##How to use the Segger SystemView trace componment

1. Copy description file

Copy the '.\SystemView_Src_Vxxx\Description\SYSVIEW_RTThread.txt' to folder '%SystemView_Install_Folder%\Description'.

2. Enable trace componment

Add RT_USING_TRACE define in your bsp's rtconfig.h

// <bool name="RT_USING_TRACE" description="Enable trace" default="true" />

3. Connect to target board debug interface

Segger SystemView only support Segger J-Link and Segger J-Link OB. If you using the origin development boards from vendor, you can upgrade the on board debugger to J-Link OB.

4. Intergration (Porting) limitation

  • Can only trace thread, scheduler and interrupt.
  • Tracing RT-Thread IPC componment is not supported.