#include "rtthread.h" #include "dev_sign_api.h" #include "mqtt_api.h" #include #include #include #include #include "aht10.h" #include #include #include #include "rtdevice.h" // #include "serial_v2.h" #include "mysnake.h" #include "infrared.h" #include #include "my_func.h" #include "sensor.h" #include "assistant.h" #include "cJSON.h" #include "RyanJson.h" #define THREAD_PRIORITY 25 #define THREAD_STACK_SIZE 4096 #define THREAD_TIMESLICE 5 // #define BSP_USING_ONBOARD_LED_MATRIX rt_thread_t MQTT_Thread = RT_NULL; rt_thread_t Snake_Thread = RT_NULL; rt_thread_t Infrared_Thread = RT_NULL; rt_thread_t Test_Thread = RT_NULL; rt_thread_t CDC_Thread = RT_NULL; rt_thread_t Serial_Thread = RT_NULL; rt_thread_t LED_Thread = RT_NULL; rt_thread_t wlan_connect_tid = RT_NULL; char DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY[IOTX_PRODUCT_KEY_LEN + 1] = {0}; char DEMO_DEVICE_NAME[IOTX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN + 1] = {0}; char DEMO_DEVICE_SECRET[IOTX_DEVICE_SECRET_LEN + 1] = {0}; void *HAL_Malloc(uint32_t size); void HAL_Free(void *ptr); void HAL_Printf(const char *fmt, ...); int HAL_GetProductKey(char product_key[IOTX_PRODUCT_KEY_LEN + 1]); int HAL_GetDeviceName(char device_name[IOTX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN + 1]); int HAL_GetDeviceSecret(char device_secret[IOTX_DEVICE_SECRET_LEN]); uint64_t HAL_UptimeMs(void); int HAL_Snprintf(char *str, const int len, const char *fmt, ...); #define WLAN_NAME "as" #define WLAN_PASSWORD "07691234" // 定义接受文件内容的缓冲区 char buffer[1026] = {}; char tmp[1026]; extern int snake_len; rt_atomic_t page_chosen = 1; rt_atomic_t page_first = 1; rt_atomic_t page_stop = 0; rt_atomic_t last_stop = 0; rt_atomic_t last_connect_status = -RT_ERROR; rt_atomic_t mqtt_enable = 1; void *pclient = NULL; #define GPIO_LED_B GET_PIN(F, 11) #define GPIO_LED_R GET_PIN(F, 12) // AHT挂载的总线名字 #define AHT10_I2C_BUS "i2c3" // AHT,ap3216c设备指针 aht10_device_t Dev = RT_NULL; ap3216c_device_t dev; // Humi:湿度值,Temp:温度值 float Humi, Temp; rt_uint16_t ps_data; float brightness; int lcd_y; int int_tmp; struct infrared_decoder_data infrared_data; extern void myir_entry(void *parameter); void ath_init(void); void mqt_init(void); int ap3_init(void); void inf_init(void); void tst_init(void); #define EXAMPLE_TRACE(fmt, ...) \ do \ { \ HAL_Printf("%s|%03d :: ", __func__, __LINE__); \ HAL_Printf(fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ HAL_Printf("%s", "\r\n"); \ } while (0) static void example_message_arrive(void *pcontext, void *pclient, iotx_mqtt_event_msg_pt msg) { iotx_mqtt_topic_info_t *topic_info = (iotx_mqtt_topic_info_pt)msg->msg; switch (msg->event_type) { case IOTX_MQTT_EVENT_PUBLISH_RECEIVED: /* print topic name and topic message */ EXAMPLE_TRACE("Message Arrived:"); rt_pin_mode(GPIO_LED_R, PIN_MODE_OUTPUT); // topic_info->payload 为发送的内容,可以据此设置命令 if (rt_pin_read(GPIO_LED_R) == PIN_HIGH) { // rt_kprintf("LED_R should be ON\n"); rt_pin_write(GPIO_LED_R, PIN_LOW); } else { // rt_kprintf("LED_R should be OFF\n"); rt_pin_write(GPIO_LED_R, PIN_HIGH); } EXAMPLE_TRACE("Topic : %.*s", topic_info->topic_len, topic_info->ptopic); EXAMPLE_TRACE("Payload: %.