+init 删冗余 发送信息开关等(未成功)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,295 +1,3 @@
// #include "rtthread.h"
// #include "dev_sign_api.h"
// #include "mqtt_api.h"
// void *HAL_Malloc(uint32_t size);
// void HAL_Free(void *ptr);
// void HAL_Printf(const char *fmt, ...);
// int HAL_GetProductKey(char product_key[IOTX_PRODUCT_KEY_LEN + 1]);
// int HAL_GetDeviceName(char device_name[IOTX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN + 1]);
// int HAL_GetDeviceSecret(char device_secret[IOTX_DEVICE_SECRET_LEN]);
// uint64_t HAL_UptimeMs(void);
// int HAL_Snprintf(char *str, const int len, const char *fmt, ...);
// #define EXAMPLE_TRACE(fmt, ...) \
// do \
// { \
// HAL_Printf("%s|%03d :: ", __func__, __LINE__); \
// HAL_Printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
// HAL_Printf("%s", "\r\n"); \
// } while (0)
// static void example_message_arrive(void *pcontext, void *pclient, iotx_mqtt_event_msg_pt msg)
// {
// iotx_mqtt_topic_info_t *topic_info = (iotx_mqtt_topic_info_pt)msg->msg;
// switch (msg->event_type)
// {
// /* print topic name and topic message */
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("Message Arrived:");
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("Topic : %.*s", topic_info->topic_len, topic_info->ptopic);
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("Payload: %.*s", topic_info->payload_len, topic_info->payload);
// break;
// default:
// break;
// }
// }
// static int example_subscribe(void *handle)
// {
// int res = 0;
// const char *fmt = "/%s/%s/user/get";
// char *topic = NULL;
// int topic_len = 0;
// topic_len = strlen(fmt) + strlen(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY) + strlen(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME) + 1;
// topic = HAL_Malloc(topic_len);
// if (topic == NULL)
// {
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("memory not enough");
// return -1;
// }
// memset(topic, 0, topic_len);
// HAL_Snprintf(topic, topic_len, fmt, DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY, DEMO_DEVICE_NAME);
// res = IOT_MQTT_Subscribe(handle, topic, IOTX_MQTT_QOS0, example_message_arrive, NULL);
// if (res < 0)
// {
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("subscribe failed");
// HAL_Free(topic);
// return -1;
// }
// HAL_Free(topic);
// return 0;
// }
// static int example_publish(void *handle)
// {
// int res = 0;
// const char *fmt = "/sys/%s/%s/thing/event/property/post";
// char *topic = NULL;
// int topic_len = 0;
// char *payload = "{\"message\":\"hello!\"}";
// topic_len = strlen(fmt) + strlen(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY) + strlen(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME) + 1;
// topic = HAL_Malloc(topic_len);
// if (topic == NULL)
// {
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("memory not enough");
// return -1;
// }
// memset(topic, 0, topic_len);
// HAL_Snprintf(topic, topic_len, fmt, DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY, DEMO_DEVICE_NAME);
// res = IOT_MQTT_Publish_Simple(0, topic, IOTX_MQTT_QOS0, payload, strlen(payload));
// if (res < 0)
// {
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("publish failed, res = %d", res);
// HAL_Free(topic);
// return -1;
// }
// HAL_Free(topic);
// return 0;
// }
// static void example_event_handle(void *pcontext, void *pclient, iotx_mqtt_event_msg_pt msg)
// {
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("msg->event_type : %d", msg->event_type);
// }
// /*
// * NOTE: About demo topic of /${productKey}/${deviceName}/user/get
// *
// * The demo device has been configured in IoT console (https://iot.console.aliyun.com)
// * so that its /${productKey}/${deviceName}/user/get can both be subscribed and published
// *
// * We design this to completely demonstrate publish & subscribe process, in this way
// * MQTT client can receive original packet sent by itself
// *
// * For new devices created by yourself, pub/sub privilege also requires being granted
// * to its /${productKey}/${deviceName}/user/get for successfully running whole example
// */
// void mqtt_example_main(void *parameter)
// {
// void *pclient = NULL;
// int res = 0;
// int loop_cnt = 0;
// iotx_mqtt_param_t mqtt_params;
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("mqtt example");
// /* Initialize MQTT parameter */
// /*
// * Note:
// *
// * If you did NOT set value for members of mqtt_params, SDK will use their default values
// * If you wish to customize some parameter, just un-comment value assigning expressions below
// *
// **/
// memset(&mqtt_params, 0x0, sizeof(mqtt_params));
// /**
// *
// * MQTT connect hostname string
// *
// * MQTT server's hostname can be customized here
// *
// * default value is ${productKey}.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com
// */
// /* mqtt_params.host = "something.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com"; */
// /**
// *
// * MQTT connect port number
// *
// * TCP/TLS port which can be 443 or 1883 or 80 or etc, you can customize it here
// *
// * default value is 1883 in TCP case, and 443 in TLS case
// */
// /* mqtt_params.port = 1883; */
// /**
// *
// * MQTT request timeout interval
// *
// * MQTT message request timeout for waiting ACK in MQTT Protocol
// *
// * default value is 2000ms.
