/* * File : at_socket_sim800c.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2018, RT-Thread Development Team * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2018-06-12 malongwei first version * 2019-05-13 chenyong multi AT socket client support */ #include #include #include #include #if !defined(AT_SW_VERSION_NUM) || AT_SW_VERSION_NUM < 0x10200 #error "This AT Client version is older, please check and update latest AT Client!" #endif #define LOG_TAG "at.dev" #include #ifdef AT_DEVICE_USING_SIM800C #define SIM800C_WAIT_CONNECT_TIME 5000 #define SIM800C_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 1024 #define SIM800C_THREAD_PRIORITY (RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX/2) /* AT+CSTT command default*/ static char *CSTT_CHINA_MOBILE = "AT+CSTT=\"CMNET\""; static char *CSTT_CHINA_UNICOM = "AT+CSTT=\"UNINET\""; static char *CSTT_CHINA_TELECOM = "AT+CSTT=\"CTNET\""; static void sim800c_power_on(struct at_device *device) { struct at_device_sim800c *sim800c = RT_NULL; sim800c = (struct at_device_sim800c *) device->user_data; /* not nead to set pin configuration for m26 device power on */ if (sim800c->power_pin == -1 || sim800c->power_status_pin == -1) { return; } if (rt_pin_read(sim800c->power_status_pin) == PIN_HIGH) { return; } rt_pin_write(sim800c->power_pin, PIN_HIGH); while (rt_pin_read(sim800c->power_status_pin) == PIN_LOW) { rt_thread_mdelay(10); } rt_pin_write(sim800c->power_pin, PIN_LOW); } static void sim800c_power_off(struct at_device *device) { struct at_device_sim800c *sim800c = RT_NULL; sim800c = (struct at_device_sim800c *) device->user_data; /* not nead to set pin configuration for m26 device power on */ if (sim800c->power_pin == -1 || sim800c->power_status_pin == -1) { return; } if (rt_pin_read(sim800c->power_status_pin) == PIN_LOW) { return; } rt_pin_write(sim800c->power_pin, PIN_HIGH); while (rt_pin_read(sim800c->power_status_pin) == PIN_HIGH) { rt_thread_mdelay(10); } rt_pin_write(sim800c->power_pin, PIN_LOW); } /* ============================= sim76xx network interface operations ============================= */ /* set sim800c network interface device status and address information */ static int sim800c_netdev_set_info(struct netdev *netdev) { #define SIM800C_IEMI_RESP_SIZE 32 #define SIM800C_IPADDR_RESP_SIZE 32 #define SIM800C_DNS_RESP_SIZE 96 #define SIM800C_INFO_RESP_TIMO rt_tick_from_millisecond(300) int result = RT_EOK; ip_addr_t addr; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; if (netdev == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("input network interface device is NULL."); return -RT_ERROR; } device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim800c device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } /* set network interface device status */ netdev_low_level_set_status(netdev, RT_TRUE); netdev_low_level_set_link_status(netdev, RT_TRUE); netdev_low_level_set_dhcp_status(netdev, RT_TRUE); resp = at_create_resp(SIM800C_IEMI_RESP_SIZE, 0, SIM800C_INFO_RESP_TIMO); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) set IP address failed, no memory for response object.", device->name); result = -RT_ENOMEM; goto __exit; } /* set network interface device hardware address(IEMI) */ { #define SIM800C_NETDEV_HWADDR_LEN 8 #define SIM800C_IEMI_LEN 15 char iemi[SIM800C_IEMI_LEN] = {0}; int i = 0, j = 0; /* send "AT+GSN" commond to get device IEMI */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+GSN") < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } if (at_resp_parse_line_args(resp, 2, "%s", iemi) <= 0) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) prase \"AT+GSN\" commands resposne data error.", device->name); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) IEMI number: %s", device->name, iemi); netdev->hwaddr_len = SIM800C_NETDEV_HWADDR_LEN; /* get hardware address by IEMI */ for (i = 0, j = 0; i < SIM800C_NETDEV_HWADDR_LEN && j < SIM800C_IEMI_LEN; i++, j += 2) { if (j != SIM800C_IEMI_LEN - 1) { netdev->hwaddr[i] = (iemi[j] - '0') * 10 + (iemi[j + 1] - '0'); } else { netdev->hwaddr[i] = (iemi[j] - '0'); } } } /* set network interface device IP address */ { #define IP_ADDR_SIZE_MAX 