 * File      : at91_tc.h
 * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS
 * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Develop Team
 * The license and distribution terms for this file may be
 * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at
 * http://openlab.rt-thread.com/license/LICENSE
 * Change Logs:
 * Date           Author       Notes
 * 2011-01-13     weety      first version

#ifndef AT91_TC_H
#define AT91_TC_H

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#define AT91_TC_BCR		0xc0		/* TC Block Control Register */
#define		AT91_TC_SYNC		(1 << 0)	/* Synchro Command */

#define AT91_TC_BMR		0xc4		/* TC Block Mode Register */
#define		AT91_TC_TC0XC0S		(3 << 0)	/* External Clock Signal 0 Selection */
#define			AT91_TC_TC0XC0S_TCLK0		(0 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_TC0XC0S_NONE		(1 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_TC0XC0S_TIOA1		(2 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_TC0XC0S_TIOA2		(3 << 0)
#define		AT91_TC_TC1XC1S		(3 << 2)	/* External Clock Signal 1 Selection */
#define			AT91_TC_TC1XC1S_TCLK1		(0 << 2)
#define			AT91_TC_TC1XC1S_NONE		(1 << 2)
#define			AT91_TC_TC1XC1S_TIOA0		(2 << 2)
#define			AT91_TC_TC1XC1S_TIOA2		(3 << 2)
#define		AT91_TC_TC2XC2S		(3 << 4)	/* External Clock Signal 2 Selection */
#define			AT91_TC_TC2XC2S_TCLK2		(0 << 4)
#define			AT91_TC_TC2XC2S_NONE		(1 << 4)
#define			AT91_TC_TC2XC2S_TIOA0		(2 << 4)
#define			AT91_TC_TC2XC2S_TIOA1		(3 << 4)

#define AT91_TC_CCR		0x00		/* Channel Control Register */
#define		AT91_TC_CLKEN		(1 << 0)	/* Counter Clock Enable Command */
#define		AT91_TC_CLKDIS		(1 << 1)	/* Counter CLock Disable Command */
#define		AT91_TC_SWTRG		(1 << 2)	/* Software Trigger Command */

#define AT91_TC_CMR		0x04		/* Channel Mode Register */
#define		AT91_TC_TCCLKS		(7 << 0)	/* Capture/Waveform Mode: Clock Selection */
#define			AT91_TC_TIMER_CLOCK1		(0 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_TIMER_CLOCK2		(1 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_TIMER_CLOCK3		(2 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_TIMER_CLOCK4		(3 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_TIMER_CLOCK5		(4 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_XC0			(5 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_XC1			(6 << 0)
#define			AT91_TC_XC2			(7 << 0)
#define		AT91_TC_CLKI		(1 << 3)	/* Capture/Waveform Mode: Clock Invert */
#define		AT91_TC_BURST		(3 << 4)	/* Capture/Waveform Mode: Burst Signal Selection */
#define		AT91_TC_LDBSTOP		(1 << 6)	/* Capture Mode: Counter Clock Stopped with TB Loading */
#define		AT91_TC_LDBDIS		(1 << 7)	/* Capture Mode: Counter Clock Disable with RB Loading */
#define		AT91_TC_ETRGEDG		(3 << 8)	/* Capture Mode: External Trigger Edge Selection */
#define		AT91_TC_ABETRG		(1 << 10)	/* Capture Mode: TIOA or TIOB External Trigger Selection */
#define		AT91_TC_CPCTRG		(1 << 14)	/* Capture Mode: RC Compare Trigger Enable */
#define		AT91_TC_WAVE		(1 << 15)	/* Capture/Waveform mode */
#define		AT91_TC_LDRA		(3 << 16)	/* Capture Mode: RA Loading Selection */
#define		AT91_TC_LDRB		(3 << 18)	/* Capture Mode: RB Loading Selection */

