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// epi.c - Driver for the EPI module.
// Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Luminary Micro, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Luminary Micro, Inc. (LMI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on LMI's microcontroller products.
// The software is owned by LMI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under
// applicable copyright laws. All rights are reserved. You may not combine
// this software with "viral" open-source software in order to form a larger
// program. Any use in violation of the foregoing restrictions may subject
// the user to criminal sanctions under applicable laws, as well as to civil
// liability for the breach of the terms and conditions of this license.
// This is part of revision 4694 of the Stellaris Peripheral Driver Library.
#include "inc/hw_epi.h"
#include "inc/hw_ints.h"
#include "inc/hw_memmap.h"
#include "inc/hw_types.h"
#include "driverlib/debug.h"
#include "driverlib/epi.h"
#include "driverlib/interrupt.h"
//! \addtogroup epi_api
//! @{
//! Sets the usage mode of the EPI module.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulMode is the usage mode of the EPI module.
//! This functions sets the operating mode of the EPI module. The parameter
//! \e ulMode must be one of the following:
//! - \b EPI_MODE_NONE - non-moded operation
//! - \b EPI_MODE_SDRAM - use with SDRAM device
//! - \b EPI_MODE_HB8 - use with host-bus 8-bit interface
//! - \b EPI_MODE_DISABLE - disable the EPI module
//! Selection of any of the above modes will enable the EPI module, except
//! for \b EPI_MODE_DISABLE which should be used to disable the module.
//! \return None.
EPIModeSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulMode)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
(ulMode == EPI_MODE_SDRAM) ||
(ulMode == EPI_MODE_HB8) ||
(ulMode == EPI_MODE_DISABLE));
// Write the mode word to the register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_CFG) = ulMode;
//! Sets the clock divider for the EPI module.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulDivider is the value of the clock divider to be applied to
//! the external interface (0-65535).
//! This functions sets the clock divider that will be used to determine the
//! clock rate of the external interface. The value is the number of high
//! and low ticks of the system clock per external bus clock. A value of 0
//! means that the system clock is used without any reduction. The system
//! clock will be divided by the value of \e ulDivider multiplied by 2. A
//! value of 1 gives a divider of 2, and value of 2 gives a divider of 4, a
//! value of 3 gives a divider of 6, and so on.
//! \return None.
EPIDividerSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulDivider)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
// Write the divider value to the register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_BAUD) = ulDivider;
//! Configures the SDRAM mode of operation.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulConfig is the SDRAM interface configuration.
//! \param ulRefresh is the refresh count in core clocks (0-2047).
//! This function is used to configure the SDRAM interface, when the SDRAM
//! mode is chosen with the function EPIModeSet(). The parameter \e ulConfig
//! is the logical OR of several sets of choices:
//! The processor core frequency must be specified with one of the following:
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_CORE_FREQ_0_15 - core clock is 0 MHz < clk <= 15 MHz
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_CORE_FREQ_15_30 - core clock is 15 MHz < clk <= 30 MHz
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_CORE_FREQ_30_50 - core clock is 30 MHz < clk <= 50 MHz
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_CORE_FREQ_50_100 - core clock is 50 MHz < clk <= 100 MHz
//! The low power mode is specified with one of the following:
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_LOW_POWER - enter low power, self-refresh state
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_FULL_POWER - normal operating state
//! The SDRAM device size is specified with one of the following:
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_SIZE_64MBIT - 64 Mbit device (8 MB)
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_SIZE_128MBIT - 128 Mbit device (16 MB)
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_SIZE_256MBIT - 256 Mbit device (32 MB)
//! - \b EPI_SDRAM_SIZE_512MBIT - 512 Mbit device (64 MB)
//! The parameter \e ulRefresh sets the refresh counter in units of core
//! clock ticks. It is an 11-bit value with a range of 0 - 2047 counts.
//! \return None.
EPIConfigSDRAMSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulConfig,
unsigned long ulRefresh)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulRefresh < 2048);
// Fill in the refresh count field of the configuration word.
ulConfig |= ulRefresh << EPI_SDRAMCFG_RFSH_S;
// Write the SDRAM configuration register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_SDRAMCFG) = ulConfig;
//! Configures the interface for Host-bus 8 operation.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulConfig is the interface configuration.
//! \param ulMaxWait is the maximum number of external clocks to wait
//! if a FIFO ready signal is holding off the transaction.
//! This function is used to configure the interface when used in Host-bus 8
//! operation as chosen with the function EPIModeSet(). The parameter
//! \e ulConfig is the logical OR of any of the following:
//! - one of \b EPI_HB8_MODE_ADMUX, \b EPI_HB8_MODE_ADDEMUX,
//! \b EPI_HB8_MODE_SRAM, or \b EPI_HB8_MODE_FIFO to select the HB8 mode
//! - \b EPI_HB8_USE_TXEMPTY - enable TXEMPTY signal with FIFO
//! - \b EPI_HB8_USE_RXFULL - enable RXFULL signal with FIFO
//! - \b EPI_HB8_WRHIGH - use active high write strobe, otherwise it is
//! active low
//! - \b EPI_HB8_RDHIGH - use active high read strobe, otherwise it is
//! active low
//! - one of \b EPI_HB8_WRWAIT_0, \b EPI_HB8_WRWAIT_1, \b EPI_HB8_WRWAIT_2,
//! or \b EPI_HB8_WRWAIT_3 to select the number of write wait states (default
//! is 0 wait states)
//! - one of \b EPI_HB8_RDWAIT_0, \b EPI_HB8_RDWAIT_1, \b EPI_HB8_RDWAIT_2,
//! or \b EPI_HB8_RDWAIT_3 to select the number of read wait states (default
//! is 0 wait states)
//! The parameter \e ulMaxWait is used if the FIFO mode is chosen. If a
//! FIFO is used along with RXFULL or TXEMPTY ready signals, then this
//! parameter determines the maximum number of clocks to wait when the
//! transaction is being held off by by the FIFO using one of these ready
//! signals. A value of 0 means to wait forever.
//! \return None.
EPIConfigHB8Set(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulConfig,
unsigned long ulMaxWait)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulMaxWait < 256);
// Fill in the max wait field of the configuration word.
ulConfig &= ~EPI_HB8CFG_MAXWAIT_M;
ulConfig |= ulMaxWait << EPI_HB8CFG_MAXWAIT_S;
// Write the non-moded configuration register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_HB8CFG) = ulConfig;
//! Configures the interface for non-moded operation.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulConfig is the interface configuration.
//! \param ulFrameCount is the frame size in clocks, if the frame signal
//! is used (0-15).
//! \param ulMaxWait is the maximum number of external clocks to wait
//! when the external clock enable is holding off the transaction (0-255).
//! This function is used to configure the interface when used in non-moded
//! operation as chosen with the function EPIModeSet(). The parameter
//! \e ulConfig is the logical OR of any of the following:
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_CLKPIN - interface clock is output on a pin
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_CLKSTOP - clock is stopped when there is no transaction,
//! otherwise it is free-running
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_CLKENA - enable the clock enable input from the device
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_FRAMEPIN - framing signal is emitted on a pin
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_FRAME50 - framing signal is 50/50 duty cycle, otherwise it
//! is a pulse
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_READWRITE - read and write strobes are emitted on pins
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_WRITE2CYCLE - a two cycle write is used, otherwise a
//! single-cycle write is used
//! - \b EPI_NONMODE_READ2CYCLE - a two cycle read is used, otherwise a
//! single-cycle read is used
//! \b EPI_NONMODE_ASIZE_12, or \b EPI_NONMODE_ASIZE_20 to choose no address
//! bus, or and address bus size of 4, 12, or 20 bits
//! \b EPI_NONMODE_DSIZE_24, or \b EPI_NONMODE_DSIZE_32 to select a data bus
//! size of 8, 16, 24, or 32 bits
//! The parameter \e ulFrameCount is the number of clocks used to form the
//! framing signal, if the framing signal is used. The behavior depends on
//! whether the frame signal is a pulse or a 50/50 duty cycle. This value
//! is not used if the framing signal is not enabled with the option
//! The parameter \e ulMaxWait is used if the external clock enable is turned
//! on with the \b EPI_NONMODE_CLKENA option is used. In the case that
//! external clock enable is used, this parameter determines the maximum
//! number of clocks to wait when the external clock enable signal is holding
//! off a transaction. A value of 0 means to wait forever. If a non-zero
//! value is used and exceeded, an interrupt will occur and the transaction
//! aborted.