*s", topic_info->payload_len, topic_info->payload); EXAMPLE_TRACE("\n"); char str_tmp[32]; RyanJson_t jsonRoot = RyanJsonParse(topic_info->payload); int cmdkey= RyanJsonGetIntValue(RyanJsonGetObjectByKey(jsonRoot, "KEY")); rt_sprintf(str_tmp, "%d", cmdkey); assist_control(str_tmp); break; default: break; } } static int example_subscribe(void *handle) { int res = 0; const char *fmt = "/%s/%s/user/get"; char *topic = NULL; int topic_len = 0; topic_len = rt_strlen(fmt) + rt_strlen(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY) + rt_strlen(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME) + 1; topic = rt_malloc(topic_len); if (topic == NULL) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("memory not enough"); return -1; } memset(topic, 0, topic_len); // HAL_Snprintf(topic, topic_len, fmt, DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY, DEMO_DEVICE_NAME); rt_snprintf(topic, topic_len, fmt, DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY, DEMO_DEVICE_NAME); res = IOT_MQTT_Subscribe(handle, topic, IOTX_MQTT_QOS0, example_message_arrive, NULL); if (res < 0) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("subscribe failed"); // HAL_Free(topic); rt_free(topic); return -1; } // HAL_Free(topic); rt_free(topic); return 0; } int plus_lcd_y(int pls) { int_tmp = lcd_y; lcd_y += pls; return int_tmp; } void easy_show_lcd(char *title, float Temp) { lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(24), 24, title); rt_sprintf(tmp, "%f", Temp); lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(32), 32, tmp); } void show_lcd() { lcd_y = 10; easy_show_lcd("Temperature:", Temp); easy_show_lcd("Air quality:", ADC_air); easy_show_lcd("PM2.5:", ADC_PM25); easy_show_lcd("Pressure:",ADC_pressure); // easy_show_lcd("Humidity:", Humi); // easy_show_lcd("Brightness:(lux)", brightness); // easy_show_lcd("Ps data:", (float)ps_data); // lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(10), 24, "Temperature:"); // rt_sprintf(tmp, "%f", Temp); // lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(24), 32, tmp); // lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(32), 24, "Humidity:"); // rt_sprintf(tmp, "%f", Humi); // lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(24), 32, tmp); // lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(32), 24, "Brightness:"); // rt_sprintf(tmp, "%f(lux)", brightness); // lcd_show_string(10, plus_lcd_y(24), 32, tmp); } void make_file() { // 文件描述符 int fd; // 用只写方式打开文件,如果没有该文件,则创建一个文件 fd = open("/fal/test/Data.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_APPEND); // 和原来相比,只是把O_TRUNC参数更改为O_APPEND,即更改为打开后,如果再进行写入,将从文件的末尾位置开始写。 // rt_kprintf("\n%f %f tmp:%s\n",Humi,Temp,String); // 如果打开成功 if (fd >= 0) { // 写入文件 write(fd, tmp, sizeof(tmp)); // rt_kprintf("Write done.\n"); // 关闭文件 close(fd); } else { rt_kprintf("File Open Fail.\n"); } return; } int cnt = 0, page_tog = 0; void tmp_payload(void) { // 读取温湿度值 Humi = aht10_read_humidity(Dev); Temp = aht10_read_temperature(Dev); brightness = ap3216c_read_ambient_light(dev); ps_data = ap3216c_read_ps_data(dev); // if (infrared_read("nec", &infrared_data) == RT_EOK) // { // /* 读取到红外数据,红灯亮起 */ // // rt_pin_write(PIN_LED_R, PIN_LOW); // LOG_I("RECEIVE OK: addr:0x%02X key:0x%02X repeat:%d", infrared_data.data.nec.addr, // infrared_data.data.nec.key, infrared_data.data.nec.repeat); // } // icm20608_get_accel(icm20608_device_t dev, rt_int16_t *accel_x, rt_int16_t *accel_y, rt_int16_t *accel_z) // memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp)); // rt_sprintf(tmp, "Temp: %.1f;Humi: %.1f;Count: %d\n", Temp, Humi,++cnt); // rt_kprintf("\n%f %f tmp:%s\n",Humi,Temp,tmp); // make_file(); if (page_chosen == 2 && !page_stop) { if (page_first) { // lcd_fill(40, 