2024-08-05 20:57:09 +08:00
* Copyright (c) 2019 Fuzhou Rockchip Electronics Co., Ltd
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Change Logs:
* Date Author Notes
* 2019-12-09 Steven Liu the first version
* 2021-04-14 Meco Man Check the file path's legitimacy of 'sy' command
#include <rtthread.h>
#include <ymodem.h>
#include <dfs_file.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/statfs.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#error "Please enable DFS_USING_POSIX"
struct custom_ctx
struct rym_ctx parent;
int fd;
int flen;
char fpath[DFS_PATH_MAX];
static const char *_get_path_lastname(const char *path)
char *ptr;
if ((ptr = (char *)strrchr(path, '/')) == NULL)
return path;
/* skip the '/' then return */
return ++ptr;
static enum rym_code _rym_recv_begin(
struct rym_ctx *ctx,
rt_uint8_t *buf,
rt_size_t len)
struct custom_ctx *cctx = (struct custom_ctx *)ctx;
2025-01-23 21:03:05 +08:00
struct stat file_buf;
2024-08-05 20:57:09 +08:00
char insert_0 = '\0';
char *ret;
rt_err_t err;
ret = strchr(cctx->fpath,insert_0);
*ret = '/';
rt_kprintf("No end character\n");
return RYM_ERR_ACK;
rt_strncpy(ret + 1, (const char *)buf, len - 1);
cctx->fd = open(cctx->fpath, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, 0);
if (cctx->fd < 0)
2025-01-23 21:03:05 +08:00
rt_err_t err = rt_get_errno();
2024-08-05 20:57:09 +08:00
rt_kprintf("error creating file: %d\n", err);
return RYM_CODE_CAN;
cctx->flen = atoi(1 + (const char *)buf + rt_strnlen((const char *)buf, len - 1));
if (cctx->flen == 0)
cctx->flen = -1;
return RYM_CODE_ACK;
static enum rym_code _rym_recv_data(
struct rym_ctx *ctx,
rt_uint8_t *buf,
rt_size_t len)
struct custom_ctx *cctx = (struct custom_ctx *)ctx;
RT_ASSERT(cctx->fd >= 0);
if (cctx->flen == -1)
write(cctx->fd, buf, len);
int wlen = len > cctx->flen ? cctx->flen : len;
write(cctx->fd, buf, wlen);
cctx->flen -= wlen;
return RYM_CODE_ACK;
static enum rym_code _rym_recv_end(
struct rym_ctx *ctx,
rt_uint8_t *buf,
rt_size_t len)
struct custom_ctx *cctx = (struct custom_ctx *)ctx;
RT_ASSERT(cctx->fd >= 0);
cctx->fd = -1;
return RYM_CODE_ACK;
static enum rym_code _rym_send_begin(
struct rym_ctx *ctx,
rt_uint8_t *buf,
rt_size_t len)
struct custom_ctx *cctx = (struct custom_ctx *)ctx;
struct stat file_buf;
char insert_0 = '\0';
rt_err_t err;
cctx->fd = open(cctx->fpath, O_RDONLY);
if (cctx->fd < 0)
err = rt_get_errno();
rt_kprintf("error open file: %d\n", err);
return RYM_ERR_FILE;
rt_memset(buf, 0, len);
err = stat(cctx->fpath, &file_buf);
if (err != RT_EOK)
rt_kprintf("error open file.\n");
return RYM_ERR_FILE;
const char *fdst = _get_path_lastname(cctx->fpath);
if(fdst != cctx->fpath)
fdst = dfs_normalize_path(RT_NULL, fdst);
if (fdst == RT_NULL)
return RYM_ERR_FILE;
rt_sprintf((char *)buf, "%s%c%d", fdst, insert_0, file_buf.st_size);
return RYM_CODE_SOH;
static enum rym_code _rym_send_data(
struct rym_ctx *ctx,
rt_uint8_t *buf,
rt_size_t len)
struct custom_ctx *cctx = (struct custom_ctx *)ctx;
rt_size_t read_size;
int retry_read;
read_size = 0;
for (retry_read = 0; retry_read < 10; retry_read++)
read_size += read(cctx->fd, buf + read_size, len - read_size);
if (read_size == len)
if (read_size < len)
rt_memset(buf + read_size, 0x1A, len - read_size);
if (read_size > 128)
return RYM_CODE_STX;
return RYM_CODE_SOH;
static enum rym_code _rym_send_end(
struct rym_ctx *ctx,
rt_uint8_t *buf,
rt_size_t len)
struct custom_ctx *cctx = (struct custom_ctx *)ctx;
rt_memset(buf, 0, len);
cctx->fd = -1;
return RYM_CODE_SOH;
static rt_err_t rym_download_file(rt_device_t idev,const char *file_path)
rt_err_t res;
struct custom_ctx *ctx = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx));
if (!ctx)
rt_kprintf("rt_malloc failed\n");
return -RT_ENOMEM;
ctx->fd = -1;
rt_strncpy(ctx->fpath, file_path, DFS_PATH_MAX);
res = rym_recv_on_device(&ctx->parent, idev, RT_DEVICE_OFLAG_RDWR | RT_DEVICE_FLAG_INT_RX,
_rym_recv_begin, _rym_recv_data, _rym_recv_end, 1000);
return res;
static rt_err_t rym_upload_file(rt_device_t idev, const char *file_path)
rt_err_t res = 0;
struct custom_ctx *ctx = rt_calloc(1, sizeof(*ctx));
if (!ctx)
rt_kprintf("rt_malloc failed\n");
return -RT_ENOMEM;
ctx->fd = -1;
rt_strncpy(ctx->fpath, file_path, DFS_PATH_MAX);
res = rym_send_on_device(&ctx->parent, idev,
_rym_send_begin, _rym_send_data, _rym_send_end, 1000);
return res;
#include <finsh.h>
static rt_err_t ry(uint8_t argc, char **argv)
rt_err_t res;
rt_device_t dev;
/* temporarily support 1 file*/
const char *file_path;
if (argc < 2)
rt_kprintf("invalid file path.\n");
return -RT_ERROR;
if (argc > 2)
dev = rt_device_find(argv[2]);
dev = rt_console_get_device();
if (!dev)
rt_kprintf("could not find device.\n");
return -RT_ERROR;
file_path = argv[1];
res = rym_download_file(dev,file_path);
return res;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(ry, YMODEM Receive e.g: ry file_path [uart0] default by console.);
static rt_err_t sy(uint8_t argc, char **argv)
rt_err_t res;
/* temporarily support 1 file*/
const char *file_path;
rt_device_t dev;
if (argc < 2)
rt_kprintf("invalid file path.\n");
return -RT_ERROR;
if (argc > 2)
dev = rt_device_find(argv[2]);
dev = rt_console_get_device();
if (!dev)
rt_kprintf("could not find device.\n");
return -RT_ERROR;
file_path = argv[1];
res = rym_upload_file(dev, file_path);
return res;
MSH_CMD_EXPORT(sy, YMODEM Send e.g: sy file_path [uart0] default by console.);
#endif /* RT_USING_FINSH */