//! \return None.
EPIConfigNoModeSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulConfig,
unsigned long ulFrameCount, unsigned long ulMaxWait)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulFrameCount < 16);
ASSERT(ulMaxWait < 256);
// Fill in the frame count field of the configuration word.
ulConfig &= ~EPI_GPCFG_FRMCNT_M;
ulConfig |= ulFrameCount << EPI_GPCFG_FRMCNT_S;
// Fill in the max wait field of the configuration word.
ulConfig |= ulMaxWait << EPI_GPCFG_MAXWAIT_S;
// Write the non-moded configuration register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_GPCFG) = ulConfig;
//! Configures the address map for the external interface.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulMap is the address mapping configuration.
//! This function is used to configure the address mapping for the external
//! interface. This determines the base address of the external memory or
//! device within the processor peripheral and/or memory space.
//! The parameter \e ulMap is the logical OR of the following:
//! \b EPI_ADDR_PER_SIZE_16MB, or \b EPI_ADDR_PER_SIZE_512MB to choose a
//! peripheral address space of 256 bytes, 64 Kbytes, 16 Mbytes or 512 Mbytes
//! \b EPI_ADDR_PER_BASE_C to choose the base address of the peripheral
//! space as none, 0xA0000000, or 0xC0000000
//! \b EPI_ADDR_RAM_SIZE_16MB, or \b EPI_ADDR_RAM_SIZE_512MB to choose a
//! RAM address space of 256 bytes, 64 Kbytes, 16 Mbytes or 512 Mbytes
//! \b EPI_ADDR_RAM_BASE_8 to choose the base address of the RAM space
//! as none, 0x60000000, or 0x80000000
//! \return None.
EPIAddressMapSet(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulMap)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulMap < 0x100);
// Set the value of the address mapping register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_ADDRMAP) = ulMap;
//! Configures a non-blocking read transaction.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulChannel is the read channel (0 or 1).
//! \param ulDataSize is the size of the data items to read.
//! \param ulAddress is the starting address to read.
//! This function is used to configure a non-blocking read channel for a
//! transaction. Two channels are available which can be used in a ping-pong
//! method for continuous reading. It is not necessary to use both channels
//! to perform a non-blocking read.
//! The parameter \e ulDataSize is one of \b EPI_NBCONFIG_SIZE_8,
//! \b EPI_NBCONFIG_SIZE_16, or \b EPI_NBCONFIG_SIZE_32 for 8-bit, 16-bit,
//! or 32-bit sized data transfers.
//! The parameter \e ulAddress is the starting address for the read, relative
//! to the external device. The start of the device is address 0.
//! Once configured, the non-blocking read is started by calling
//! EPINonBlockingReadStart(). If the addresses to be read from the device
//! are in a sequence, it is not necessary to call this function multiple
//! times. Until it is changed, the EPI module will remember the last address
//! that was used for a non-blocking read (per channel).
//! \return None.
