/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2020, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2020-05-31 armink first version */ #include #include #include #include #define FDB_LOG_TAG "[main]" static uint32_t boot_count = 0; static time_t boot_time[10] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; /* default KV nodes */ static struct fdb_default_kv_node default_kv_table[] = { {"username", "armink", 0}, /* string KV */ {"password", "123456", 0}, /* string KV */ {"boot_count", &boot_count, sizeof(boot_count)}, /* int type KV */ {"boot_time", &boot_time, sizeof(boot_time)}, /* int array type KV */ }; /* KVDB object */ static struct fdb_kvdb kvdb = { 0 }; /* TSDB object */ struct fdb_tsdb tsdb = { 0 }; extern void kvdb_basic_sample(fdb_kvdb_t kvdb); extern void kvdb_type_string_sample(fdb_kvdb_t kvdb); extern void kvdb_type_blob_sample(fdb_kvdb_t kvdb); extern void tsdb_sample(fdb_tsdb_t tsdb); static void lock(fdb_db_t db) { __disable_irq(); } static void unlock(fdb_db_t db) { __enable_irq(); } static fdb_time_t get_time(void) { static int counts = 0; /* Using the counts instead of timestamp. * Please change this function to return RTC time. */ return counts++; } int main(void) { fdb_err_t result; #ifdef FDB_USING_KVDB { /* KVDB Sample */ struct fdb_default_kv default_kv; default_kv.kvs = default_kv_table; default_kv.num = sizeof(default_kv_table) / sizeof(default_kv_table[0]); /* set the lock and unlock function if you want */ fdb_lock_set((fdb_db_t)&kvdb, lock, unlock); /* Key-Value database initialization * * &kvdb: database object * "env": database name * "fdb_kvdb1": The flash partition name base on FAL. Please make sure it's in FAL partition table. * Please change to YOUR partition name. * &default_kv: The default KV nodes. It will auto add to KVDB when first initialize successfully. * NULL: The user data if you need, now is empty. */ result = fdb_kvdb_init(&kvdb, "env", "fdb_kvdb1", &default_kv, NULL); if (result != FDB_NO_ERR) { return -1; } /* run basic KV samples */ kvdb_basic_sample(&kvdb); /* run string KV samples */ kvdb_type_string_sample(&kvdb); /* run blob KV samples */ kvdb_type_blob_sample(&kvdb); } #endif /* FDB_USING_KVDB */ #ifdef FDB_USING_TSDB { /* TSDB Sample */ /* set the lock and unlock function if you want */ fdb_lock_set((fdb_db_t)&tsdb, lock, unlock); /* Time series database initialization * * &tsdb: database object * "log": database name * "fdb_tsdb1": The flash partition name base on FAL. Please make sure it's in FAL partition table. * Please change to YOUR partition name. * get_time: The get current timestamp function. * 128: maximum length of each log * NULL: The user data if you need, now is empty. */ result = fdb_tsdb_init(&tsdb, "log", "fdb_tsdb1", get_time, 128, NULL); if (result != FDB_NO_ERR) { return -1; } /* run TSDB sample */ tsdb_sample(&tsdb); } #endif /* FDB_USING_TSDB */ return 0; }