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// hw_can.h - Defines and macros used when accessing the can.
// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on LMI's microcontroller products.
// The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under
// applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. You may not combine
// this software with "viral" open-source software in order to form a larger
// program. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject
// the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil
// liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license.
// This is part of revision 4694 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package.
#ifndef __HW_CAN_H__
#define __HW_CAN_H__
// The following are defines for the CAN register offsets.
#define CAN_O_CTL 0x00000000 // Control register
#define CAN_O_STS 0x00000004 // Status register
#define CAN_O_ERR 0x00000008 // Error register
#define CAN_O_BIT 0x0000000C // Bit Timing register
#define CAN_O_INT 0x00000010 // Interrupt register
#define CAN_O_TST 0x00000014 // Test register
#define CAN_O_BRPE 0x00000018 // Baud Rate Prescaler register
#define CAN_O_IF1CRQ 0x00000020 // Interface 1 Command Request reg.
#define CAN_O_IF1CMSK 0x00000024 // Interface 1 Command Mask reg.
#define CAN_O_IF1MSK1 0x00000028 // Interface 1 Mask 1 register
#define CAN_O_IF1MSK2 0x0000002C // Interface 1 Mask 2 register
#define CAN_O_IF1ARB1 0x00000030 // Interface 1 Arbitration 1 reg.
#define CAN_O_IF1ARB2 0x00000034 // Interface 1 Arbitration 2 reg.
#define CAN_O_IF1MCTL 0x00000038 // Interface 1 Message Control reg.
#define CAN_O_IF1DA1 0x0000003C // Interface 1 DataA 1 register
#define CAN_O_IF1DA2 0x00000040 // Interface 1 DataA 2 register
#define CAN_O_IF1DB1 0x00000044 // Interface 1 DataB 1 register
#define CAN_O_IF1DB2 0x00000048 // Interface 1 DataB 2 register
#define CAN_O_IF2CRQ 0x00000080 // Interface 2 Command Request reg.
#define CAN_O_IF2CMSK 0x00000084 // Interface 2 Command Mask reg.
#define CAN_O_IF2MSK1 0x00000088 // Interface 2 Mask 1 register
#define CAN_O_IF2MSK2 0x0000008C // Interface 2 Mask 2 register
#define CAN_O_IF2ARB1 0x00000090 // Interface 2 Arbitration 1 reg.
#define CAN_O_IF2ARB2 0x00000094 // Interface 2 Arbitration 2 reg.
#define CAN_O_IF2MCTL 0x00000098 // Interface 2 Message Control reg.
#define CAN_O_IF2DA1 0x0000009C // Interface 2 DataA 1 register
#define CAN_O_IF2DA2 0x000000A0 // Interface 2 DataA 2 register
#define CAN_O_IF2DB1 0x000000A4 // Interface 2 DataB 1 register
#define CAN_O_IF2DB2 0x000000A8 // Interface 2 DataB 2 register
#define CAN_O_TXRQ1 0x00000100 // Transmission Request 1 register
#define CAN_O_TXRQ2 0x00000104 // Transmission Request 2 register
#define CAN_O_NWDA1 0x00000120 // New Data 1 register
#define CAN_O_NWDA2 0x00000124 // New Data 2 register
#define CAN_O_MSG1INT 0x00000140 // CAN Message 1 Interrupt Pending
#define CAN_O_MSG2INT 0x00000144 // CAN Message 2 Interrupt Pending
#define CAN_O_MSG1VAL 0x00000160 // CAN Message 1 Valid
#define CAN_O_MSG2VAL 0x00000164 // CAN Message 2 Valid
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_CTL register.
#define CAN_CTL_TEST 0x00000080 // Test mode enable
#define CAN_CTL_CCE 0x00000040 // Configuration change enable
#define CAN_CTL_DAR 0x00000020 // Disable automatic retransmission
#define CAN_CTL_EIE 0x00000008 // Error interrupt enable
#define CAN_CTL_SIE 0x00000004 // Status change interrupt enable
#define CAN_CTL_IE 0x00000002 // Module interrupt enable
#define CAN_CTL_INIT 0x00000001 // Initialization
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_STS register.
