/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2022, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2022-11-10 RT-Thread The first version * 2023-03-13 WangXiaoyao syscall metadata as structure */ #ifndef __SYSCALL_DATA_H__ #define __SYSCALL_DATA_H__ #include <rtthread.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> typedef long sysret_t; struct rt_syscall_def { void *func; char *name; }; /** * @brief signature for syscall, used to locate syscall metadata. * * We don't allocate an exclusive section in ELF like Linux do * to avoid initializing necessary data by iterating that section, * which increases system booting time. We signature a pointer * just below each syscall entry in syscall table to make it * easy to locate every syscall's metadata by using syscall id. */ #define SYSCALL_SIGN(func) { \ (void *)(func), \ &RT_STRINGIFY(func)[4], \ } #define SET_ERRNO(no) rt_set_errno(-(no)) #define GET_ERRNO() ({int _errno = rt_get_errno(); _errno > 0 ? -_errno : _errno;}) #define _SYS_WRAP(func) ({int _ret = func; _ret < 0 ? GET_ERRNO() : _ret;}) rt_inline sysret_t lwp_errno_to_posix(rt_err_t error) { sysret_t posix_rc; switch (labs(error)) { case RT_EOK: posix_rc = 0; break; case RT_ETIMEOUT: posix_rc = -ETIMEDOUT; break; case RT_EINVAL: posix_rc = -EINVAL; break; case RT_ENOENT: posix_rc = -ENOENT; break; case RT_ENOSPC: posix_rc = -ENOSPC; break; case RT_EPERM: posix_rc = -EPERM; break; default: posix_rc = -1; break; } return posix_rc; } #endif /* __SYSCALL_DATA_H__ */