/* * File : board.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2009 RT-Thread Develop Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2006-03-24 Bernard first implementation * 2006-05-05 Bernard add DATA_COUNT definition * 2006-10-05 Alsor.Z for s3c2410x porting * 2007-11-20 Yi.Qiu add lcd,touch,console */ #include #include #include "board.h" #include "led.h" /** * @addtogroup mini2440 */ /*@{*/ extern rt_uint32_t PCLK, FCLK, HCLK, UCLK; extern rt_uint8_t asc16_font[]; extern rt_uint16_t _rt_hw_framebuffer[]; extern void rt_hw_clock_init(void); extern void rt_hw_lcd_init(void); extern void rt_hw_mmu_init(void); extern void rt_hw_touch_init(void); extern void rt_kbd_init(void); extern void rt_console_init(rt_uint8_t*, rt_uint8_t*, rt_uint8_t); extern void rt_hw_get_clock(void); extern void rt_hw_set_dividor(rt_uint8_t hdivn, rt_uint8_t pdivn); extern void rt_hw_set_clock(rt_uint8_t sdiv, rt_uint8_t pdiv, rt_uint8_t mdiv); #define UART0 ((struct uartport *)&U0BASE) struct serial_int_rx uart0_int_rx; struct serial_device uart0 = { UART0, &uart0_int_rx, RT_NULL }; struct rt_device uart0_device; /** * This function will handle rtos timer */ void rt_timer_handler(int vector) { rt_tick_increase(); } /** * This function will handle serial */ void rt_serial_handler(int vector) { INTSUBMSK |= (BIT_SUB_RXD0); rt_hw_serial_isr(&uart0_device); SUBSRCPND |= BIT_SUB_RXD0; /* Unmask sub interrupt (RXD0) */ INTSUBMSK &=~(BIT_SUB_RXD0); } /** * This function will handle init uart */ void rt_hw_uart_init(void) { int i; /* UART0 port configure */ GPHCON |= 0xAA; /* PULLUP is disable */ GPHUP |= 0xF; /* FIFO enable, Tx/Rx FIFO clear */ uart0.uart_device->ufcon = 0x0; /* disable the flow control */ uart0.uart_device->umcon = 0x0; /* Normal,No parity,1 stop,8 bit */ uart0.uart_device->ulcon = 0x3; /* * tx=level,rx=edge,disable timeout int.,enable rx error int., * normal,interrupt or polling */ uart0.uart_device->ucon = 0x245; /* Set uart0 bps */ uart0.uart_device->ubrd = (rt_int32_t)(PCLK / (BPS * 16)) - 1; /* output PCLK to UART0/1, PWMTIMER */ CLKCON |= 0x0D00; for (i = 0; i < 100; i++); /* install uart isr */ INTSUBMSK &= ~(BIT_SUB_RXD0); rt_hw_interrupt_install(INTUART0, rt_serial_handler, RT_NULL); rt_hw_interrupt_umask(INTUART0); } /** * This function will init timer4 for system ticks */ void rt_hw_timer_init() { /* timer4, pre = 15+1 */ TCFG0 &= 0xffff00ff; TCFG0 |= 15 << 8; /* all are interrupt mode,set Timer 4 MUX 1/4 */ TCFG1 &= 0xfff0ffff; TCFG1 |= 0x00010000; TCNTB4 = (rt_int32_t)(PCLK / (4 *16* RT_TICK_PER_SECOND)) - 1; /* manual update */ TCON = TCON & (~(0x0f<<20)) | (0x02<<20); /* install interrupt handler */ rt_hw_interrupt_install(INTTIMER4, rt_timer_handler, RT_NULL); rt_hw_interrupt_umask(INTTIMER4); /* start timer4, reload */ TCON = TCON & (~(0x0f<<20)) | (0x05<<20); } /** * This function will init s3ceb2410 board */ void rt_hw_board_init() { /* initialize the system clock */ rt_hw_clock_init(); /* Get the clock */ rt_hw_get_clock(); /* initialize led port */ rt_hw_led_init(); /* initialize uart */ rt_hw_uart_init(); /* initialize mmu */ rt_hw_mmu_init(); /* initialize timer4 */ rt_hw_timer_init(); } /*@}*/