#define CAN_STS_BOFF 0x00000080 // Bus Off status
#define CAN_STS_EWARN 0x00000040 // Error Warning status
#define CAN_STS_EPASS 0x00000020 // Error Passive status
#define CAN_STS_RXOK 0x00000010 // Received Message Successful
#define CAN_STS_TXOK 0x00000008 // Transmitted Message Successful
#define CAN_STS_LEC_M 0x00000007 // Last Error Code
#define CAN_STS_LEC_NONE 0x00000000 // No error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_STUFF 0x00000001 // Stuff error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_FORM 0x00000002 // Form(at) error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_ACK 0x00000003 // Ack error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT1 0x00000004 // Bit 1 error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_BIT0 0x00000005 // Bit 0 error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_CRC 0x00000006 // CRC error
#define CAN_STS_LEC_NOEVENT 0x00000007 // Unused
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_ERR register.
#define CAN_ERR_RP 0x00008000 // Receive error passive status
#define CAN_ERR_REC_M 0x00007F00 // Receive Error Counter.
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_M 0x000000FF // Transmit Error Counter.
#define CAN_ERR_REC_S 8 // Receive error counter bit pos
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_S 0 // Transmit error counter bit pos
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_BIT register.
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_M 0x00007000 // Time Segment after Sample Point.
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_M 0x00000F00 // Time Segment Before Sample
// Point.
#define CAN_BIT_SJW_M 0x000000C0 // (Re)Synchronization Jump Width.
#define CAN_BIT_BRP_M 0x0000003F // Baud Rate Prescalar.
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2_S 12
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1_S 8
#define CAN_BIT_SJW_S 6
#define CAN_BIT_BRP_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_INT register.
#define CAN_INT_INTID_M 0x0000FFFF // Interrupt Identifier.
#define CAN_INT_INTID_NONE 0x00000000 // No Interrupt Pending
#define CAN_INT_INTID_STATUS 0x00008000 // Status Interrupt
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_TST register.
#define CAN_TST_RX 0x00000080 // CAN_RX pin status
#define CAN_TST_TX_M 0x00000060 // Overide control of CAN_TX pin
#define CAN_TST_TX_CANCTL 0x00000000 // CAN core controls CAN_TX
#define CAN_TST_TX_SAMPLE 0x00000020 // Sample Point on CAN_TX
#define CAN_TST_TX_DOMINANT 0x00000040 // Dominant value on CAN_TX
#define CAN_TST_TX_RECESSIVE 0x00000060 // Recessive value on CAN_TX
#define CAN_TST_LBACK 0x00000010 // Loop back mode
#define CAN_TST_SILENT 0x00000008 // Silent mode
#define CAN_TST_BASIC 0x00000004 // Basic mode
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_BRPE register.
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_M 0x0000000F // Baud Rate Prescalar Extension.
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_TXRQ1 register.
#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_M 0x0000FFFF // Transmission Request Bits.
#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_TXRQ2 register.
#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_M 0x0000FFFF // Transmission Request Bits.
#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_NWDA1 register.
#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_M 0x0000FFFF // New Data Bits.
#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDAT_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_NWDA2 register.
#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_M 0x0000FFFF // New Data Bits.
#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDAT_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1CRQ register.
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_BUSY 0x00008000 // Busy Flag.
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_M 0x0000003F // Message Number.
#define CAN_IF1CRQ_MNUM_RSVD 0x00000000 // 0 is not a valid message number;
// it is interpreted as 0x20, or
// object 32.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1CMSK register.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_WRNRD 0x00000080 // Write, Not Read.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_MASK 0x00000040 // Access Mask Bits.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_ARB 0x00000020 // Access Arbitration Bits.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CONTROL 0x00000010 // Access Control Bits.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_CLRINTPND 0x00000008 // Clear Interrupt Pending Bit.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_NEWDAT 0x00000004 // Access New Data.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_TXRQST 0x00000004 // Access Transmission Request.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAA 0x00000002 // Access Data Byte 0 to 3.
