is disconnect by remote */ if (at_evt_cb_set[AT_SOCKET_EVT_CLOSED]) { at_evt_cb_set[AT_SOCKET_EVT_CLOSED](socket, AT_SOCKET_EVT_CLOSED, RT_NULL, 0); } } static void urc_recv_func(struct at_client *client, const char *data, rt_size_t size) { rt_size_t bfsz = 0, temp_size = 0; rt_int32_t timeout; char *recv_buf = RT_NULL, temp[8] = {0}; int device_socket = 0; struct at_socket *socket = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; struct at_device_sim76xx *sim76xx = RT_NULL; char *client_name = client->device->parent.name; RT_ASSERT(data && size); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_CLIENT, client_name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim76xx device by client name(%s) failed.", client_name); return; } sim76xx = (struct at_device_sim76xx *) device->user_data; device_socket = (int) sim76xx->user_data; /* get the current socket and receive buffer size by receive data */ sscanf(data, "+IPD%d:", (int *)&bfsz); /* get receive timeout by receive buffer length */ timeout = bfsz * 10; if (bfsz == 0) return; recv_buf = (char *) rt_calloc(1, bfsz); if (recv_buf == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim76xx device(%s) URC receive buffer(%d).", device->name, bfsz); /* read and clean the coming data */ while (temp_size < bfsz) { if (bfsz - temp_size > sizeof(temp)) { at_client_obj_recv(client, temp, sizeof(temp), timeout); } else { at_client_obj_recv(client, temp, bfsz - temp_size, timeout); } temp_size += sizeof(temp); } return; } /* sync receive data */ if (at_client_obj_recv(client, recv_buf, bfsz, timeout) != bfsz) { LOG_E("sim76xx device(%s) receive size(%d) data failed.", device->name, bfsz); rt_free(recv_buf); return; } /* get AT socket object by device socket descriptor */ socket = &(device->sockets[device_socket]); /* notice the receive buffer and buffer size */ if (at_evt_cb_set[AT_SOCKET_EVT_RECV]) { at_evt_cb_set[AT_SOCKET_EVT_RECV](socket, AT_SOCKET_EVT_RECV, recv_buf, bfsz); } } static struct at_urc urc_table[] = { {"+CIPSEND:", "\r\n", urc_send_func}, {"+CIPOPEN:", "\r\n", urc_connect_func}, {"+IPCLOSE", "\r\n", urc_close_func}, {"+IPD", "\r\n", urc_recv_func}, }; static const struct at_socket_ops sim76xx_socket_ops = { sim76xx_socket_connect, sim76xx_socket_close, sim76xx_socket_send, sim76xx_domain_resolve, sim76xx_socket_set_event_cb, }; /* initialize sim76xx device network URC feature */ int sim76xx_socket_init(struct at_device *device) { RT_ASSERT(device); /* register URC data execution function */ at_obj_set_urc_table(device->client, urc_table, sizeof(urc_table) / sizeof(urc_table[0])); return RT_EOK; } /* resgiter sim76xx device socket operations */ int sim76xx_socket_class_register(struct at_device_class *class) { RT_ASSERT(class); class->socket_num = AT_DEVICE_SIM76XX_SOCKETS_NUM; class->socket_ops = &sim76xx_socket_ops; return RT_EOK; } #endif /* AT_DEVICE_SIM76XX */