/* * File : hcd.h * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011, RT-Thread Development Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2011-12-12 Yi Qiu first version */ #ifndef __HCD_H__ #define __HCD_H__ #include #include "usbspec.h" struct uhcd_ops { int (*ctl_xfer)(uinst_t inst, ureq_t setup, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout); int (*bulk_xfer)(upipe_t pipe, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout); int (*int_xfer)(upipe_t pipe, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout); int (*iso_xfer)(upipe_t pipe, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout); rt_err_t (*alloc_pipe)(struct upipe** pipe, uifinst_t ifinst, uep_desc_t ep, func_callback callback); rt_err_t (*free_pipe)(upipe_t pipe); rt_err_t (*hub_ctrl)(rt_uint16_t port, rt_uint8_t cmd, void *args); }; struct uhcd { struct rt_device parent; struct uhcd_ops* ops; }; typedef struct uhcd* uhcd_t; rt_inline rt_err_t rt_usb_hcd_alloc_pipe(uhcd_t hcd, upipe_t* pipe, uifinst_t ifinst, uep_desc_t ep, func_callback callback) { if(ifinst == RT_NULL) return -RT_EIO; /* parameter check */ RT_ASSERT(hcd != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops->alloc_pipe!= RT_NULL); return hcd->ops->alloc_pipe(pipe, ifinst, ep, callback); } rt_inline rt_err_t rt_usb_hcd_free_pipe(uhcd_t hcd, upipe_t pipe) { RT_ASSERT(pipe != RT_NULL); /* parameter check */ RT_ASSERT(hcd != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops->free_pipe!= RT_NULL); return hcd->ops->free_pipe(pipe); } rt_inline int rt_usb_hcd_bulk_xfer(uhcd_t hcd, upipe_t pipe, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout) { if(pipe == RT_NULL) return -1; if(pipe->ifinst == RT_NULL) return -1; if(pipe->ifinst->uinst == RT_NULL) return -1; if(pipe->ifinst->uinst->status == UINST_STATUS_IDLE) return -1; /* parameter check */ RT_ASSERT(hcd != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops->bulk_xfer!= RT_NULL); return hcd->ops->bulk_xfer(pipe, buffer, nbytes, timeout); } rt_inline int rt_usb_hcd_control_xfer(uhcd_t hcd, uinst_t uinst, ureq_t setup, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout) { if(uinst->status == UINST_STATUS_IDLE) return -1; /* parameter check */ RT_ASSERT(hcd != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops->ctl_xfer!= RT_NULL); return hcd->ops->ctl_xfer(uinst, setup, buffer, nbytes, timeout); } rt_inline int rt_usb_hcd_int_xfer(uhcd_t hcd, upipe_t pipe, void* buffer, int nbytes, int timeout) { if(pipe == RT_NULL) return -1; if(pipe->ifinst == RT_NULL) return -1; if(pipe->ifinst->uinst == RT_NULL) return -1; if(pipe->ifinst->uinst->status == UINST_STATUS_IDLE) return -1; RT_ASSERT(hcd != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops->int_xfer!= RT_NULL); return hcd->ops->int_xfer(pipe, buffer, nbytes, timeout); } rt_inline rt_err_t rt_usb_hcd_hub_control(uhcd_t hcd, rt_uint16_t port, rt_uint8_t cmd, void *args) { RT_ASSERT(hcd != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops != RT_NULL); RT_ASSERT(hcd->ops->hub_ctrl != RT_NULL); return hcd->ops->hub_ctrl(port, cmd, args); } #endif