#define CAN_IF1CMSK_DATAB 0x00000001 // Access Data Byte 4 to 7.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1MSK1 register.
#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_M 0x0000FFFF // Identifier Mask.
#define CAN_IF1MSK1_IDMSK_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1MSK2 register.
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MXTD 0x00008000 // Mask Extended Identifier.
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_MDIR 0x00004000 // Mask Message Direction.
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_M 0x00001FFF // Identifier Mask.
#define CAN_IF1MSK2_IDMSK_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1ARB1 register.
#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_M 0x0000FFFF // Message Identifier.
#define CAN_IF1ARB1_ID_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1ARB2 register.
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_MSGVAL 0x00008000 // Message Valid.
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_XTD 0x00004000 // Extended Identifier.
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_DIR 0x00002000 // Message Direction.
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_M 0x00001FFF // Message Identifier.
#define CAN_IF1ARB2_ID_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1MCTL register.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_NEWDAT 0x00008000 // New Data.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_MSGLST 0x00004000 // Message Lost.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_INTPND 0x00002000 // Interrupt Pending.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_UMASK 0x00001000 // Use Acceptance Mask.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXIE 0x00000800 // Transmit Interrupt Enable.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RXIE 0x00000400 // Receive Interrupt Enable.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_RMTEN 0x00000200 // Remote Enable.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_TXRQST 0x00000100 // Transmit Request.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_EOB 0x00000080 // End of Buffer.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_M 0x0000000F // Data Length Code.
#define CAN_IF1MCTL_DLC_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DA1 register.
#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF1DA1_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DA2 register.
#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF1DA2_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DB1 register.
#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF1DB1_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF1DB2 register.
#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF1DB2_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2CRQ register.
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_BUSY 0x00008000 // Busy Flag.
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_M 0x0000003F // Message Number.
#define CAN_IF2CRQ_MNUM_RSVD 0x00000000 // 0 is not a valid message number;
// it is interpreted as 0x20, or
// object 32.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2CMSK register.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_WRNRD 0x00000080 // Write, Not Read.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_MASK 0x00000040 // Access Mask Bits.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_ARB 0x00000020 // Access Arbitration Bits.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CONTROL 0x00000010 // Access Control Bits.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_CLRINTPND 0x00000008 // Clear Interrupt Pending Bit.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_NEWDAT 0x00000004 // Access New Data.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_TXRQST 0x00000004 // Access Transmission Request.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAA 0x00000002 // Access Data Byte 0 to 3.
#define CAN_IF2CMSK_DATAB 0x00000001 // Access Data Byte 4 to 7.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2MSK1 register.
#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_M 0x0000FFFF // Identifier Mask.
#define CAN_IF2MSK1_IDMSK_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2MSK2 register.
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MXTD 0x00008000 // Mask Extended Identifier.
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_MDIR 0x00004000 // Mask Message Direction.
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_M 0x00001FFF // Identifier Mask.
#define CAN_IF2MSK2_IDMSK_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2ARB1 register.
#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_M 0x0000FFFF // Message Identifier.
#define CAN_IF2ARB1_ID_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2ARB2 register.
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_MSGVAL 0x00008000 // Message Valid.
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_XTD 0x00004000 // Extended Identifier.
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_DIR 0x00002000 // Message Direction.
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_M 0x00001FFF // Message Identifier.
#define CAN_IF2ARB2_ID_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2MCTL register.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_NEWDAT 0x00008000 // New Data.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_MSGLST 0x00004000 // Message Lost.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_INTPND 0x00002000 // Interrupt Pending.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_UMASK 0x00001000 // Use Acceptance Mask.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXIE 0x00000800 // Transmit Interrupt Enable.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RXIE 0x00000400 // Receive Interrupt Enable.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_RMTEN 0x00000200 // Remote Enable.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_TXRQST 0x00000100 // Transmit Request.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_EOB 0x00000080 // End of Buffer.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_M 0x0000000F // Data Length Code.