240/2-32-24, 240-50, 240/2+24+32, WHITE); rt_kprintf("page:Data\n"); my_round(20); page_first = 0; } show_lcd(); } if (page_chosen == 3 && !page_stop) { if (page_first) { lcd_fill(0, 0, 240, 240, WHITE); rt_kprintf("page:Time\n"); my_round(20); page_first = 0; } greattime(); } if (page_chosen == 4 && !page_stop) { if (page_first) { lcd_fill(0, 0, 240, 240, WHITE); lcd_show_string(240 / 2 - 24, 240 / 2 - 12, 24, "MQTT"); rt_kprintf("page:MQTT\n"); my_round(20); page_first = 0; } if (!wlan_connected) { lcd_show_string(240 / 2 - 24 * 2, 240 / 2 + 12, 32, "disconnect"); // if (last_stop) // { // last_stop = 0; // IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&pclient); // rt_thread_delete(MQTT_Thread); // } } else { lcd_show_string(240 / 2 - 24 * 2, 240 / 2 + 12, 32, "connected "); // if (mqtt_enable && !last_stop && wlan_connected == RT_EOK) // { // last_stop = 1; // mqt_init(); // } // if (wlan_connected == RT_EOK) // { // lcd_show_string(240 / 2 - 24 * 2, 240 / 2 + 12 + 32, 32, "connect"); // // if (last_connect_status != RT_EOK) // // { // // mqt_init(); // // } // } // else // { // lcd_show_string(240 / 2 - 24 * 2, 240 / 2 + 12 + 32, 32, "disconnect"); // // if (last_connect_status == RT_EOK) // // { // // IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&pclient); // // rt_thread_delete(MQTT_Thread); // // } // } // last_connect_status = wlan_connected; } } if (ps_data > 1022) { page_tog = 1; } if (page_tog && ps_data < 1000) { page_tog = 0; page_chosen = (page_chosen % PAGE_MAX) + 1; page_first = 1; } rt_sprintf(tmp, "{\"params\":{\"temperature\":%.2f,\"humidity\":%.2f,\"LightLux\":%.2f,\"Psdata\":%d,\"Snakelen\":%d,\"Air\":%.2f,\"Pressure\":%.2f,\"PM25\":%.2f}}", Temp, Humi, brightness, ps_data, snake_len,ADC_air,ADC_pressure,ADC_PM25); return; } void test_lcd() { // show_str(10, 10+24+32+24+32, 100, 32, "你好", 32); // ath_init(); // ap3_init(); while (1) { tmp_payload(); rt_thread_mdelay(100); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT(test_lcd, run my project); static int example_publish(void *handle) { int res = 0; const char *fmt = "/sys/%s/%s/thing/event/property/post"; char *topic = NULL; int topic_len = 0; char *payload = tmp; topic_len = rt_strlen(fmt) + rt_strlen(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY) + rt_strlen(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME) + 1; topic = rt_malloc(topic_len); if (topic == NULL) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("memory not enough"); return -1; } memset(topic, 0, topic_len); rt_snprintf(topic, topic_len, fmt, DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY, DEMO_DEVICE_NAME); res = IOT_MQTT_Publish_Simple(0, topic, IOTX_MQTT_QOS0, payload, rt_strlen(payload)); if (res < 0) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("publish failed, res = %d", res); rt_free(topic); return -1; } // HAL_Free(topic); rt_free(topic); return 0; } static void example_event_handle(void *pcontext, void *pclient, iotx_mqtt_event_msg_pt msg) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("msg->event_type : %d", msg->event_type); } static void mqtt_example_main(void *parameter) { int res = 0; int loop_cnt = 0; iotx_mqtt_param_t mqtt_params; HAL_GetProductKey(DEMO_PRODUCT_KEY); HAL_GetDeviceName(DEMO_DEVICE_NAME); HAL_GetDeviceSecret(DEMO_DEVICE_SECRET); EXAMPLE_TRACE("mqtt example"); memset(&mqtt_params, 0x0, sizeof(mqtt_params)); mqtt_params.handle_event.h_fp = example_event_handle; pclient = IOT_MQTT_Construct(&mqtt_params); if (NULL == pclient) { EXAMPLE_TRACE("MQTT construct failed"); return; } res = example_subscribe(pclient); if (res < 0) { IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&pclient); return; } while (1) { if (0 == loop_cnt % 5) { example_publish(pclient); } IOT_MQTT_Yield(pclient, 200); loop_cnt += 1; } return; } void cdc_entry(void *parameter) { rt_device_t dev = RT_NULL; char buf[] = "hello rt-thread!