16 char ipaddr[IP_ADDR_SIZE_MAX] = {0}; at_resp_set_info(resp, SIM800C_IPADDR_RESP_SIZE, 2, SIM800C_INFO_RESP_TIMO); /* send "AT+CIFSR" commond to get IP address */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIFSR") < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, ".", "%s", ipaddr) <= 0) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) prase \"AT+CIFSR\" commands resposne data error!", device->name); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) IP address: %s", device->name, ipaddr); /* set network interface address information */ inet_aton(ipaddr, &addr); netdev_low_level_set_ipaddr(netdev, &addr); } /* set network interface device dns server */ { #define DNS_ADDR_SIZE_MAX 16 char dns_server1[DNS_ADDR_SIZE_MAX] = {0}, dns_server2[DNS_ADDR_SIZE_MAX] = {0}; at_resp_set_info(resp, SIM800C_DNS_RESP_SIZE, 0, SIM800C_INFO_RESP_TIMO); /* send "AT+CDNSCFG?" commond to get DNS servers address */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CDNSCFG?") < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "PrimaryDns:", "PrimaryDns:%s", dns_server1) <= 0 || at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "SecondaryDns:", "SecondaryDns:%s", dns_server2) <= 0) { LOG_E("Prase \"AT+CDNSCFG?\" commands resposne data error!"); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) primary DNS server address: %s", device->name, dns_server1); LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) secondary DNS server address: %s", device->name, dns_server2); inet_aton(dns_server1, &addr); netdev_low_level_set_dns_server(netdev, 0, &addr); inet_aton(dns_server2, &addr); netdev_low_level_set_dns_server(netdev, 1, &addr); } __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } static void check_link_status_entry(void *parameter) { #define SIM800C_LINK_STATUS_OK 1 #define SIM800C_LINK_RESP_SIZE 64 #define SIM800C_LINK_RESP_TIMO (3 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) #define SIM800C_LINK_DELAY_TIME (30 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; int result_code, link_status; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; struct netdev *netdev = (struct netdev *)parameter; device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim800c device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return; } resp = at_create_resp(SIM800C_LINK_RESP_SIZE, 0, SIM800C_LINK_RESP_TIMO); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) set check link status failed, no memory for response object.", device->name); return; } while (1) { /* send "AT+CGREG?" commond to check netweork interface device link status */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CGREG?") < 0) { rt_thread_mdelay(SIM800C_LINK_DELAY_TIME); continue; } link_status = -1; at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CGREG:", "+CGREG: %d,%d", &result_code, &link_status); /* check the network interface device link status */ if ((SIM800C_LINK_STATUS_OK == link_status) != netdev_is_link_up(netdev)) { netdev_low_level_set_link_status(netdev, (SIM800C_LINK_STATUS_OK == link_status)); } rt_thread_mdelay(SIM800C_LINK_DELAY_TIME); } } static int sim800c_netdev_check_link_status(struct netdev *netdev) { #define SIM800C_LINK_THREAD_TICK 20 #define SIM800C_LINK_THREAD_STACK_SIZE 512 #define SIM800C_LINK_THREAD_PRIORITY (RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX - 2) rt_thread_t tid; char tname[RT_NAME_MAX] = {0}; if (netdev == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("input network interface device is NULL.\n"); return -RT_ERROR; } rt_snprintf(tname, RT_NAME_MAX, "%s_link", netdev->name); tid = rt_thread_create(tname, check_link_status_entry, (void *) netdev, SIM800C_LINK_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, SIM800C_LINK_THREAD_PRIORITY, SIM800C_LINK_THREAD_TICK); if (tid) { rt_thread_startup(tid); } return RT_EOK; } static int sim800c_net_init(struct at_device *device); static int sim800c_netdev_set_up(struct netdev *netdev) { struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim800c device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } if (device->is_init == RT_FALSE) { sim800c_net_init(device); device->is_init = RT_TRUE; netdev_low_level_set_status(netdev, RT_TRUE); LOG_D("the network interface device(%s) set up status.", netdev->name); } return RT_EOK; } static int sim800c_netdev_set_down(struct netdev *netdev) { struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim800c device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } if (device->is_init == RT_TRUE) { sim800c_power_off(device); device->is_init = RT_FALSE; netdev_low_level_set_status(netdev, RT_FALSE); LOG_D("the network interface device(%s) set down status.", netdev->name); } return RT_EOK; } static int sim800c_netdev_set_dns_server(struct netdev *netdev, uint8_t dns_num, ip_addr_t *dns_server) { #define SIM800C_DNS_RESP_LEN 8 #define SIM800C_DNS_RESP_TIMEO rt_tick_from_millisecond(300) int result = RT_EOK; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(netdev); RT_ASSERT(dns_server); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim800c device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } resp = at_create_resp(SIM800C_DNS_RESP_LEN, 0, SIM800C_DNS_RESP_TIMEO); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_D("sim800c set dns server failed, no memory for response object."); result = -RT_ENOMEM; goto __exit; } /* send "AT+CDNSCFG=[,]" commond to set dns servers */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CDNSCFG=\"%s\"", inet_ntoa(*dns_server)) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } netdev_low_level_set_dns_server(netdev, dns_num, dns_server); __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } static int sim800c_ping_domain_resolve(struct at_device *device, const char *name, char ip[16]) { int result = RT_EOK; char recv_ip[16] = { 0 }; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; /* The maximum response time is 14 seconds, affected by network status */ resp = at_create_resp(128, 4, 14 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim800c device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return -RT_ENOMEM; } if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CDNSGIP=\"%s\"", name) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* parse the third line of response data, get the IP address */ if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CDNSGIP:", "%*[^,],%*[^,],\"%[^\"]", recv_ip) < 0) { rt_thread_mdelay(100); /* resolve failed, maybe receive an URC CRLF */ } if (rt_strlen(recv_ip) < 8) { rt_thread_mdelay(100); /* resolve failed, maybe receive an URC CRLF */ } else { rt_strncpy(ip, recv_ip, 15); ip[15] = '\0'; } __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } #ifdef NETDEV_USING_PING static int sim800c_netdev_ping(struct netdev *netdev, const char *host, size_t data_len, uint32_t timeout, struct netdev_ping_resp *ping_resp) { #define SIM800C_PING_RESP_SIZE 128 #define SIM800C_PING_IP_SIZE 16 #define SIM800C_PING_TIMEO (5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) #define SIM800C_PING_ERR_TIME 600 #define SIM800C_PING_ERR_TTL 255 int result = RT_EOK; int response, time, ttl, i, err_code = 0; char ip_addr[SIM800C_PING_IP_SIZE] = {0}; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(netdev); RT_ASSERT(host); RT_ASSERT(ping_resp); device = at_device_get_by_name(AT_DEVICE_NAMETYPE_NETDEV, netdev->name); if (device == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("get sim800c device by netdev name(%s) failed.", netdev->name); return -RT_ERROR; } for (i = 0; i < rt_strlen(host) && !isalpha(host[i]); i++); if (i < strlen(host)) { /* check domain name is usable */ if (sim800c_ping_domain_resolve(device, host, ip_addr) < 0) { return -RT_ERROR; } rt_memset(ip_addr, 0x00, SIM800C_PING_IP_SIZE); } resp = at_create_resp(SIM800C_PING_RESP_SIZE, 0, SIM800C_PING_TIMEO); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) set dns server failed, no memory for response object.", device->name); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* domain name prase error options */ if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CDNSGIP: 0", "+CDNSGIP: 0,%d", &err_code) > 0) { /* 3 - network error, 8 - dns common error */ if (err_code == 3 || err_code == 8) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } } /* send "AT+CIPPING=[,[,[,[,]]]]" commond to send ping request */ if (at_obj_exec_cmd(device->client, resp, "AT+CIPPING=%s,1,%d,%d,64", host, data_len, SIM800C_PING_TIMEO / (RT_TICK_PER_SECOND / 10)) < 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } if (at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CIPPING:", "+CIPPING:%d,\"%[^\"]\",%d,%d", &response, ip_addr, &time, &ttl) <= 0) { result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* the ping request timeout expires, the response time settting to 600 and ttl setting to 255 */ if (time == SIM800C_PING_ERR_TIME && ttl == SIM800C_PING_ERR_TTL) { result = -RT_ETIMEOUT; goto __exit; } inet_aton(ip_addr, &(ping_resp->ip_addr)); ping_resp->data_len = data_len; /* reply time, in units of 100 ms */ ping_resp->ticks = time * 100; ping_resp->ttl = ttl; __exit: if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } return result; } #endif /* NETDEV_USING_PING */ #ifdef NETDEV_USING_NETSTAT void sim800c_netdev_netstat(struct netdev *netdev) { // TODO netstat support } #endif /* NETDEV_USING_NETSTAT */ const struct netdev_ops sim800c_netdev_ops = { sim800c_netdev_set_up, sim800c_netdev_set_down, RT_NULL, /* not support set ip, netmask, gatway address */ sim800c_netdev_set_dns_server, RT_NULL, /* not support set DHCP status */ #ifdef NETDEV_USING_PING sim800c_netdev_ping, #endif #ifdef NETDEV_USING_NETSTAT sim800c_netdev_netstat, #endif }; static struct netdev *sim800c_netdev_add(const char *netdev_name) { #define SIM800C_NETDEV_MTU 1500 struct netdev *netdev = RT_NULL; RT_ASSERT(netdev_name); netdev = (struct netdev *) rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct netdev)); if (netdev == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim800c device(%s) netdev structure.", netdev_name); return RT_NULL; } netdev->mtu = SIM800C_NETDEV_MTU; netdev->ops = &sim800c_netdev_ops; #ifdef SAL_USING_AT extern int sal_at_netdev_set_pf_info(struct netdev *netdev); /* set the network interface socket/netdb operations */ sal_at_netdev_set_pf_info(netdev); #endif netdev_register(netdev, netdev_name, RT_NULL); return netdev; } /* ============================= sim76xx device operations ============================= */ #define AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, resp_line, timeout, cmd) \ do { \ (resp) = at_resp_set_info((resp), 128, (resp_line), rt_tick_from_millisecond(timeout)); \ if (at_obj_exec_cmd((client), (resp), (cmd)) < 0) \ { \ result = -RT_ERROR; \ goto __exit; \ } \ } while(0) \ /* init for sim800c */ static void sim800c_init_thread_entry(void *parameter) { #define INIT_RETRY 5 #define CPIN_RETRY 10 #define CSQ_RETRY 10 #define CREG_RETRY 10 #define CGREG_RETRY 20 int i, qimux, retry_num = INIT_RETRY; char parsed_data[10] = {0}; rt_err_t result = RT_EOK; at_response_t resp = RT_NULL; struct at_device *device = (struct at_device *)parameter; struct at_client *client = device->client; resp = at_create_resp(128, 0, rt_tick_from_millisecond(300)); if (resp == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim800c device(%s) response structure.", device->name); return; } LOG_D("start initializing the sim800c device(%s)", device->name); while (retry_num--) { rt_memset(parsed_data, 0, sizeof(parsed_data)); rt_thread_mdelay(500); sim800c_power_on(device); rt_thread_mdelay(1000); /* wait sim800c startup finish */ if (at_client_obj_wait_connect(client, SIM800C_WAIT_CONNECT_TIME)) { result = -RT_ETIMEOUT; goto __exit; } /* disable echo */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "ATE0"); /* get module version */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "ATI"); /* show module version */ for (i = 0; i < (int)resp->line_counts - 1; i++) { LOG_D("%s", at_resp_get_line(resp, i + 1)); } /* check SIM card */ for (i = 0; i < CPIN_RETRY; i++) { AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 2, 5 * RT_TICK_PER_SECOND, "AT+CPIN?"); if (at_resp_get_line_by_kw(resp, "READY")) { LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) SIM card detection success.", device->name); break; } rt_thread_mdelay(1000); } if (i == CPIN_RETRY) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) SIM card