#define CAN_IF2MCTL_DLC_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DA1 register.
#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF2DA1_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DA2 register.
#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF2DA2_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DB1 register.
#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF2DB1_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_IF2DB2 register.
#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_M 0x0000FFFF // Data.
#define CAN_IF2DB2_DATA_S 0
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG1INT register.
#define CAN_MSG1INT_INTPND_M 0x0000FFFF // Interrupt Pending Bits.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG2INT register.
#define CAN_MSG2INT_INTPND_M 0x0000FFFF // Interrupt Pending Bits.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG1VAL register.
#define CAN_MSG1VAL_MSGVAL_M 0x0000FFFF // Message Valid Bits.
// The following are defines for the bit fields in the CAN_O_MSG2VAL register.
#define CAN_MSG2VAL_MSGVAL_M 0x0000FFFF // Message Valid Bits.
// The following definitions are deprecated.
// The following are deprecated defines for the CAN register offsets.
#define CAN_O_MSGINT1 0x00000140 // Intr. Pending in Msg Obj 1 reg.
#define CAN_O_MSGINT2 0x00000144 // Intr. Pending in Msg Obj 2 reg.
#define CAN_O_MSGVAL1 0x00000160 // Message Valid in Msg Obj 1 reg.
#define CAN_O_MSGVAL2 0x00000164 // Message Valid in Msg Obj 2 reg.
// The following are deprecated defines for the reset values of the can
// registers.
#define CAN_RV_IF1MSK2 0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_RV_IF1MSK1 0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_RV_IF2MSK1 0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_RV_IF2MSK2 0x0000FFFF
#define CAN_RV_BIT 0x00002301
#define CAN_RV_CTL 0x00000001
#define CAN_RV_IF1CRQ 0x00000001
#define CAN_RV_IF2CRQ 0x00000001
#define CAN_RV_TXRQ2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2DB1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_INT 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1DB2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_BRPE 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2DA2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_MSGVAL2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_TXRQ1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1MCTL 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1DB1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_STS 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_MSGINT1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1DA2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_TST 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1ARB1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1ARB2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_NWDA2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2CMSK 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_NWDA1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1DA1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2DA1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2MCTL 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_MSGVAL1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF1CMSK 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_ERR 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2ARB2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_MSGINT2 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2ARB1 0x00000000
#define CAN_RV_IF2DB2 0x00000000
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_STS
// register.
#define CAN_STS_LEC_MSK 0x00000007 // Last Error Code
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_ERR
// register.
#define CAN_ERR_REC_MASK 0x00007F00 // Receive error counter status
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_MASK 0x000000FF // Transmit error counter status
#define CAN_ERR_REC_SHIFT 8 // Receive error counter bit pos
#define CAN_ERR_TEC_SHIFT 0 // Transmit error counter bit pos
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_BIT
// register.
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG2 0x00007000 // Time segment after sample point
#define CAN_BIT_TSEG1 0x00000F00 // Time segment before sample point
#define CAN_BIT_SJW 0x000000C0 // (Re)Synchronization jump width
#define CAN_BIT_BRP 0x0000003F // Baud rate prescaler
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_INT
// register.
#define CAN_INT_INTID_MSK 0x0000FFFF // Interrupt Identifier
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_TST
// register.
#define CAN_TST_TX_MSK 0x00000060 // Overide control of CAN_TX pin
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_BRPE
// register.
