yunjian 06aa5b547e 解决get_week的有效值与IS_RTC_WEEKDAY判断有效值不一致的问题。
2018-05-29 14:41:04 +08:00
2015-10-13 11:40:59 +08:00
2018-04-11 18:11:14 +08:00
2013-01-08 22:40:58 +08:00
2018-02-06 20:07:28 +08:00
2012-04-14 11:41:15 +00:00
2013-02-20 10:49:09 +08:00

board info:

STM32F4 discovery


in drivers/stm32f4xx_conf.h

    /* Redefine the HSE value; it's equal to 8 MHz on the STM32F4-DISCOVERY Kit */
    efine HSE_VALUE    ((uint32_t)8000000)

================= IAR WARNING =================

After use scons --target=iar -s command to product IAR project, you have to add iar link file manually.

IAR IDE steps:

  1. Project-->Options-->Linker
  2. Config-->Linker Configuration file
  3. select Override Default, then select bsp/stm32f40x/stm32f40x_flash.icf
  4. rebuild project


auto add *.icf by scons script