2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
2017-03-29 07:16:44 +02:00
* Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 with exceptions. See
* LICENSE file in the project root for full license information
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
/** \file
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
* \brief
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
* Headerfile for ethercatmain.c
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
#ifndef _ethercatmain_
#define _ethercatmain_
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
2015-04-16 12:00:00 +02:00
/** max. entries in EtherCAT error list */
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
#define EC_MAXELIST 64
/** max. length of readable name in slavelist and Object Description List */
#define EC_MAXNAME 40
/** max. number of slaves in array */
#define EC_MAXSLAVE 200
/** max. number of groups */
#define EC_MAXGROUP 2
/** max. number of IO segments per group */
/** max. mailbox size */
#define EC_MAXMBX 1486
/** max. eeprom PDO entries */
#define EC_MAXEEPDO 0x200
/** max. SM used */
#define EC_MAXSM 8
/** max. FMMU used */
#define EC_MAXFMMU 4
/** max. Adapter */
2016-08-18 17:28:02 +02:00
/** define maximum number of concurrent threads in mapping */
2017-05-31 11:09:27 +02:00
#define EC_MAX_MAPT 1
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
typedef struct ec_adapter ec_adaptert;
struct ec_adapter
ec_adaptert *next;
/** record for FMMU */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_fmmu
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint32 LogStart;
uint16 LogLength;
uint8 LogStartbit;
uint8 LogEndbit;
uint16 PhysStart;
uint8 PhysStartBit;
uint8 FMMUtype;
uint8 FMMUactive;
uint8 unused1;
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
uint16 unused2;
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
} ec_fmmut;
/** record for sync manager */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_sm
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 StartAddr;
uint16 SMlength;
uint32 SMflags;
} ec_smt;
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_state_status
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 State;
uint16 Unused;
uint16 ALstatuscode;
} ec_state_status;
#define ECT_MBXPROT_AOE 0x0001
#define ECT_MBXPROT_EOE 0x0002
#define ECT_MBXPROT_COE 0x0004
#define ECT_MBXPROT_FOE 0x0008
#define ECT_MBXPROT_SOE 0x0010
#define ECT_MBXPROT_VOE 0x0020
#define ECT_COEDET_SDO 0x01
#define ECT_COEDET_UPLOAD 0x10
#define ECT_COEDET_SDOCA 0x20
#define EC_SMENABLEMASK 0xfffeffff
2019-06-10 09:23:02 +02:00
typedef struct ecx_context ecx_contextt;
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** for list of ethercat slaves detected */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct ec_slave
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** state of slave */
uint16 state;
/** AL status code */
uint16 ALstatuscode;
/** Configured address */
uint16 configadr;
/** Alias address */
uint16 aliasadr;
/** Manufacturer from EEprom */
uint32 eep_man;
/** ID from EEprom */
uint32 eep_id;
/** revision from EEprom */
uint32 eep_rev;
/** Interface type */
uint16 Itype;
/** Device type */
uint16 Dtype;
/** output bits */
uint16 Obits;
/** output bytes, if Obits < 8 then Obytes = 0 */
uint32 Obytes;
/** output pointer in IOmap buffer */
uint8 *outputs;
/** startbit in first output byte */
uint8 Ostartbit;
/** input bits */
uint16 Ibits;
/** input bytes, if Ibits < 8 then Ibytes = 0 */
uint32 Ibytes;
/** input pointer in IOmap buffer */
uint8 *inputs;
/** startbit in first input byte */
uint8 Istartbit;
/** SM structure */
ec_smt SM[EC_MAXSM];
/** SM type 0=unused 1=MbxWr 2=MbxRd 3=Outputs 4=Inputs */
uint8 SMtype[EC_MAXSM];
/** FMMU structure */
ec_fmmut FMMU[EC_MAXFMMU];
/** FMMU0 function */
uint8 FMMU0func;
/** FMMU1 function */
uint8 FMMU1func;
/** FMMU2 function */
uint8 FMMU2func;
/** FMMU3 function */
uint8 FMMU3func;
/** length of write mailbox in bytes, if no mailbox then 0 */
uint16 mbx_l;
/** mailbox write offset */
uint16 mbx_wo;
/** length of read mailbox in bytes */
uint16 mbx_rl;
/** mailbox read offset */
uint16 mbx_ro;
/** mailbox supported protocols */
uint16 mbx_proto;
/** Counter value of mailbox link layer protocol 1..7 */
uint8 mbx_cnt;
2015-04-16 12:00:00 +02:00
/** has DC capability */
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
boolean hasdc;
/** Physical type; Ebus, EtherNet combinations */
uint8 ptype;
/** topology: 1 to 3 links */
uint8 topology;
/** active ports bitmap : ....3210 , set if respective port is active **/
uint8 activeports;
/** consumed ports bitmap : ....3210, used for internal delay measurement **/
uint8 consumedports;
/** slave number for parent, 0=master */
uint16 parent;
/** port number on parent this slave is connected to **/