#define CAN_BRPE_BRPE 0x0000000F // Baud rate prescaler extension
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1CRQ
// and CAN_IF1CRQ registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFCRQ_BUSY 0x00008000 // Busy flag status
#define CAN_IFCRQ_MNUM_MSK 0x0000003F // Message Number
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1CMSK
// and CAN_IF2CMSK registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFCMSK_WRNRD 0x00000080 // Write, not Read
#define CAN_IFCMSK_MASK 0x00000040 // Access Mask Bits
#define CAN_IFCMSK_ARB 0x00000020 // Access Arbitration Bits
#define CAN_IFCMSK_CONTROL 0x00000010 // Access Control Bits
#define CAN_IFCMSK_CLRINTPND 0x00000008 // Clear interrupt pending Bit
#define CAN_IFCMSK_TXRQST 0x00000004 // Access Tx request bit (WRNRD=1)
#define CAN_IFCMSK_NEWDAT 0x00000004 // Access New Data bit (WRNRD=0)
#define CAN_IFCMSK_DATAA 0x00000002 // DataA access - bytes 0 to 3
#define CAN_IFCMSK_DATAB 0x00000001 // DataB access - bytes 4 to 7
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1MSK1
// and CAN_IF2MSK1 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFMSK1_MSK 0x0000FFFF // Identifier Mask
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1MSK2
// and CAN_IF2MSK2 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFMSK2_MXTD 0x00008000 // Mask extended identifier
#define CAN_IFMSK2_MDIR 0x00004000 // Mask message direction
#define CAN_IFMSK2_MSK 0x00001FFF // Mask identifier
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1ARB1
// and CAN_IF2ARB1 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFARB1_ID 0x0000FFFF // Identifier
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1ARB2
// and CAN_IF2ARB2 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFARB2_MSGVAL 0x00008000 // Message valid
#define CAN_IFARB2_XTD 0x00004000 // Extended identifier
#define CAN_IFARB2_DIR 0x00002000 // Message direction
#define CAN_IFARB2_ID 0x00001FFF // Message identifier
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1MCTL
// and CAN_IF2MCTL registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFMCTL_NEWDAT 0x00008000 // New Data
#define CAN_IFMCTL_MSGLST 0x00004000 // Message lost
#define CAN_IFMCTL_INTPND 0x00002000 // Interrupt pending
#define CAN_IFMCTL_UMASK 0x00001000 // Use acceptance mask
#define CAN_IFMCTL_TXIE 0x00000800 // Transmit interrupt enable
#define CAN_IFMCTL_RXIE 0x00000400 // Receive interrupt enable
#define CAN_IFMCTL_RMTEN 0x00000200 // Remote enable
#define CAN_IFMCTL_TXRQST 0x00000100 // Transmit request
#define CAN_IFMCTL_EOB 0x00000080 // End of buffer
#define CAN_IFMCTL_DLC 0x0000000F // Data length code
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1DA1
// and CAN_IF2DA1 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFDA1_DATA 0x0000FFFF // Data - bytes 1 and 0
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1DA2
// and CAN_IF2DA2 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFDA2_DATA 0x0000FFFF // Data - bytes 3 and 2
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1DB1
// and CAN_IF2DB1 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFDB1_DATA 0x0000FFFF // Data - bytes 5 and 4
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_IF1DB2
// and CAN_IF2DB2 registers.
// Note: All bits may not be available in all registers
#define CAN_IFDB2_DATA 0x0000FFFF // Data - bytes 7 and 6
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_TXRQ1
// register.
#define CAN_TXRQ1_TXRQST 0x0000FFFF // Transmission Request Bits
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_TXRQ2
// register.
#define CAN_TXRQ2_TXRQST 0x0000FFFF // Transmission Request Bits
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_NWDA1
// register.
#define CAN_NWDA1_NEWDATA 0x0000FFFF // New Data Bits
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_NWDA2
// register.
#define CAN_NWDA2_NEWDATA 0x0000FFFF // New Data Bits
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_MSGINT1
// register.
#define CAN_MSGINT1_INTPND 0x0000FFFF // Interrupt Pending Bits
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_MSGINT2
// register.
#define CAN_MSGINT2_INTPND 0x0000FFFF // Interrupt Pending Bits
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_MSGVAL1
// register.
#define CAN_MSGVAL1_MSGVAL 0x0000FFFF // Message Valid Bits
// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the CAN_MSGVAL2
// register.
#define CAN_MSGVAL2_MSGVAL 0x0000FFFF // Message Valid Bits
#endif // __HW_CAN_H__