/* * Copyright (c) 2006-2023, RT-Thread Development Team * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2019-09-07 flybreak the first version */ #include <rthw.h> #include <rtdevice.h> #include "drivers/usb_device.h" #include "uaudioreg.h" #define DBG_TAG "usbd.audio.mic" #define DBG_LVL DBG_INFO #include <rtdbg.h> #define RECORD_SAMPLERATE 16000 #define RECORD_CHANNEL 1 #define RESOLUTION_BITS 16 #define RESOLUTION_BYTE (RESOLUTION_BITS / 8) #define RECORD_PER_MS_SZ ((RECORD_SAMPLERATE * RECORD_CHANNEL * RESOLUTION_BYTE) / 1000) #define RECORD_BUFFER_SZ (RECORD_PER_MS_SZ * 20) /* 20ms */ #if defined(RT_USBD_MIC_DEVICE_NAME) #define MIC_DEVICE_NAME RT_USBD_MIC_DEVICE_NAME #else #define MIC_DEVICE_NAME "mic0" #endif #define EVENT_RECORD_START (1 << 0) #define EVENT_RECORD_STOP (1 << 1) #define EVENT_RECORD_DATA (1 << 2) #define MIC_INTF_STR_INDEX 8 /* * uac mic descriptor define */ #define UAC_CS_INTERFACE 0x24 #define UAC_CS_ENDPOINT 0x25 #define UAC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 64 #define UAC_EP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE 32 #define UAC_CHANNEL_NUM RECORD_CHANNEL struct uac_ac_descriptor { #ifdef RT_USB_DEVICE_COMPOSITE struct uiad_descriptor iad_desc; #endif struct uinterface_descriptor intf_desc; struct usb_audio_control_descriptor hdr_desc; struct usb_audio_input_terminal it_desc; struct usb_audio_output_terminal ot_desc; #if UAC_USE_FEATURE_UNIT struct usb_audio_feature_unit feature_unit_desc; #endif }; struct uac_as_descriptor { struct uinterface_descriptor intf_desc; struct usb_audio_streaming_interface_descriptor hdr_desc; struct usb_audio_streaming_type1_descriptor format_type_desc; struct uendpoint_descriptor ep_desc; struct usb_audio_streaming_endpoint_descriptor as_ep_desc; }; /* * uac mic device type */ struct uac_audio_mic { rt_device_t dev; rt_event_t event; rt_uint8_t open_count; rt_uint8_t *buffer; rt_uint32_t buffer_index; uep_t ep; }; static struct uac_audio_mic mic; rt_align(4) static struct udevice_descriptor dev_desc = { USB_DESC_LENGTH_DEVICE, //bLength; USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICE, //type; USB_BCD_VERSION, //bcdUSB; USB_CLASS_DEVICE, //bDeviceClass; 0x00, //bDeviceSubClass; 0x00, //bDeviceProtocol; UAC_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, //bMaxPacketSize0; _VENDOR_ID, //idVendor; _PRODUCT_ID, //idProduct; USB_BCD_DEVICE, //bcdDevice; USB_STRING_MANU_INDEX, //iManufacturer; USB_STRING_PRODUCT_INDEX, //iProduct; USB_STRING_SERIAL_INDEX, //iSerialNumber;Unused. USB_DYNAMIC, //bNumConfigurations; }; //FS and HS needed rt_align(4) static struct usb_qualifier_descriptor dev_qualifier = { sizeof(dev_qualifier), //bLength USB_DESC_TYPE_DEVICEQUALIFIER, //bDescriptorType 0x0200, //bcdUSB USB_CLASS_AUDIO, //bDeviceClass 0x00, //bDeviceSubClass 0x00, //bDeviceProtocol 64, //bMaxPacketSize0 0x01, //bNumConfigurations 0, }; rt_align(4) const static char *_ustring[] = { "Language", "RT-Thread Team.", "RT-Thread Audio Microphone", "32021919830108", "Configuration", "Interface", }; rt_align(4) static struct uac_ac_descriptor ac_desc = { #ifdef RT_USB_DEVICE_COMPOSITE /* Interface Association Descriptor */ { USB_DESC_LENGTH_IAD, USB_DESC_TYPE_IAD, USB_DYNAMIC, 0x02, USB_CLASS_AUDIO, USB_SUBCLASS_AUDIOSTREAMING, 0x00, 0x00, }, #endif /* Interface Descriptor */ { USB_DESC_LENGTH_INTERFACE, USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE, USB_DYNAMIC, 0x00, 0x00, USB_CLASS_AUDIO, USB_SUBCLASS_AUDIOCONTROL, 0x00, #ifdef RT_USB_DEVICE_COMPOSITE MIC_INTF_STR_INDEX, #else 0x00, #endif }, /* Header Descriptor */ { sizeof(struct usb_audio_control_descriptor), UAC_CS_INTERFACE, UDESCSUB_AC_HEADER, 0x0100, /* Version: 1.00 */ 0x001E, /* Total length: 30 */ 0x01, /* Total number of interfaces: 1 */ {0x01}, /* Interface number: 1 */ }, /* Input Terminal Descriptor */ { sizeof(struct usb_audio_input_terminal), UAC_CS_INTERFACE, UDESCSUB_AC_INPUT, 0x01, /* Terminal ID: 1 */ 0x0201, /* Terminal Type: Microphone (0x0201) */ 0x00, /* Assoc Terminal: 0 */ 0x01, /* Number Channels: 1 */ 0x0000, /* Channel Config: 0x0000 */ 0x00, /* Channel Names: 0 */ 0x00, /* Terminal: 0 */ }, /* Output Terminal Descriptor */ { sizeof(struct usb_audio_output_terminal), UAC_CS_INTERFACE, UDESCSUB_AC_OUTPUT, 0x02, /* Terminal ID: 2 */ 0x0101, /* Terminal Type: USB Streaming (0x0101) */ 0x00, /* Assoc Terminal: 0 */ 0x01, /* Source ID: 1 */ 0x00, /* Terminal: 0 */ }, #if UAC_USE_FEATURE_UNIT /* Feature unit Descriptor */ { sizeof(struct usb_audio_feature_unit), UAC_CS_INTERFACE, UDESCSUB_AC_FEATURE, 0x02, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, }, #endif }; rt_align(4) static struct uinterface_descriptor as_desc0 = { USB_DESC_LENGTH_INTERFACE, USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE, USB_DYNAMIC, 0x00, 0x00, USB_CLASS_AUDIO, USB_SUBCLASS_AUDIOSTREAMING, 0x00, 0x00, }; rt_align(4) static struct uac_as_descriptor as_desc = { /* Interface Descriptor */ { USB_DESC_LENGTH_INTERFACE, USB_DESC_TYPE_INTERFACE, USB_DYNAMIC, 0x01, 0x01, USB_CLASS_AUDIO, USB_SUBCLASS_AUDIOSTREAMING, 0x00, 0x00, }, /* General AS Descriptor */ { sizeof(struct usb_audio_streaming_interface_descriptor), UAC_CS_INTERFACE, AS_GENERAL, 0x02, /* Terminal ID: 2 */ 0x01, /* Interface delay in frames: 1 */ UA_FMT_PCM, }, /* Format type i Descriptor */ { sizeof(struct usb_audio_streaming_type1_descriptor), UAC_CS_INTERFACE, FORMAT_TYPE, FORMAT_TYPE_I, UAC_CHANNEL_NUM, 2, /* Subframe Size: 2 */ RESOLUTION_BITS, 0x01, /* Samples Frequence Type: 1 */ {0}, /* Samples Frequence */ }, /* Endpoint Descriptor */ { USB_DESC_LENGTH_ENDPOINT, USB_DESC_TYPE_ENDPOINT, USB_DYNAMIC | USB_DIR_IN, USB_EP_ATTR_ISOC, UAC_EP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE, 0x01, }, /* AS Endpoint Descriptor */ { sizeof(struct usb_audio_streaming_endpoint_descriptor), UAC_CS_ENDPOINT, AS_GENERAL, }, }; void mic_entry(void *parameter) { struct rt_audio_caps caps = {0}; rt_uint32_t e, index; mic.buffer = rt_malloc(RECORD_BUFFER_SZ); if (mic.buffer == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("malloc failed"); goto __exit; } mic.dev = rt_device_find(MIC_DEVICE_NAME); if (mic.dev == RT_NULL) { LOG_E("can't find device:%s", MIC_DEVICE_NAME); goto __exit; } while (1) { if (rt_event_recv(mic.event, EVENT_RECORD_START | EVENT_RECORD_STOP, RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR | RT_EVENT_FLAG_CLEAR, 1000, &e) != RT_EOK) { continue; } if (mic.open_count == 0) { continue; } LOG_D("record start"); rt_device_open(mic.dev, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDONLY); caps.main_type = AUDIO_TYPE_INPUT; caps.sub_type = AUDIO_DSP_PARAM; caps.udata.config.samplerate = RECORD_SAMPLERATE; caps.udata.config.channels = RECORD_CHANNEL; caps.udata.config.samplebits = RESOLUTION_BITS; rt_device_control(mic.dev, AUDIO_CTL_CONFIGURE, &caps); while (1) { if (rt_event_recv(mic.event, EVENT_RECORD_DATA | EVENT_RECORD_STOP, RT_EVENT_FLAG_OR | RT_EVENT_FLAG_CLEAR, 1000, &e) != RT_EOK) { if (mic.open_count > 0) continue; else break; } if (e & EVENT_RECORD_DATA) { index = (mic.buffer_index >= RECORD_BUFFER_SZ / 2) ? 