uint8 parentport;
/** port number on this slave the parent is connected to **/
uint8 entryport;
/** DC receivetimes on port A */
int32 DCrtA;
/** DC receivetimes on port B */
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
int32 DCrtB;
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** DC receivetimes on port C */
int32 DCrtC;
/** DC receivetimes on port D */
int32 DCrtD;
/** propagation delay */
int32 pdelay;
/** next DC slave */
uint16 DCnext;
/** previous DC slave */
uint16 DCprevious;
2016-03-29 12:03:38 -04:00
/** DC cycle time in ns */
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int32 DCcycle;
/** DC shift from clock modulus boundary */
int32 DCshift;
/** DC sync activation, 0=off, 1=on */
uint8 DCactive;
/** link to config table */
uint16 configindex;
/** link to SII config */
uint16 SIIindex;
/** 1 = 8 bytes per read, 0 = 4 bytes per read */
uint8 eep_8byte;
/** 0 = eeprom to master , 1 = eeprom to PDI */
uint8 eep_pdi;
/** CoE details */
uint8 CoEdetails;
/** FoE details */
uint8 FoEdetails;
/** EoE details */
uint8 EoEdetails;
/** SoE details */
uint8 SoEdetails;
/** E-bus current */
int16 Ebuscurrent;
/** if >0 block use of LRW in processdata */
uint8 blockLRW;
/** group */
uint8 group;
/** first unused FMMU */
uint8 FMMUunused;
2017-02-09 08:51:34 +01:00
/** Boolean for tracking whether the slave is (not) responding, not used/set by the SOEM library */
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
boolean islost;
2019-06-10 09:23:02 +02:00
/** registered configuration function PO->SO, (DEPRECATED)*/
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int (*PO2SOconfig)(uint16 slave);
2019-06-10 09:23:02 +02:00
/** registered configuration function PO->SO */
int (*PO2SOconfigx)(ecx_contextt * context, uint16 slave);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** readable name */
char name[EC_MAXNAME + 1];
} ec_slavet;
/** for list of ethercat slave groups */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct ec_group
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** logical start address for this group */
uint32 logstartaddr;
/** output bytes, if Obits < 8 then Obytes = 0 */
uint32 Obytes;
/** output pointer in IOmap buffer */
uint8 *outputs;
/** input bytes, if Ibits < 8 then Ibytes = 0 */
uint32 Ibytes;
/** input pointer in IOmap buffer */
uint8 *inputs;
/** has DC capabillity */
boolean hasdc;
/** next DC slave */
uint16 DCnext;
/** E-bus current */
int16 Ebuscurrent;
/** if >0 block use of LRW in processdata */
uint8 blockLRW;
2019-01-29 11:32:32 +01:00
/** IO segments used */
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 nsegments;
/** 1st input segment */
uint16 Isegment;
/** Offset in input segment */
uint16 Ioffset;
/** Expected workcounter outputs */
uint16 outputsWKC;
/** Expected workcounter inputs */
uint16 inputsWKC;
/** check slave states */
boolean docheckstate;
/** IO segmentation list. Datagrams must not break SM in two. */
uint32 IOsegment[EC_MAXIOSEGMENTS];
} ec_groupt;
/** SII FMMU structure */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct ec_eepromFMMU
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 Startpos;
uint8 nFMMU;
uint8 FMMU0;
uint8 FMMU1;
uint8 FMMU2;
uint8 FMMU3;
} ec_eepromFMMUt;
/** SII SM structure */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct ec_eepromSM
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 Startpos;
uint8 nSM;
uint16 PhStart;
uint16 Plength;
uint8 Creg;
2019-01-29 11:32:32 +01:00
uint8 Sreg; /* don't care */
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint8 Activate;
2019-01-29 11:32:32 +01:00
uint8 PDIctrl; /* don't care */
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
} ec_eepromSMt;
/** record to store rxPDO and txPDO table from eeprom */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct ec_eepromPDO
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 Startpos;
uint16 Length;
uint16 nPDO;
uint16 Index[EC_MAXEEPDO];
uint16 SyncM[EC_MAXEEPDO];
uint16 BitSize[EC_MAXEEPDO];
uint16 SMbitsize[EC_MAXSM];
} ec_eepromPDOt;
/** mailbox buffer array */
typedef uint8 ec_mbxbuft[EC_MAXMBX + 1];
/** standard ethercat mailbox header */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_mbxheader
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 length;
uint16 address;
uint8 priority;
uint8 mbxtype;
} ec_mbxheadert;
/** ALstatus and ALstatus code */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_alstatus
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint16 alstatus;
uint16 unused;
uint16 alstatuscode;
} ec_alstatust;
/** stack structure to store segmented LRD/LWR/LRW constructs */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct ec_idxstack
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint8 pushed;
uint8 pulled;
uint8 idx[EC_MAXBUF];
void *data[EC_MAXBUF];
uint16 length[EC_MAXBUF];