// */
// /* mqtt_params.request_timeout_ms = 2000; */
// /**
// *
// * MQTT clean session flag
// *
// * If CleanSession is set to 0, the Server MUST resume communications with the Client based on state from
// * the current Session (as identified by the Client identifier).
// *
// * If CleanSession is set to 1, the Client and Server MUST discard any previous Session and Start a new one.
// *
// * default value is 0.
// */
// /* mqtt_params.clean_session = 0; */
// /**
// *
// * MQTT keepAlive interval
// *
// * KeepAlive is the maximum time interval that is permitted to elapse between the point at which
// * the Client finishes transmitting one Control Packet and the point it starts sending the next.
// *
// * default value is 60000.
// */
// /* mqtt_params.keepalive_interval_ms = 60000; */
// /**
// *
// * MQTT write buffer size
// *
// * Write buffer is allocated to place upstream MQTT messages, MQTT client will be limitted
// * to send packet no longer than this to Cloud
// *
// * default value is 1024.
// *
// */
// /* mqtt_params.write_buf_size = 1024; */
// /**
// *
// * MQTT read buffer size
// *
// * Write buffer is allocated to place downstream MQTT messages, MQTT client will be limitted
// * to recv packet no longer than this from Cloud
// *
// * default value is 1024.
// *
// */
// /* mqtt_params.read_buf_size = 1024; */
// /**
// *
// * MQTT event callback function
// *
// * Event callback function will be called by SDK when it want to notify user what is happening inside itself
// *
// * default value is NULL, which means PUB/SUB event won't be exposed.
// *
// */
// mqtt_params.handle_event.h_fp = example_event_handle;
// pclient = IOT_MQTT_Construct(&mqtt_params);
// if (NULL == pclient)
// {
// EXAMPLE_TRACE("MQTT construct failed");
// return;
// }
// res = example_subscribe(pclient);
// if (res < 0)
// {
// IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&pclient);
// return;
// }
// while (1)
// {
// if (0 == loop_cnt % 20)
// {
// example_publish(pclient);
// }
// IOT_MQTT_Yield(pclient, 200);
// loop_cnt += 1;
// }
// }
// #define THREAD_PRIORITY 25
// #define THREAD_STACK_SIZE 4096
// rt_thread_t MQTT_Thread;
// void MQTT_Creat_Thread(void)
// {
// // 创建线程
// MQTT_Thread = rt_thread_create("MQTT_Thread", mqtt_example_main, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY, THREAD_TIMESLICE);
// // 创建成功就启动
// if (MQTT_Thread != RT_NULL)
// {
// rt_thread_startup(MQTT_Thread);
// }
// else
// {
// rt_kprintf("MQTT_Thread_Thread Create Fail");
// }
// }
// // 导出Shell命令
// MSH_CMD_EXPORT(MQTT_Creat_Thread, This Function will creat a MQTT thread.);
* Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
* Again edit by rt-thread group
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2019-07-21 MurphyZhao first edit
#include "rtthread.h"
#include "dev_sign_api.h"
#include "mqtt_api.h"
@ -312,6 +20,9 @@ int HAL_GetDeviceSecret(char device_secret[IOTX_DEVICE_SECRET_LEN]);
uint64_t HAL_UptimeMs(void);
int HAL_Snprintf(char *str, const int len, const char *fmt, ...);
#define GPIO_LED_B GET_PIN(F,11)
#define GPIO_LED_R GET_PIN(F,12)
// AHT挂载的总线名字
#define AHT10_I2C_BUS "i2c3"
@ -337,6 +48,15 @@ static void example_message_arrive(void *pcontext, void *pclient, iotx_mqtt_even
/* print topic name and topic message */
EXAMPLE_TRACE("Message Arrived:");
if(rt_pin_read(GPIO_LED_R) == PIN_HIGH)
rt_pin_write(GPIO_LED_R, PIN_LOW);
rt_pin_write(GPIO_LED_R, PIN_HIGH);
EXAMPLE_TRACE("Topic : %.*s", topic_info->topic_len, topic_info->ptopic);
EXAMPLE_TRACE("Payload: %.*s", topic_info->payload_len, topic_info->payload);
@ -421,19 +141,6 @@ static void example_event_handle(void *pcontext, void *pclient, iotx_mqtt_event_
EXAMPLE_TRACE("msg->event_type : %d", msg->event_type);
* NOTE: About demo topic of /${productKey}/${deviceName}/user/get
* The demo device has been configured in IoT console (https://iot.console.aliyun.com)
* so that its /${productKey}/${deviceName}/user/get can both be subscribed and published
* We design this to completely demonstrate publish & subscribe process, in this way
* MQTT client can receive original packet sent by itself