EPINonBlockingReadConfigure(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel,
unsigned long ulDataSize, unsigned long ulAddress)
unsigned long ulOffset;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulChannel < 2);
ASSERT(ulDataSize < 4);
ASSERT(ulAddress < 0x20000000);
// Compute the offset needed to select the correct channel regs.
ulOffset = ulChannel * (EPI_O_RSIZE1 - EPI_O_RSIZE0);
// Write the data size register for the channel.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RSIZE0 + ulOffset) = ulDataSize;
// Write the starting address register for the channel.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RADDR0 + ulOffset) = ulAddress;
//! Starts a non-blocking read transaction.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulChannel is the read channel (0 or 1).
//! \param ulCount is the number of items to read (1-4095).
//! This function starts a non-blocking read that was previously configured
//! with the function EPINonBlockingReadConfigure(). Once this function is
//! called, the EPI module will begin reading data from the external device
//! into the read FIFO. The EPI will stop reading when the FIFO fills up
//! and resume reading when the application drains the FIFO, until the
//! total specified count of data items has been read.
//! Once a read transaction is completed and the FIFO drained, another
//! transaction can be started from the next address by calling this
//! function again.
//! \return None.
EPINonBlockingReadStart(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel,
unsigned long ulCount)
unsigned long ulOffset;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulChannel < 2);
ASSERT(ulCount < 4096);
// Compute the offset needed to select the correct channel regs.
ulOffset = ulChannel * (EPI_O_RPSTD1 - EPI_O_RPSTD0);
// Write to the read count register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RPSTD0 + ulOffset) = ulCount;
//! Stops a non-blocking read transaction.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulChannel is the read channel (0 or 1).
//! This function cancels a non-blocking read transaction that is already
//! in progress.
//! \return None.
EPINonBlockingReadStop(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel)
unsigned long ulOffset;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulChannel < 2);
// Compute the offset needed to select the correct channel regs.
ulOffset = ulChannel * (EPI_O_RPSTD1 - EPI_O_RPSTD0);
// Write a 0 to the read count register, which will cancel the transaction.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RPSTD0 + ulOffset) = 0;
//! Get the count remaining for a non-blocking transaction.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulChannel is the read channel (0 or 1).
//! This function gets the remaining count of items for a non-blocking read
//! transaction.
//! \return The number of items remaining in the non-blocking read transaction.
unsigned long
EPINonBlockingReadCount(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulChannel)
unsigned long ulOffset;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulChannel < 2);
// Compute the offset needed to select the correct channel regs.
ulOffset = ulChannel * (EPI_O_RPSTD1 - EPI_O_RPSTD0);
// Read the count remaining and return the value to the caller.
return(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RPSTD0 + ulOffset));
//! Get the count of items available in the read FIFO.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! This function gets the number of items that are available to read in
//! the read FIFO. The read FIFO is filled by a non-blocking read transaction
//! which is configured by the functions EPINonBlockingReadConfigure() and
//! EPINonBlockingReadStart().
//! \return The number of items available to read in the read FIFO.
unsigned long
EPINonBlockingReadAvail(unsigned long ulBase)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
// Read the FIFO count and return it to the caller.
return(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RFIFOCNT));
//! Read available data from the read FIFO, as 32-bit data items.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulCount is the maximum count of items to read.
//! \param pulBuf is the caller supplied buffer where the read data should
//! be stored.
//! This function reads 32-bit data items from the read FIFO and stores
//! the values in a caller supplied buffer. The function will read and store
//! data from the FIFO until there is no more data in the FIFO or the maximum
//! count is reached as specified in the parameter \e ulCount. The actual
//! count of items will be returned.
//! \return The number of items read from the FIFO.
unsigned long
EPINonBlockingReadGet32(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulCount,
unsigned long *pulBuf)
unsigned long ulCountRead = 0;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulCount < 4096);
// Read from the FIFO while there are any items to read, and
// the callers specified count is not exceeded.
while(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RFIFOCNT) && ulCount--)
// Read from the FIFO and store in the caller supplied buffer.
*pulBuf = HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_READFIFO);
// Update the caller's buffer pointer and the count of items read.
