/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2023-01-30 GuEe-GUI first version */ #include <rthw.h> #include <rtthread.h> #define DBG_TAG "pic.gic*" #define DBG_LVL DBG_LOG #include <rtdbg.h> #include <drivers/pic.h> #include "pic-gicv2.h" #include "pic-gic-common.h" void gic_common_init_quirk_ofw(const struct rt_ofw_node *ic_np, const struct gic_quirk *quirks, void *data) { for (; quirks->desc; ++quirks) { if (!quirks->compatible || !rt_ofw_node_is_compatible(ic_np, quirks->compatible)) { continue; } RT_ASSERT(quirks->init != RT_NULL); if (!quirks->init(data)) { LOG_I("Enable workaround for %s", quirks->desc); } } } void gic_common_init_quirk_hw(rt_uint32_t iidr, const struct gic_quirk *quirks, void *data) { for (; quirks->desc; ++quirks) { if (quirks->compatible) { continue; } if (quirks->iidr == (iidr & quirks->iidr_mask)) { RT_ASSERT(quirks->init != RT_NULL); if (!quirks->init(data)) { LOG_I("Enable workaround for %s", quirks->desc); } } } } void gic_common_sgi_config(void *base, void *data, int irq_base) { #ifdef RT_USING_SMP if (irq_base < 2) { struct rt_pic_irq *pirq; #define DECLARE_GIC_IPI(ipi, hwirq) \ rt_pic_config_ipi(data, ipi, hwirq); \ pirq = rt_pic_find_ipi(data, ipi); \ pirq->mode = RT_IRQ_MODE_EDGE_RISING; \ DECLARE_GIC_IPI(RT_SCHEDULE_IPI, 0); DECLARE_GIC_IPI(RT_STOP_IPI, 1); #undef DECLARE_GIC_IPI } #endif /* RT_USING_SMP */ } rt_err_t gic_common_configure_irq(void *base, int irq, rt_uint32_t mode, void (*sync_access)(void *), void *data) { rt_err_t err = RT_EOK; rt_ubase_t level; rt_uint32_t val, oldval; rt_uint32_t confoff = (irq / 16) * 4; rt_uint32_t confmask = 0x2 << ((irq % 16) * 2); static struct rt_spinlock ic_lock = { 0 }; level = rt_spin_lock_irqsave(&ic_lock); val = oldval = HWREG32(base + confoff); if (mode & RT_IRQ_MODE_LEVEL_MASK) { /* Level-sensitive */ val &= ~confmask; } else if (mode & RT_IRQ_MODE_EDGE_BOTH) { /* Edge-triggered */ val |= confmask; } if (val != oldval) { HWREG32(base + confoff) = val; if (HWREG32(base + confoff) != val) { err = -RT_EINVAL; } if (sync_access) { sync_access(data); } } rt_spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ic_lock, level); return err; } void gic_common_dist_config(void *base, int max_irqs, void (*sync_access)(void *), void *data) { rt_uint32_t i; /* Set all global interrupts to be level triggered, active low. */ for (i = 32; i < max_irqs; i += 16) { HWREG32(base + GIC_DIST_CONFIG + i / 4) = GICD_INT_ACTLOW_LVLTRIG; } /* Set priority on all global interrupts. */ for (i = 32; i < max_irqs; i += 4) { HWREG32(base + GIC_DIST_PRI + i * 4 / 4) = GICD_INT_DEF_PRI_X4; } /* Disable all SPIs. */ for (i = 32; i < max_irqs; i += 32) { HWREG32(base + GIC_DIST_ACTIVE_CLEAR + i / 8) = GICD_INT_EN_CLR_X32; HWREG32(base + GIC_DIST_ENABLE_CLEAR + i / 8) = GICD_INT_EN_CLR_X32; } if (sync_access) { sync_access(data); } } void gic_common_cpu_config(void *base, int nr, void (*sync_access)(void *), void *data) { rt_uint32_t i; /* Disable all SGIs, PPIs. */ for (i = 0; i < nr; i += 32) { HWREG32(base + GIC_DIST_ACTIVE_CLEAR + i / 8) = GICD_INT_EN_CLR_X32; HWREG32(base + GIC_DIST_ENABLE_CLEAR + i / 8) = GICD_INT_EN_CLR_X32; } /* Set priority on all PPI and SGI. */ for (i = 0; i < nr; i += 4) { HWREG32(base + GIC_DIST_PRI + i * 4 / 4) = GICD_INT_DEF_PRI_X4; } if (sync_access) { sync_access(data); } } void gic_fill_ppi_affinity(rt_bitmap_t *affinity) { for (int cpuid = 0; cpuid < RT_CPUS_NR; ++cpuid) { RT_IRQ_AFFINITY_SET(affinity, cpuid); } }