2019-11-12 17:03:48 +01:00
uint16 dcoffset[EC_MAXBUF];
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
} ec_idxstackT;
/** ringbuf for error storage */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct ec_ering
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int16 head;
int16 tail;
ec_errort Error[EC_MAXELIST + 1];
} ec_eringt;
/** SyncManager Communication Type structure for CA */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_SMcommtype
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint8 n;
uint8 nu1;
uint8 SMtype[EC_MAXSM];
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
} ec_SMcommtypet;
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** SDO assign structure for CA */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_PDOassign
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint8 n;
uint8 nu1;
uint16 index[256];
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
} ec_PDOassignt;
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** SDO description structure for CA */
2017-08-15 19:02:00 +02:00
typedef struct PACKED ec_PDOdesc
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
uint8 n;
uint8 nu1;
uint32 PDO[256];
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
} ec_PDOdesct;
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** Context structure , referenced by all ecx functions*/
2019-01-31 14:57:16 +01:00
struct ecx_context
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** port reference, may include red_port */
ecx_portt *port;
/** slavelist reference */
ec_slavet *slavelist;
/** number of slaves found in configuration */
int *slavecount;
/** maximum number of slaves allowed in slavelist */
int maxslave;
/** grouplist reference */
ec_groupt *grouplist;
/** maximum number of groups allowed in grouplist */
int maxgroup;
/** internal, reference to eeprom cache buffer */
uint8 *esibuf;
/** internal, reference to eeprom cache map */
uint32 *esimap;
/** internal, current slave for eeprom cache */
uint16 esislave;
/** internal, reference to error list */
ec_eringt *elist;
/** internal, reference to processdata stack buffer info */
ec_idxstackT *idxstack;
/** reference to ecaterror state */
boolean *ecaterror;
/** reference to last DC time from slaves */
int64 *DCtime;
/** internal, SM buffer */
ec_SMcommtypet *SMcommtype;
/** internal, PDO assign list */
ec_PDOassignt *PDOassign;
/** internal, PDO description list */
ec_PDOdesct *PDOdesc;
/** internal, SM list from eeprom */
ec_eepromSMt *eepSM;
/** internal, FMMU list from eeprom */
2015-11-04 13:02:33 +01:00
ec_eepromFMMUt *eepFMMU;
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
/** registered FoE hook */
int (*FOEhook)(uint16 slave, int packetnumber, int datasize);
2019-01-31 14:57:16 +01:00
/** registered EoE hook */
int (*EOEhook)(ecx_contextt * context, uint16 slave, void * eoembx);
2019-06-10 11:48:41 +02:00
/** flag to control legacy automatic state change or manual state change */
int manualstatechange;
2021-02-13 12:26:38 -08:00
/** userdata, promotes application configuration esp. in EC_VER2 with multiple
* ec_context instances. Note: userdata memory is managed by application, not SOEM */
void *userdata;
2019-01-31 14:57:16 +01:00
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
#ifdef EC_VER1
/** global struct to hold default master context */
extern ecx_contextt ecx_context;
/** main slave data structure array */
extern ec_slavet ec_slave[EC_MAXSLAVE];
/** number of slaves found by configuration function */
extern int ec_slavecount;
/** slave group structure */
extern ec_groupt ec_group[EC_MAXGROUP];
extern boolean EcatError;
extern int64 ec_DCtime;
void ec_pusherror(const ec_errort *Ec);
boolean ec_poperror(ec_errort *Ec);
boolean ec_iserror(void);
void ec_packeterror(uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIdx, uint16 ErrorCode);
2015-12-21 10:56:49 -05:00
int ec_init(const char * ifname);
int ec_init_redundant(const char *ifname, char *if2name);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
void ec_close(void);
uint8 ec_siigetbyte(uint16 slave, uint16 address);
int16 ec_siifind(uint16 slave, uint16 cat);
void ec_siistring(char *str, uint16 slave, uint16 Sn);
uint16 ec_siiFMMU(uint16 slave, ec_eepromFMMUt* FMMU);
uint16 ec_siiSM(uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM);
uint16 ec_siiSMnext(uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM, uint16 n);
2020-10-09 16:57:53 +02:00
uint32 ec_siiPDO(uint16 slave, ec_eepromPDOt* PDO, uint8 t);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int ec_readstate(void);
int ec_writestate(uint16 slave);
uint16 ec_statecheck(uint16 slave, uint16 reqstate, int timeout);
int ec_mbxempty(uint16 slave, int timeout);
int ec_mbxsend(uint16 slave,ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout);