// Return the count of items read to the caller.
//! Read available data from the read FIFO, as 16-bit data items.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulCount is the maximum count of items to read.
//! \param pusBuf is the caller supplied buffer where the read data should
//! be stored.
//! This function reads 16-bit data items from the read FIFO and stores
//! the values in a caller supplied buffer. The function will read and store
//! data from the FIFO until there is no more data in the FIFO or the maximum
//! count is reached as specified in the parameter \e ulCount. The actual
//! count of items will be returned.
//! \return The number of items read from the FIFO.
unsigned long
EPINonBlockingReadGet16(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulCount,
unsigned short *pusBuf)
unsigned long ulCountRead = 0;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulCount < 4096);
// Read from the FIFO while there are any items to read, and
// the callers specified count is not exceeded.
while(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RFIFOCNT) && ulCount--)
// Read from the FIFO and store in the caller supplied buffer.
*pusBuf = (unsigned short)HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_READFIFO);
// Update the caller's buffer pointer and the count of items read.
// Return the count of items read to the caller.
//! Read available data from the read FIFO, as 8-bit data items.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulCount is the maximum count of items to read.
//! \param pucBuf is the caller supplied buffer where the read data should
//! be stored.
//! This function reads 8-bit data items from the read FIFO and stores
//! the values in a caller supplied buffer. The function will read and store
//! data from the FIFO until there is no more data in the FIFO or the maximum
//! count is reached as specified in the parameter \e ulCount. The actual
//! count of items will be returned.
//! \return The number of items read from the FIFO.
unsigned long
EPINonBlockingReadGet8(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulCount,
unsigned char *pucBuf)
unsigned long ulCountRead = 0;
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulCount < 4096);
// Read from the FIFO while there are any items to read, and
// the callers specified count is not exceeded.
while(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RFIFOCNT) && ulCount--)
// Read from the FIFO and store in the caller supplied buffer.
*pucBuf = (unsigned char)HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_READFIFO);
// Update the caller's buffer pointer and the count of items read.
// Return the count of items read to the caller.
//! Configures the read FIFO.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulConfig is the FIFO configuration.
//! This function configures the FIFO trigger levels and error
//! generation. The parameter \e ulConfig is the logical OR of the
//! following:
//! - \b EPI_FIFO_CONFIG_WTFULLERR - enables an error interrupt when a write is
//! attempted and the write FIFO is full
//! - \b EPI_FIFO_CONFIG_RSTALLERR - enables an error interrupt when a read is
//! stalled due to an interleaved write or other reason
//! \b EPI_FIFO_CONFIG_TX_1_2, or \b EPI_FIFO_CONFIG_TX_3_4 to set the
//! TX FIFO trigger level to empty, 1/4, 1/2, or 3/4 level
//! \b EPI_FIFO_CONFIG_RX_7_8, or \b EPI_FIFO_CONFIG_RX_FULL to set the
//! RX FIFO trigger level to 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, 7/8 or full level
//! \return None.
EPIFIFOConfig(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulConfig)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulConfig == (ulConfig & 0x00030077));
// Load the configuration into the FIFO config reg.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_FIFOLVL) = ulConfig;
//! Reads the number of empty slots in the write transaction FIFO.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! This function returns the number of slots available in the transaction
//! FIFO. It can be used in a polling method to avoid attempting a write
//! that would stall.
//! \return The number of empty slots in the transaction FIFO.
unsigned long
EPINonBlockingWriteCount(unsigned long ulBase)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
// Read the FIFO count and return it to the caller.
return(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_WFIFOCNT));
//! Enables EPI interrupt sources.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be enabled.
//! This function enables the specified EPI sources to generate interrupts.
//! The \e ulIntFlags parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following
//! values:
//! - \b EPI_INT_TXREQ - transmit FIFO is below the trigger level
//! - \b EPI_INT_RXREQ - read FIFO is above the trigger level
//! - \b EPI_INT_ERR - an error condition occurred
//! \return Returns None.