\r\n"; dev = rt_device_find("vcom"); if (dev) rt_device_open(dev, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR); else return; while (1) { rt_device_write(dev, 0, buf, rt_strlen(buf)); rt_thread_mdelay(500); } } void wlan_connect_thread(void *parameter) { (void *)parameter; wlan_connected=RT_FALSE; rt_wlan_connect(WLAN_NAME,WLAN_PASSWORD); rt_wlan_connect(WLAN_NAME,WLAN_PASSWORD); // while(rt_wlan_connect(WLAN_NAME,WLAN_PASSWORD)!= RT_EOK) // { // rt_thread_mdelay(2000); // } rt_wlan_config_autoreconnect(RT_TRUE); while (1) { if (rt_wlan_is_connected() == RT_TRUE) { // if(!wlan_connected) { wlan_connected = RT_TRUE; // rt_wlan_connect(WLAN_NAME,WLAN_PASSWORD); rt_thread_mdelay(5000); mqt_init(); } } // else // { // if(wlan_connected) // { // wlan_connected = RT_FALSE; // IOT_MQTT_Destroy(&pclient); // rt_thread_delete(MQTT_Thread); // } // } rt_thread_mdelay(5000); } } // /* 用于接收消息的信号量 */ // static struct rt_semaphore rx_sem; // /* 接收数据回调函数 */ // static rt_err_t uart_input(rt_device_t dev, rt_size_t size) // { // /* 串口接收到数据后产生中断,调用此回调函数,然后发送接收信号量 */ // rt_sem_release(&rx_sem); // return RT_EOK; // } static void serial_thread_entry(void *parameter) { // serial = RT_NULL; // char buf[] = "hello rt-thread!\r\n"; // serial = rt_device_find("uart3"); // if (serial) // rt_device_open(serial, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_RDWR); // else // return; // while (1) // { // rt_device_write(serial, 0, buf, rt_strlen(buf)); // rt_thread_mdelay(500); // } // char ch[105]; // while (1) // { // /* 从串口读取一个字节的数据,没有读取到则等待接收信号量 */ // int Size; // while ((Size = rt_device_read(serial, -1, &ch, 8)) != 1) // { // /* 阻塞等待接收信号量,等到信号量后再次读取数据 */ // rt_sem_take(&rx_sem, RT_WAITING_FOREVER); // } // rt_kprintf("%s", ch); // } } void ath_init(void) { // 初始化设备 Dev = aht10_init(AHT10_I2C_BUS); if (Dev == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("AHT10_init Fail"); return; } } void wla_init(void) { wlan_connect_tid = rt_thread_create("wlanas", wlan_connect_thread, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY, THREAD_TIMESLICE); if (wlan_connect_tid != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(wlan_connect_tid); } else { rt_kprintf("wlan_connect_thread Create Failed!\n"); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(wla_init, wla_init, "Infrared"); void serial_init(void) { // // 初始化设备 // serial = rt_device_find("uart3"); // if (Dev == RT_NULL) // { // rt_kprintf("uart3 not find. Fail"); // return; // } // struct serial_configure config = RT_SERIAL_CONFIG_DEFAULT; /* 初始化配置参数 */ // config.baud_rate = BAUD_RATE_9600; // 修改波特率为 9600 // config.data_bits = DATA_BITS_8; // 数据位 8 // config.stop_bits = STOP_BITS_1; // 停止位 1 // config.bufsz = 128; // 修改缓冲区 buff size 为 128 // config.parity = PARITY_NONE; // 无奇偶校验位 // /* step3:控制串口设备。