int ec_mbxreceive(uint16 slave, ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout);
void ec_esidump(uint16 slave, uint8 *esibuf);
uint32 ec_readeeprom(uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, int timeout);
int ec_writeeeprom(uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout);
int ec_eeprom2master(uint16 slave);
int ec_eeprom2pdi(uint16 slave);
uint64 ec_readeepromAP(uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout);
int ec_writeeepromAP(uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout);
uint64 ec_readeepromFP(uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout);
int ec_writeeepromFP(uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout);
void ec_readeeprom1(uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma);
uint32 ec_readeeprom2(uint16 slave, int timeout);
int ec_send_processdata_group(uint8 group);
2018-02-01 12:12:36 +01:00
int ec_send_overlap_processdata_group(uint8 group);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int ec_receive_processdata_group(uint8 group, int timeout);
int ec_send_processdata(void);
2018-02-01 12:12:36 +01:00
int ec_send_overlap_processdata(void);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int ec_receive_processdata(int timeout);
ec_adaptert * ec_find_adapters(void);
void ec_free_adapters(ec_adaptert * adapter);
uint8 ec_nextmbxcnt(uint8 cnt);
void ec_clearmbx(ec_mbxbuft *Mbx);
void ecx_pusherror(ecx_contextt *context, const ec_errort *Ec);
boolean ecx_poperror(ecx_contextt *context, ec_errort *Ec);
boolean ecx_iserror(ecx_contextt *context);
void ecx_packeterror(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 Slave, uint16 Index, uint8 SubIdx, uint16 ErrorCode);
2015-12-21 10:56:49 -05:00
int ecx_init(ecx_contextt *context, const char * ifname);
int ecx_init_redundant(ecx_contextt *context, ecx_redportt *redport, const char *ifname, char *if2name);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
void ecx_close(ecx_contextt *context);
uint8 ecx_siigetbyte(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 address);
int16 ecx_siifind(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 cat);
void ecx_siistring(ecx_contextt *context, char *str, uint16 slave, uint16 Sn);
uint16 ecx_siiFMMU(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromFMMUt* FMMU);
uint16 ecx_siiSM(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM);
uint16 ecx_siiSMnext(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromSMt* SM, uint16 n);
2020-10-09 16:57:53 +02:00
uint32 ecx_siiPDO(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_eepromPDOt* PDO, uint8 t);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int ecx_readstate(ecx_contextt *context);
int ecx_writestate(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave);
uint16 ecx_statecheck(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 reqstate, int timeout);
int ecx_mbxempty(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, int timeout);
int ecx_mbxsend(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave,ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout);
int ecx_mbxreceive(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, ec_mbxbuft *mbx, int timeout);
void ecx_esidump(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint8 *esibuf);
uint32 ecx_readeeprom(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, int timeout);
int ecx_writeeeprom(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout);
int ecx_eeprom2master(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave);
int ecx_eeprom2pdi(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave);
uint64 ecx_readeepromAP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout);
int ecx_writeeepromAP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 aiadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout);
uint64 ecx_readeepromFP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, int timeout);
int ecx_writeeepromFP(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 configadr, uint16 eeproma, uint16 data, int timeout);
void ecx_readeeprom1(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, uint16 eeproma);
uint32 ecx_readeeprom2(ecx_contextt *context, uint16 slave, int timeout);
2018-02-01 12:12:36 +01:00
int ecx_send_overlap_processdata_group(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int ecx_receive_processdata_group(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group, int timeout);
int ecx_send_processdata(ecx_contextt *context);
2018-02-01 12:12:36 +01:00
int ecx_send_overlap_processdata(ecx_contextt *context);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
int ecx_receive_processdata(ecx_contextt *context, int timeout);
2019-03-08 16:35:16 +01:00
int ecx_send_processdata_group(ecx_contextt *context, uint8 group);
2014-11-25 16:10:29 +01:00
#ifdef __cplusplus