0 : (RECORD_BUFFER_SZ / 2); rt_device_read(mic.dev, 0, mic.buffer + index, RECORD_BUFFER_SZ / 2); } else if (e & EVENT_RECORD_STOP) { break; } } LOG_D("record stop"); rt_device_close(mic.dev); } __exit: if (mic.buffer) rt_free(mic.buffer); } static rt_err_t _record_start(ufunction_t func) { mic.ep->request.buffer = RT_NULL; mic.ep->request.size = UAC_EP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; mic.ep->request.req_type = UIO_REQUEST_WRITE; rt_usbd_io_request(func->device, mic.ep, &mic.ep->request); mic.open_count ++; rt_event_send(mic.event, EVENT_RECORD_START); return 0; } static rt_err_t _record_stop(ufunction_t func) { mic.open_count --; rt_event_send(mic.event, EVENT_RECORD_STOP); return 0; } static rt_err_t _ep_data_in_handler(ufunction_t func, rt_size_t size) { RT_ASSERT(func != RT_NULL); LOG_D("_ep_data_in_handler"); mic.ep->request.buffer = mic.buffer + mic.buffer_index; mic.ep->request.size = UAC_EP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; mic.ep->request.req_type = UIO_REQUEST_WRITE; rt_usbd_io_request(func->device, mic.ep, &mic.ep->request); mic.buffer_index += UAC_EP_MAX_PACKET_SIZE; if (mic.buffer_index >= RECORD_BUFFER_SZ) { mic.buffer_index = 0; rt_event_send(mic.event, EVENT_RECORD_DATA); } else if (mic.buffer_index == RECORD_BUFFER_SZ / 2) { rt_event_send(mic.event, EVENT_RECORD_DATA); } return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t _interface_as_handler(ufunction_t func, ureq_t setup) { RT_ASSERT(func != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(func->device != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(setup != RT_NULL); LOG_D("_interface_as_handler"); if ((setup->request_type & USB_REQ_TYPE_MASK) == USB_REQ_TYPE_STANDARD) { switch (setup->bRequest) { case USB_REQ_GET_INTERFACE: break; case USB_REQ_SET_INTERFACE: LOG_D("set interface handler"); if (setup->wValue == 1) { _record_start(func); } else if (setup->wValue == 0) { _record_stop(func); } break; default: LOG_D("unknown uac request 0x%x", setup->bRequest); return -RT_ERROR; } } return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t _function_enable(ufunction_t func) { RT_ASSERT(func != RT_NULL); LOG_D("uac function enable"); return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t _function_disable(ufunction_t func) { RT_ASSERT(func != RT_NULL); LOG_D("uac function disable"); _record_stop(func); return RT_EOK; } static struct ufunction_ops ops = { _function_enable, _function_disable, RT_NULL, }; /** * This function will configure uac descriptor. * * @param comm the communication interface number. * @param data the data interface number. * * @return RT_EOK on successful. */ static rt_err_t _uac_descriptor_config(struct uac_ac_descriptor *ac, rt_uint8_t cintf_nr, struct uac_as_descriptor *as, rt_uint8_t sintf_nr) { ac->hdr_desc.baInterfaceNr[0] = sintf_nr; #ifdef RT_USB_DEVICE_COMPOSITE ac->iad_desc.bFirstInterface = cintf_nr; #endif return RT_EOK; } static rt_err_t _uac_samplerate_config(struct uac_as_descriptor *as, rt_uint32_t samplerate) { as->format_type_desc.tSamFreq[0 * 3 + 2] = samplerate >> 16 & 0xff; as->format_type_desc.tSamFreq[0 * 3 + 1] = samplerate >> 8 & 0xff; as->format_type_desc.tSamFreq[0 * 3 + 0] = samplerate & 0xff; return RT_EOK; } /** * This function will create a uac function instance. * * @param device the usb device object. * * @return RT_EOK on successful. */ ufunction_t rt_usbd_function_uac_mic_create(udevice_t device) { ufunction_t func; uintf_t intf_ac, intf_as; ualtsetting_t setting_as0; ualtsetting_t setting_ac, setting_as; struct uac_as_descriptor *as_desc_t; /* parameter check */ RT_ASSERT(device != RT_NULL); #ifdef RT_USB_DEVICE_COMPOSITE rt_usbd_device_set_interface_string(device, MIC_INTF_STR_INDEX, _ustring[2]); #else /* set usb device string description */ rt_usbd_device_set_string(device, _ustring); #endif /* create a uac function */ func = rt_usbd_function_new(device, &dev_desc, &ops); //not support HS //rt_usbd_device_set_qualifier(device, &dev_qualifier); /* create interface */ intf_ac = rt_usbd_interface_new(device, RT_NULL); intf_as = rt_usbd_interface_new(device, _interface_as_handler); /* create alternate setting */ setting_ac = rt_usbd_altsetting_new(sizeof(struct uac_ac_descriptor)); setting_as0 = rt_usbd_altsetting_new(sizeof(struct uinterface_descriptor)); setting_as = rt_usbd_altsetting_new(sizeof(struct uac_as_descriptor)); /* config desc in alternate setting */ rt_usbd_altsetting_config_descriptor(setting_ac, &ac_desc, (rt_off_t) & ((struct uac_ac_descriptor *)0)->intf_desc); rt_usbd_altsetting_config_descriptor(setting_as0, &as_desc0, 0); rt_usbd_altsetting_config_descriptor(setting_as, &as_desc, (rt_off_t) & ((struct uac_as_descriptor *)0)->intf_desc); /* configure the uac interface descriptor */ _uac_descriptor_config(setting_ac->desc, intf_ac->intf_num, setting_as->desc, intf_as->intf_num); _uac_samplerate_config(setting_as->desc, RECORD_SAMPLERATE); /* create endpoint */ as_desc_t = (struct uac_as_descriptor *)setting_as->desc; mic.ep = rt_usbd_endpoint_new(&as_desc_t->ep_desc, _ep_data_in_handler); /* add the endpoint to the alternate setting */ rt_usbd_altsetting_add_endpoint(setting_as, mic.ep); /* add the alternate setting to the interface, then set default setting of the interface */ rt_usbd_interface_add_altsetting(intf_ac, setting_ac); rt_usbd_set_altsetting(intf_ac, 0); rt_usbd_interface_add_altsetting(intf_as, setting_as0); rt_usbd_interface_add_altsetting(intf_as, setting_as); rt_usbd_set_altsetting(intf_as, 0); /* add the interface to the uac function */ rt_usbd_function_add_interface(func, intf_ac); rt_usbd_function_add_interface(func, intf_as); return func; } int audio_mic_init(void) { rt_thread_t mic_tid; mic.event = rt_event_create("mic_event", RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); mic_tid = rt_thread_create("mic_thread", mic_entry, RT_NULL, 1024, 5, 10); if (mic_tid != RT_NULL) rt_thread_startup(mic_tid); return RT_EOK; } INIT_COMPONENT_EXPORT(audio_mic_init); /* * register uac class */ struct udclass uac_class = { .rt_usbd_function_create = rt_usbd_function_uac_mic_create }; int rt_usbd_uac_mic_class_register(void) { rt_usbd_class_register(&uac_class); return 0; } INIT_PREV_EXPORT(rt_usbd_uac_mic_class_register);