通过控制接口传入命令控制字,与控制参数 */ // rt_device_control(serial, RT_DEVICE_CTRL_CONFIG, &config); // /* 初始化信号量 */ // rt_sem_init(&rx_sem, "rx_sem", 0, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); // /* 以 中断 接收及轮询发送方式打开串口设备 */ // rt_device_open(serial, RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX); // // /* 设置接收回调函数 */ // rt_device_set_rx_indicate(serial, uart_input); // const char *str = "hello RTT\r\n"; // /* 发送字符串 */ // rt_device_write(serial, 0, str, (sizeof(str) - 1)); // /* 创建 serial 线程 */ // rt_thread_t thread = rt_thread_create("serial", serial_thread_entry, RT_NULL, 1024, 25, 10); Serial_Thread = rt_thread_create("serial", serial_thread_entry, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY, THREAD_TIMESLICE); /* 创建成功则启动线程 */ if (Serial_Thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(Serial_Thread); } else { rt_kprintf("serial Thread Create Failed!\n"); } } void mqt_init(void) { MQTT_Thread = rt_thread_create("MQTT_Thread", mqtt_example_main, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY, THREAD_TIMESLICE); if (MQTT_Thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(MQTT_Thread); } else { rt_kprintf("MQTT Thread Create Failed!\n"); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(mqt_init, mqtt, run my mqtt); int ap3_init(void) { const char *i2c_bus_name = "i2c2"; dev = ap3216c_init(i2c_bus_name); return 0; } void snk_init(void) { Snake_Thread = rt_thread_create("Snake_Thread", snake_entry, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY, THREAD_TIMESLICE); if (Snake_Thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(Snake_Thread); } else { rt_kprintf("Snake Thread Create Failed!\n"); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(snk_init, snake, "snake game"); void cdc_init(void) { CDC_Thread = rt_thread_create("CDC_Thread", cdc_entry, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY, THREAD_TIMESLICE); if (CDC_Thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(CDC_Thread); } else { rt_kprintf("CDC Thread Create Failed!\n"); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(cdc_init, cdc, "write on virtual device"); // void i20_init(void) // { // const char* i2c_bus_name = "i2c2"; // icm20608_init(i2c_bus_name) // return 0; // } void inf_init(void) { Infrared_Thread = rt_thread_create("Infrared_Thread", myir_entry, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY - THREAD_PRIORITY + 3, THREAD_TIMESLICE * 4); if (Infrared_Thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(Infrared_Thread); } else { rt_kprintf("Infrared Thread Create Failed!\n"); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(inf_init, inf, "Infrared"); void tst_init(void) { Test_Thread = rt_thread_create("Test_Thread", test_lcd, RT_NULL, THREAD_STACK_SIZE, THREAD_PRIORITY, THREAD_TIMESLICE); if (Test_Thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(Test_Thread); } else { rt_kprintf("Test_Thread Create Failed!\n"); } } MSH_CMD_EXPORT_ALIAS(tst_init, no_mqtt, "Infrared"); // extern int aiv_init(void); // extern int mot_init(void); // // extern int last_stop; // int main_init(void) // { // my_round(20); // sim_dev_init(); // ath_init(); // wla_init(); // if (wlan_connected == RT_EOK) // { // last_stop = 1; // mqt_init(); // } // ap3_init(); // inf_init(); // cdc_init(); // tst_init(); // 不知道为什么不能在mqtt_init()之前,不然报错 // serial_init(); // mot_init(); // aiv_init(); // // sensor_init(); // led_init(); // } // void evn_init(void) // { // if(rt_event_create("my_event2", RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO) != RT_EOK) // { // rt_kprintf("Create Event Failed!\n"); // } // }