/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2021, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2018-12-13 balanceTWK add sdcard port file * 2021-05-10 Meco Man fix a bug that cannot use fatfs in the main thread at starting up * 2021-07-28 Meco Man implement romfs as the root filesystem */ #include #include #include #include #if DFS_FILESYSTEMS_MAX < 4 #error "Please define DFS_FILESYSTEMS_MAX more than 4" #endif #if DFS_FILESYSTEM_TYPES_MAX < 4 #error "Please define DFS_FILESYSTEM_TYPES_MAX more than 4" #endif #define DBG_TAG "app.filesystem" #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #include #ifdef BSP_USING_FS_AUTO_MOUNT #ifdef BSP_USING_SDCARD_FATFS static int onboard_sdcard_mount(void) { if (dfs_mount("sd", "/sdcard", "elm", 0, 0) == RT_EOK) { LOG_I("SD card mount to '/sdcard'"); } else { LOG_E("SD card mount to '/sdcard' failed!"); } return RT_EOK; } #endif /* BSP_USING_SDCARD_FATFS */ #endif /* BSP_USING_FS_AUTO_MOUNT */ #ifdef BSP_USING_FLASH_FS_AUTO_MOUNT #ifdef BSP_USING_FLASH_FATFS #define FS_PARTITION_NAME "filesystem" static int onboard_fal_mount(void) { /* 初始化 fal 功能 */ extern int fal_init(void); extern struct rt_device *fal_blk_device_create(const char *parition_name); fal_init(); /* 在 spi flash 中名为 "filesystem" 的分区上创建一个块设备 */ struct rt_device *flash_dev = fal_blk_device_create(FS_PARTITION_NAME); fal_blk_device_create("font"); if (flash_dev == NULL) { LOG_E("Can't create a block device on '%s' partition.", FS_PARTITION_NAME); } else { LOG_D("Create a block device on the %s partition of flash successful.", FS_PARTITION_NAME); } /* 挂载 spi flash 中名为 "filesystem" 的分区上的文件系统 */ if (dfs_mount(flash_dev->parent.name, "/fal", "elm", 0, 0) == 0) { LOG_I("Filesystem initialized!"); } else { dfs_mkfs("elm", flash_dev->parent.name); if (dfs_mount(flash_dev->parent.name, "/fal", "elm", 0, 0) == 0) { LOG_I("Filesystem initialized!"); } else { LOG_E("Failed to initialize filesystem!"); LOG_D("You should create a filesystem on the block device first!"); } } int ret; /* 创建目录 */ ret = mkdir("/fal/test", 0x777); if (ret < 0) { /* 创建目录失败 */ rt_kprintf("dir error!\n"); } else { /* 创建目录成功 */ rt_kprintf("mkdir ok!\n"); } /* 挂载块设备"font"到 DFS 目录/fal/test中 */ if (dfs_mount("font", "/fal/test", "elm", 0, 0) == 0) { LOG_I("font initialized!"); } else { dfs_mkfs("elm", "font"); if (dfs_mount("font", "/fal/test", "elm", 0, 0) == 0) { LOG_I("font initialized!"); } else { LOG_E("Failed to initialize font!"); LOG_D("You should create a filesystem(font) on the block device first!"); } } return RT_EOK; } #endif /*BSP_USING_FLASH_FATFS*/ #endif /*BSP_USING_FLASH_FS_AUTO_MOUNT*/ const struct romfs_dirent _romfs_root[] = { #ifdef BSP_USING_SDCARD_FATFS {ROMFS_DIRENT_DIR, "sdcard", RT_NULL, 0}, #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_FLASH_FATFS {ROMFS_DIRENT_DIR, "fal", RT_NULL, 0}, #endif }; const struct romfs_dirent romfs_root = { ROMFS_DIRENT_DIR, "/", (rt_uint8_t *)_romfs_root, sizeof(_romfs_root) / sizeof(_romfs_root[0]) }; static int filesystem_mount(void) { #ifdef BSP_USING_FS if (dfs_mount(RT_NULL, "/", "rom", 0, &(romfs_root)) != 0) { LOG_E("rom mount to '/' failed!"); } /* 确保块设备注册成功之后再挂载文件系统 */ rt_thread_delay(500); #endif #ifdef BSP_USING_FS_AUTO_MOUNT onboard_sdcard_mount(); #endif /* BSP_USING_FS_AUTO_MOUNT */ #ifdef BSP_USING_FLASH_FS_AUTO_MOUNT onboard_fal_mount(); #endif return RT_EOK; } INIT_APP_EXPORT(filesystem_mount);