* For new devices created by yourself, pub/sub privilege also requires being granted
* to its /${productKey}/${deviceName}/user/get for successfully running whole example
static void mqtt_example_main(void *parameter)
void *pclient = NULL;
@ -447,103 +154,9 @@ static void mqtt_example_main(void *parameter)
EXAMPLE_TRACE("mqtt example");
/* Initialize MQTT parameter */
* Note:
* If you did NOT set value for members of mqtt_params, SDK will use their default values
* If you wish to customize some parameter, just un-comment value assigning expressions below
memset(&mqtt_params, 0x0, sizeof(mqtt_params));
* MQTT connect hostname string
* MQTT server's hostname can be customized here
* default value is ${productKey}.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com
/* mqtt_params.host = "something.iot-as-mqtt.cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com"; */
* MQTT connect port number
* TCP/TLS port which can be 443 or 1883 or 80 or etc, you can customize it here
* default value is 1883 in TCP case, and 443 in TLS case
/* mqtt_params.port = 1883; */
* MQTT request timeout interval
* MQTT message request timeout for waiting ACK in MQTT Protocol
* default value is 2000ms.
/* mqtt_params.request_timeout_ms = 2000; */
* MQTT clean session flag
* If CleanSession is set to 0, the Server MUST resume communications with the Client based on state from
* the current Session (as identified by the Client identifier).
* If CleanSession is set to 1, the Client and Server MUST discard any previous Session and Start a new one.
* default value is 0.
/* mqtt_params.clean_session = 0; */
* MQTT keepAlive interval
* KeepAlive is the maximum time interval that is permitted to elapse between the point at which
* the Client finishes transmitting one Control Packet and the point it starts sending the next.
* default value is 60000.
/* mqtt_params.keepalive_interval_ms = 60000; */
* MQTT write buffer size
* Write buffer is allocated to place upstream MQTT messages, MQTT client will be limitted
* to send packet no longer than this to Cloud
* default value is 1024.
/* mqtt_params.write_buf_size = 1024; */
* MQTT read buffer size
* Write buffer is allocated to place downstream MQTT messages, MQTT client will be limitted
* to recv packet no longer than this from Cloud
* default value is 1024.
/* mqtt_params.read_buf_size = 1024; */
* MQTT event callback function
* Event callback function will be called by SDK when it want to notify user what is happening inside itself
* default value is NULL, which means PUB/SUB event won't be exposed.
mqtt_params.handle_event.h_fp = example_event_handle;
pclient = IOT_MQTT_Construct(&mqtt_params);
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ void app_lcd_string(void){
/* show some string on lcd */
lcd_show_string(10, 69, 16, "Hello, RT-Thread!");
lcd_show_string(10, 69 + 16, 24, "RT-Thread");
lcd_show_string(10, 69 + 16 + 24, 32, "RT-Thread");
lcd_show_string(10, 69 + 16 + 24, 32, "123");
/* draw a line on lcd */
lcd_draw_line(0, 69 + 16 + 24 + 32, 240, 69 + 16 + 24 + 32);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <rthw.h>
#include <wlan_mgnt.h>
#include <wlan_cfg.h>
#include <wlan_prot.h>
static int board_init(void)
return 0;
static int prev_init(void)
return 0;
static int device_init(void)
return 0;
static int component_init(void)
return 0;
static int env_init(void)
return 0;
static int app_init(void)
return 0;
// extern int wifi_join(int argc, char *argv[]);
int main_init(void)
// rt_thread_mdelay(18000);
// char *argv[] = {"wifi", "join", "Dong", "abcd07691234"};
// wifi_join(4, argv);
// char *ssid = "Dong";
// char *key = "abcd07691234";
// rt_wlan_connect(ssid, key);
return 0;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#ifndef __INIT_H__
#define __INIT_H__
int main_init(void);
#endif // !__INIT_H__
@ -50,7 +50,8 @@
// return 0;
// }
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <board.h>
#include "init.h"
#include <drv_gpio.h>
#include <rtdevice.h>
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@
int main(void)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user