EPIIntEnable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulIntFlags < 16);
// Write the interrupt flags mask to the mask register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_IM) |= ulIntFlags;
//! Disables EPI interrupt sources.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulIntFlags is a bit mask of the interrupt sources to be disabled.
//! This function disables the specified EPI sources for interrupt
//! generation. The \e ulIntFlags parameter can be the logical OR
//! of any of the following values: \b EPI_INT_RXREQ, \b EPI_INT_TXREQ, or
//! \b I2S_INT_ERR.
//! \return Returns None.
EPIIntDisable(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulIntFlags)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulIntFlags < 16);
// Write the interrupt flags mask to the mask register.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_IM) &= ~ulIntFlags;
//! Gets the EPI interrupt status.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param bMasked is set \b true to get the masked interrupt status, or
//! \b false to get the raw interrupt status.
//! This function returns the EPI interrupt status. It can return either
//! the raw or masked interrupt status.
//! \return Returns the masked or raw EPI interrupt status, as a bit field
//! of any of the following values: \b EPI_INT_TXREQ, \b EPI_INT_RXREQ,
//! or \b EPI_INT_ERR
unsigned long
EPIIntStatus(unsigned long ulBase, tBoolean bMasked)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
// Return either the interrupt status or the raw interrupt status as
// requested.
return(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_MIS));
return(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_RIS));
//! Gets the EPI error interrupt status.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! This function returns the error status of the EPI. If the return value of
//! the function EPIIntStatus() has the flag \b EPI_INT_ERR set, then this
//! function can be used to determine the cause of the error.
//! This function returns a bit mask of error flags, which can be the logical
//! OR of any of the following:
//! - \b EPI_INT_ERR_WTFULL - occurs when a write stalled when the transaction
//! FIFO was full
//! - \b EPI_INT_ERR_RSTALL - occurs when a read stalled
//! - \b EPI_INT_ERR_TIMEOUT - occurs when the external clock enable held
//! off a transaction longer than the configured maximum wait time
//! \return Returns the interrupt error flags as the logical OR of any of
//! the following: \b EPI_INT_ERR_WTFULL, \b EPI_INT_ERR_RSTALL, or
unsigned long
EPIIntErrorStatus(unsigned long ulBase)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
// Read the error status and return to caller.
return(HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_EISC));
//! Clears pending EPI error sources.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param ulErrFlags is a bit mask of the error sources to be cleared.
//! This function clears the specified pending EPI errors. The \e ulErrFlags
//! parameter can be the logical OR of any of the following values:
//! \return Returns None.
EPIIntErrorClear(unsigned long ulBase, unsigned long ulErrFlags)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
ASSERT(ulErrFlags < 16);
// Write the error flags to the register to clear the pending errors.
HWREG(ulBase + EPI_O_EISC) = ulErrFlags;
//! Registers an interrupt handler for the EPI module.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! \param pfnHandler is a pointer to the function to be called when the
//! interrupt is activated.
//! This sets and enables the handler to be called when the EPI module
//! generates an interrupt. Specific EPI interrupts must still be enabled
//! with the EPIIntEnable() function.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
EPIIntRegister(unsigned long ulBase, void (*pfnHandler)(void))
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
// Register the interrupt handler.
IntRegister(INT_EPI0, pfnHandler);
// Enable the EPI interface interrupt.
//! Unregisters an interrupt handler for the EPI module.
//! \param ulBase is the EPI module base address.
//! This function will disable and clear the handler to be called when the
//! EPI interrupt occurs.
//! \sa IntRegister() for important information about registering interrupt
//! handlers.
//! \return None.
EPIIntUnregister(unsigned long ulBase)
// Check the arguments.
ASSERT(ulBase == EPI0_BASE);
// Disable the EPI interface interrupt.
// Unregister the interrupt handler.
// Close the Doxygen group.
//! @}