/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2024, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2022-08-25 GuEe-GUI first version */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include <drivers/platform.h> #include <drivers/core/bus.h> #include <drivers/serial_dm.h> #define DBG_TAG "rtdm.ofw" #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #include <rtdbg.h> #include "ofw_internal.h" struct rt_ofw_stub *rt_ofw_stub_probe_range(struct rt_ofw_node *np, const struct rt_ofw_stub *stub_start, const struct rt_ofw_stub *stub_end) { const struct rt_ofw_stub *stub = RT_NULL; if (np && stub_start && stub_end && !rt_ofw_node_test_flag(np, RT_OFW_F_READLY) && !rt_ofw_node_test_flag(np, RT_OFW_F_SYSTEM)) { struct rt_ofw_prop *compat_prop = rt_ofw_get_prop(np, "compatible", RT_NULL); if (compat_prop) { rt_ofw_foreach_stub(stub, stub_start, stub_end) { struct rt_ofw_node_id *id; if (!stub->ids) { continue; } id = rt_ofw_prop_match(compat_prop, stub->ids); if (id) { if (!stub->handler(np, id)) { rt_ofw_node_set_flag(np, RT_OFW_F_READLY); } break; } } } } return (struct rt_ofw_stub *)stub; } struct ofw_obj_cmp_list { const char *cells_name; const char *obj_name; rt_size_t obj_size; }; static const struct ofw_obj_cmp_list ofw_obj_cmp_list[] = { { "#power-domain-cells", RT_POWER_DOMAIN_PROXY_OBJ_NAME, sizeof(struct rt_dm_power_domain_proxy) }, { "#power-domain-cells", RT_POWER_DOMAIN_OBJ_NAME, sizeof(struct rt_dm_power_domain) }, }; static struct rt_object *ofw_parse_object(struct rt_ofw_node *np, const char *cells_name) { const struct ofw_obj_cmp_list *item; struct rt_object *obj = rt_ofw_data(np), *ret_obj = RT_NULL; RT_BITMAP_DECLARE(idx_mask, RT_ARRAY_SIZE(ofw_obj_cmp_list)) = {}; for (int i = 0; i < RT_ARRAY_SIZE(ofw_obj_cmp_list); ++i) { item = &ofw_obj_cmp_list[i]; if (!rt_ofw_prop_read_bool(np, item->cells_name)) { rt_bitmap_set_bit(idx_mask, i); } } while (!ret_obj) { int i = 0; /* Is print ? */ if (!((rt_uint32_t)(obj->name[0] - 0x20) < 0x5f)) { break; } rt_bitmap_for_each_clear_bit(idx_mask, i, RT_ARRAY_SIZE(ofw_obj_cmp_list)) { item = &ofw_obj_cmp_list[i]; if (!rt_strcmp(item->cells_name, cells_name)) { ret_obj = obj; break; } if (!rt_strncmp(item->obj_name, obj->name, RT_NAME_MAX)) { obj = (struct rt_object *)((rt_ubase_t)obj + item->obj_size); break; } } if (i >= RT_ARRAY_SIZE(ofw_obj_cmp_list)) { LOG_E("Invalid rt_object = %s", obj->name); break; } } return ret_obj; } struct rt_object *rt_ofw_parse_object(struct rt_ofw_node *np, const char *obj_name, const char *cells_name) { struct rt_object *obj = RT_NULL, *test_obj; if (np && (test_obj = rt_ofw_data(np)) && cells_name) { /* The composite object is rare, so we try to find this object as much as possible at once. */ if (obj_name && rt_strcmp(test_obj->name, obj_name)) { obj = test_obj; } else { obj = ofw_parse_object(np, cells_name); } } return obj; } static const char *ofw_console_serial_find(char *dst_con, struct rt_ofw_node *np) { rt_object_t rt_obj = RT_NULL; const char *ofw_name = RT_NULL; struct rt_serial_device *rt_serial = rt_ofw_data(np); if (rt_serial) { rt_obj = &rt_serial->parent.parent; } /* * This is a dangerous behavior because rt_data can be modified by other * user. But fortunately, we can check if the rt_data is a rt_device or * rt_serial_device. */ if (rt_obj && rt_object_get_type(rt_obj) == RT_Object_Class_Device && rt_serial->parent.type == RT_Device_Class_Char) { ofw_name = np->full_name; rt_strncpy(dst_con, rt_obj->name, RT_NAME_MAX); } return ofw_name; } static int tty_device_compare(rt_device_t dev, void *data) { rt_ubase_t *args_list; char *dst_con; const char *console, **ofw_name; const struct rt_ofw_node_id *id; struct rt_platform_device *pdev; int *tty_idx, tty_id, tty_name_len; pdev = rt_container_of(dev, struct rt_platform_device, parent); id = pdev->id; args_list = data; tty_idx = (int *)args_list[0]; tty_id = args_list[1]; console = (const char *)args_list[2]; tty_name_len = args_list[3]; dst_con = (char *)args_list[4]; ofw_name = (const char **)args_list[5]; if (id && id->type[0] && !strncmp(id->type, console, tty_name_len)) { if (*tty_idx == tty_id) { *ofw_name = ofw_console_serial_find(dst_con, pdev->parent.ofw_node); return RT_EOK; } ++*tty_idx; } return -RT_EEMPTY; } static const char *ofw_console_tty_find(char *dst_con, const char *con) { const char *ofw_name = RT_NULL; static rt_bus_t platform_bus = RT_NULL; if (!platform_bus) { platform_bus = rt_bus_find_by_name("platform"); } if (platform_bus) { rt_ubase_t args_list[6]; const char *console = con; int tty_idx = 0, tty_id = 0, tty_name_len; con += sizeof("tty") - 1; while (*con && !(*con >= '0' && *con <= '9')) { ++con; } tty_name_len = con - console; while (*con && *con >= '0' && *con <= '9') { tty_id *= 10; tty_id += *con - '0'; ++con; } args_list[0] = (rt_ubase_t)&tty_idx; args_list[1] = tty_id; args_list[2] = (rt_ubase_t)console; args_list[3] = tty_name_len; args_list[4] = (rt_ubase_t)dst_con; args_list[5] = (rt_ubase_t)&ofw_name; rt_bus_for_each_dev(platform_bus, &args_list, tty_device_compare); } return ofw_name; } rt_err_t rt_ofw_console_setup(void) { rt_err_t err = -RT_ENOSYS; char con_name[RT_NAME_MAX], *options = RT_NULL; const char *ofw_name = RT_NULL, *stdout_path, *con; /* chosen.console > chosen.stdout-path > RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME */ con = rt_ofw_bootargs_select("console=", 0); for (int i = 1; con; ++i) { if (!rt_strncmp(con, "uart", sizeof("uart") - 1)) { rt_strncpy(con_name, con, RT_NAME_MAX); err = RT_EOK; break; } else if (!rt_strncmp(con, "tty", sizeof("tty") - 1)) { ofw_name = ofw_console_tty_find(con_name, con); if (ofw_name) { const char *ch = con; while (*ch && *ch != ' ') { if (*ch++ == ',') { options = (char *)ch; break; } } err = RT_EOK; break; } } con = rt_ofw_bootargs_select("console=", i); } if (err == -RT_ENOSYS && !rt_ofw_prop_read_string(ofw_node_chosen, "stdout-path", &stdout_path)) { struct rt_ofw_node *stdout_np = rt_ofw_find_node_by_path(stdout_path); if (stdout_np && (ofw_name = ofw_console_serial_find(con_name, stdout_np))) { err = RT_EOK; } } if (err == -RT_ENOSYS) { rt_device_t serial = rt_device_find(RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME); if (serial) { ofw_name = rt_ofw_node_full_name(serial->ofw_node); con = RT_CONSOLE_DEVICE_NAME; } else { LOG_W("Console will probably fail to setup"); } } else { con = con_name; } rt_console_set_device(con); if (options) { rt_device_t con_dev = rt_console_get_device(); if (con_dev) { struct serial_configure con_conf = serial_cfg_from_args(options); rt_device_control(con_dev, RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CONFIG, &con_conf); } } rt_fdt_earlycon_kick(FDT_EARLYCON_KICK_COMPLETED); LOG_I("Console: %s (%s)", con, ofw_name ? ofw_name : "<unknown>"); return err; } const char *rt_ofw_bootargs_select(const char *key, int index) { const char *value = RT_NULL; if (key && index >= 0) { static char **values = RT_NULL; static rt_size_t bootargs_nr = 1; const char *bootargs = RT_NULL, *ch; if (bootargs_nr && !values && (bootargs_nr = 0, !rt_ofw_prop_read_string(ofw_node_chosen, "bootargs", &bootargs)) && bootargs && (bootargs = rt_strdup(bootargs))) { rt_bool_t quotes = RT_TRUE; rt_size_t length = rt_strlen(bootargs); const char *bootargs_end = bootargs + length; for (ch = bootargs; ch < bootargs_end; ++ch) { if (*ch == '"') { quotes = !quotes; continue; } if (*ch != ' ' || !quotes) { continue; } ++bootargs_nr; while (*ch == ' ' && ch < bootargs_end) { *(char *)ch++ = '\0'; } --ch; } if (bootargs_nr) { /* last arg */ ++bootargs_nr; values = rt_malloc(sizeof(char *) * bootargs_nr); } if (values) { int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { for (; i < length && !bootargs[i]; ++i) { } if (i < length) { values[idx++] = (char *)&bootargs[i]; } for (; i < length && bootargs[i]; ++i) { } } } else { rt_free((char *)bootargs); } } if (values) { int keylen = rt_strlen(key); for (int idx = 0, count = 0; idx < bootargs_nr; ++idx) { if (!rt_strncmp(values[idx], key, keylen)) { if (count == index) { value = values[idx] + keylen; break; } ++count; } } } } return value; } #ifdef RT_USING_CONSOLE static void dts_put_depth(int depth) { while (depth --> 0) { rt_kputs(" "); } } static rt_bool_t dts_test_string_list(const void *value, int size) { const char *str, *str_start, *str_end; if (!size) { return RT_FALSE; } str = value; /* String end with '\0' */ if (str[size - 1] != '\0') { return RT_FALSE; } /* Get string list end */ str_end = str + size; while (str < str_end) { str_start = str; /* Before string list end, not '\0' and a printable characters */ while (str < str_end && *str && ((unsigned char)*str >= ' ' && (unsigned char)*str <= '~')) { ++str; } /* Not zero, or not increased */ if (*str != '\0' || str == str_start) { return RT_FALSE; } /* Next string */ ++str; } return RT_TRUE; } static void ofw_node_dump_dts(struct rt_ofw_node *np, rt_bool_t sibling_too) { int depth = 0; struct rt_ofw_prop *prop; struct rt_ofw_node *org_np = np; while (np) { dts_put_depth(depth); rt_kputs(np->full_name); rt_kputs(" {\n"); prop = np->props; /* Print prop start */ ++depth; while (prop) { dts_put_depth(depth); rt_kputs(prop->name); /* Have value? */ if (prop->length > 0) { int length = prop->length; void *value = prop->value; rt_kputs(" = "); if (dts_test_string_list(value, length)) { /* String list */ char *str = value; do { rt_kputs("\""); rt_kputs(str); rt_kputs("\", "); str += rt_strlen(str) + 1; } while (str < (char *)value + length); rt_kputs("\b\b"); } else if ((length % 4) == 0) { /* u32 data in <?> */ fdt32_t *cell = value; rt_kputs("<"); length /= 4; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { rt_kprintf("0x%02x ", fdt32_to_cpu(cell[i])); } rt_kputs("\b>"); } else { /* Byte data in [?] */ rt_uint8_t *byte = value; rt_kputs("["); for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { rt_kprintf("%02x ", *byte++); } rt_kputs("\b]"); } } rt_kputs(";\n"); prop = prop->next; } --depth; /* Print prop end */ if (np->child) { rt_kputs("\n"); np = np->child; ++depth; } else { dts_put_depth(depth); rt_kputs("};\n"); if (!sibling_too && org_np == np) { break; } while (np->parent && !np->sibling) { np = np->parent; --depth; if (depth >= 0) { dts_put_depth(depth); rt_kputs("};\n"); } } if (!sibling_too && org_np == np) { break; } np = np->sibling; if (np) { rt_kputs("\n"); } } } } void rt_ofw_node_dump_dts(struct rt_ofw_node *np, rt_bool_t sibling_too) { if (np) { if (!rt_strcmp(np->name, "/")) { struct fdt_info *header = (struct fdt_info *)np->name; struct fdt_reserve_entry *rsvmap = header->rsvmap; rt_kprintf("/dts-v%x/;\n\n", fdt_version(header->fdt)); for (int i = header->rsvmap_nr - 1; i >= 0; --i) { rt_kprintf("/memreserve/\t%p %p;\n", ofw_static_cast(rt_size_t, fdt64_to_cpu(rsvmap->address)), ofw_static_cast(rt_size_t, fdt64_to_cpu(rsvmap->size))); ++rsvmap; } rt_kputs(np->name); } ofw_node_dump_dts(np, sibling_too); } } #ifdef RT_USING_MSH static void ofw_dts(int argc, char**argv) { if (ofw_node_root) { if (argc == 1) { rt_ofw_node_dump_dts(ofw_node_root, RT_TRUE); } else if (argv[1][0] == '/') { struct rt_ofw_node *np = rt_ofw_find_node_by_path(argv[1]); if (np) { rt_ofw_node_dump_dts(np, RT_FALSE); } else { rt_kprintf("%s not found.\n", argv[1]); } } else if (argc >= 2 && !rt_strcmp(argv[1], "list") && argv[2][0] == '/') { struct rt_ofw_node *np = rt_ofw_find_node_by_path(argv[2]); if (np) { const char *split = np == ofw_node_root ? "" : "/"; np = np->child; while (np) { rt_kprintf("%s%s%s\n", argv[2], split, np->full_name); np = np->sibling; } } else { rt_kprintf("%s not found.\n", argv[2]); } } else { rt_kprintf("Usage: %s {list} {path}\n", __func__); } } else { rt_kprintf("\"/\" path not found."); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(ofw_dts, dump the dts or node for this platform); #endif /* RT_USING_MSH */ #endif /* RT_USING_CONSOLE */