detection failed.", device->name); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* waiting for dirty data to be digested */ rt_thread_mdelay(10); /* check the GSM network is registered */ for (i = 0; i < CREG_RETRY; i++) { AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "AT+CREG?"); at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CREG:", "+CREG: %s", &parsed_data); if (!strncmp(parsed_data, "0,1", sizeof(parsed_data)) || !strncmp(parsed_data, "0,5", sizeof(parsed_data))) { LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) GSM network is registered(%s),", device->name, parsed_data); break; } rt_thread_mdelay(1000); } if (i == CREG_RETRY) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) GSM network is register failed(%s).", device->name, parsed_data); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* check the GPRS network is registered */ for (i = 0; i < CGREG_RETRY; i++) { AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "AT+CGREG?"); at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CGREG:", "+CGREG: %s", &parsed_data); if (!strncmp(parsed_data, "0,1", sizeof(parsed_data)) || !strncmp(parsed_data, "0,5", sizeof(parsed_data))) { LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) GPRS network is registered(%s).", device->name, parsed_data); break; } rt_thread_mdelay(1000); } if (i == CGREG_RETRY) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) GPRS network is register failed(%s).", device->name, parsed_data); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* check signal strength */ for (i = 0; i < CSQ_RETRY; i++) { AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "AT+CSQ"); at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CSQ:", "+CSQ: %s", &parsed_data); if (strncmp(parsed_data, "99,99", sizeof(parsed_data))) { LOG_D("sim800c device(%s) signal strength: %s", device->name, parsed_data); break; } rt_thread_mdelay(1000); } if (i == CSQ_RETRY) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) signal strength check failed (%s)", device->name, parsed_data); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } /* the device default response timeout is 40 seconds, but it set to 15 seconds is convenient to use. */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 2, 20 * 1000, "AT+CIPSHUT"); /* Set to multiple connections */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "AT+CIPMUX?"); at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+CIPMUX:", "+CIPMUX: %d", &qimux); if (qimux == 0) { AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "AT+CIPMUX=1"); } AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, "AT+COPS?"); at_resp_parse_line_args_by_kw(resp, "+COPS:", "+COPS: %*[^\"]\"%[^\"]", &parsed_data); if (rt_strcmp(parsed_data, "CHINA MOBILE") == 0) { /* "CMCC" */ LOG_I("sim800c device(%s) network operator: %s", device->name, parsed_data); AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, CSTT_CHINA_MOBILE); } else if (rt_strcmp(parsed_data, "CHN-UNICOM") == 0) { /* "UNICOM" */ LOG_I("sim800c device(%s) network operator: %s", device->name, parsed_data); AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, CSTT_CHINA_UNICOM); } else if (rt_strcmp(parsed_data, "CHN-CT") == 0) { AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 300, CSTT_CHINA_TELECOM); /* "CT" */ LOG_I("sim800c device(%s) network operator: %s", device->name, parsed_data); } /* the device default response timeout is 150 seconds, but it set to 20 seconds is convenient to use. */ AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 0, 20 * 1000, "AT+CIICR"); AT_SEND_CMD(client, resp, 2, 300, "AT+CIFSR"); if (at_resp_get_line_by_kw(resp, "ERROR") != RT_NULL) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) get the local address failed.", device->name); result = -RT_ERROR; goto __exit; } result = RT_EOK; __exit: if (result == RT_EOK) { break; } else { /* power off the sim800c device */ sim800c_power_off(device); rt_thread_mdelay(1000); LOG_I("sim800c device(%s) initialize retry...", device->name); } } if (resp) { at_delete_resp(resp); } if (result == RT_EOK) { /* set network interface device status and address information */ sim800c_netdev_set_info(device->netdev); sim800c_netdev_check_link_status(device->netdev); LOG_I("sim800c device(%s) network initialize success!", device->name); } else { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) network initialize failed(%d)!", device->name, result); } } static int sim800c_net_init(struct at_device *device) { #ifdef AT_DEVICE_SIM800C_INIT_ASYN rt_thread_t tid; tid = rt_thread_create("sim800c_net_init", sim800c_init_thread_entry, (void *)device, SIM800C_THREAD_STACK_SIZE, SIM800C_THREAD_PRIORITY, 20); if (tid) { rt_thread_startup(tid); } else { LOG_E("create sim800c device(%s) initialization thread failed.", device->name); return -RT_ERROR; } #else sim800c_init_thread_entry(device); #endif /* AT_DEVICE_SIM800C_INIT_ASYN */ return RT_EOK; } static void urc_func(struct at_client *client, const char *data, rt_size_t size) { RT_ASSERT(data); LOG_I("URC data : %.*s", size, data); } /* sim800c device URC table for the device control */ static const struct at_urc urc_table[] = { {"RDY", "\r\n", urc_func}, }; static int sim800c_init(struct at_device *device) { struct at_device_sim800c *sim800c = (struct at_device_sim800c *) device->user_data; /* initialize AT client */ at_client_init(sim800c->client_name, sim800c->recv_line_num); device->client = at_client_get(sim800c->client_name); if (device->client == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) initialize failed, get AT client(%s) failed.", sim800c->device_name, sim800c->client_name); return -RT_ERROR; } /* register URC data execution function */ at_obj_set_urc_table(device->client, urc_table, sizeof(urc_table) / sizeof(urc_table[0])); #ifdef AT_USING_SOCKET sim800c_socket_init(device); #endif /* add sim800c device to the netdev list */ device->netdev = sim800c_netdev_add(sim800c->device_name); if (device->netdev == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("sim800c device(%s) initialize failed, get network interface device failed.", sim800c->device_name); return -RT_ERROR; } /* initialize sim800c pin configuration */ if (sim800c->power_pin != -1 && sim800c->power_status_pin != -1) { rt_pin_mode(sim800c->power_pin, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); rt_pin_mode(sim800c->power_status_pin, PIN_MODE_INPUT); } /* initialize sim800c device network */ return sim800c_netdev_set_up(device->netdev); } static int sim800c_deinit(struct at_device *device) { return sim800c_netdev_set_down(device->netdev); } static int sim800c_control(struct at_device *device, int cmd, void *arg) { int result = -RT_ERROR; RT_ASSERT(device); switch (cmd) { case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_POWER_ON: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_POWER_OFF: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_RESET: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_LOW_POWER: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_SLEEP: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_WAKEUP: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_NET_CONN: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_NET_DISCONN: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_SET_WIFI_INFO: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_GET_SIGNAL: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_GET_GPS: case AT_DEVICE_CTRL_GET_VER: LOG_W("sim800c not support the control command(%d).", cmd); break; default: LOG_E("input error control command(%d).", cmd); break; } return result; } const struct at_device_ops sim800c_device_ops = { sim800c_init, sim800c_deinit, sim800c_control, }; static int sim800c_device_class_register(void) { struct at_device_class *class = RT_NULL; class = (struct at_device_class *) rt_calloc(1, sizeof(struct at_device_class)); if (class == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("no memory for sim800c device class create."); return -RT_ENOMEM; } /* fill sim800c device class object */ #ifdef AT_USING_SOCKET sim800c_socket_class_register(class); #endif class->device_ops = &sim800c_device_ops; return at_device_class_register(class, AT_DEVICE_CLASS_SIM800C); } INIT_DEVICE_EXPORT(sim800c_device_class_register); #endif /* AT_DEVICE_USING_SIM800C */