#define		AT91_TC_CPCSTOP		(1 <<  6)	/* Waveform Mode: Counter Clock Stopped with RC Compare */
#define		AT91_TC_CPCDIS		(1 <<  7)	/* Waveform Mode: Counter Clock Disable with RC Compare */
#define		AT91_TC_EEVTEDG		(3 <<  8)	/* Waveform Mode: External Event Edge Selection */
#define			AT91_TC_EEVTEDG_NONE		(0 << 8)
#define			AT91_TC_EEVTEDG_RISING		(1 << 8)
#define			AT91_TC_EEVTEDG_FALLING		(2 << 8)
#define			AT91_TC_EEVTEDG_BOTH		(3 << 8)
#define		AT91_TC_EEVT		(3 << 10)	/* Waveform Mode: External Event Selection */
#define			AT91_TC_EEVT_TIOB		(0 << 10)
#define			AT91_TC_EEVT_XC0		(1 << 10)
#define			AT91_TC_EEVT_XC1		(2 << 10)
#define			AT91_TC_EEVT_XC2		(3 << 10)
#define		AT91_TC_ENETRG		(1 << 12)	/* Waveform Mode: External Event Trigger Enable */
#define		AT91_TC_WAVESEL		(3 << 13)	/* Waveform Mode: Waveform Selection */
#define			AT91_TC_WAVESEL_UP		(0 << 13)
#define			AT91_TC_WAVESEL_UP_AUTO		(2 << 13)
#define			AT91_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN		(1 << 13)
#define			AT91_TC_WAVESEL_UPDOWN_AUTO	(3 << 13)
#define		AT91_TC_ACPA		(3 << 16)	/* Waveform Mode: RA Compare Effect on TIOA */
#define			AT91_TC_ACPA_NONE		(0 << 16)
#define			AT91_TC_ACPA_SET		(1 << 16)
#define			AT91_TC_ACPA_CLEAR		(2 << 16)
#define			AT91_TC_ACPA_TOGGLE		(3 << 16)
#define		AT91_TC_ACPC		(3 << 18)	/* Waveform Mode: RC Compre Effect on TIOA */
#define			AT91_TC_ACPC_NONE		(0 << 18)
#define			AT91_TC_ACPC_SET		(1 << 18)
#define			AT91_TC_ACPC_CLEAR		(2 << 18)
#define			AT91_TC_ACPC_TOGGLE		(3 << 18)
#define		AT91_TC_AEEVT		(3 << 20)	/* Waveform Mode: External Event Effect on TIOA */
#define			AT91_TC_AEEVT_NONE		(0 << 20)
#define			AT91_TC_AEEVT_SET		(1 << 20)
#define			AT91_TC_AEEVT_CLEAR		(2 << 20)
#define			AT91_TC_AEEVT_TOGGLE		(3 << 20)
#define		AT91_TC_ASWTRG		(3 << 22)	/* Waveform Mode: Software Trigger Effect on TIOA */
#define			AT91_TC_ASWTRG_NONE		(0 << 22)
#define			AT91_TC_ASWTRG_SET		(1 << 22)
#define			AT91_TC_ASWTRG_CLEAR		(2 << 22)
#define			AT91_TC_ASWTRG_TOGGLE		(3 << 22)
#define		AT91_TC_BCPB		(3 << 24)	/* Waveform Mode: RB Compare Effect on TIOB */
#define			AT91_TC_BCPB_NONE		(0 << 24)
#define			AT91_TC_BCPB_SET		(1 << 24)
#define			AT91_TC_BCPB_CLEAR		(2 << 24)
#define			AT91_TC_BCPB_TOGGLE		(3 << 24)
#define		AT91_TC_BCPC		(3 << 26)	/* Waveform Mode: RC Compare Effect on TIOB */
#define			AT91_TC_BCPC_NONE		(0 << 26)
#define			AT91_TC_BCPC_SET		(1 << 26)
#define			AT91_TC_BCPC_CLEAR		(2 << 26)
#define			AT91_TC_BCPC_TOGGLE		(3 << 26)
#define		AT91_TC_BEEVT		(3 << 28)	/* Waveform Mode: External Event Effect on TIOB */
#define			AT91_TC_BEEVT_NONE		(0 << 28)
#define			AT91_TC_BEEVT_SET		(1 << 28)
#define			AT91_TC_BEEVT_CLEAR		(2 << 28)
#define			AT91_TC_BEEVT_TOGGLE		(3 << 28)
#define		AT91_TC_BSWTRG		(3 << 30)	/* Waveform Mode: Software Trigger Effect on TIOB */
#define			AT91_TC_BSWTRG_NONE		(0 << 30)
#define			AT91_TC_BSWTRG_SET		(1 << 30)
#define			AT91_TC_BSWTRG_CLEAR		(2 << 30)
#define			AT91_TC_BSWTRG_TOGGLE		(3 << 30)

#define AT91_TC_CV		0x10		/* Counter Value */
#define AT91_TC_RA		0x14		/* Register A */
#define AT91_TC_RB		0x18		/* Register B */
#define AT91_TC_RC		0x1c		/* Register C */

#define AT91_TC_SR		0x20		/* Status Register */
#define		AT91_TC_COVFS		(1 <<  0)	/* Counter Overflow Status */
#define		AT91_TC_LOVRS		(1 <<  1)	/* Load Overrun Status */
#define		AT91_TC_CPAS		(1 <<  2)	/* RA Compare Status */
#define		AT91_TC_CPBS		(1 <<  3)	/* RB Compare Status */
#define		AT91_TC_CPCS		(1 <<  4)	/* RC Compare Status */
#define		AT91_TC_LDRAS		(1 <<  5)	/* RA Loading Status */
#define		AT91_TC_LDRBS		(1 <<  6)	/* RB Loading Status */
#define		AT91_TC_ETRGS		(1 <<  7)	/* External Trigger Status */
#define		AT91_TC_CLKSTA		(1 << 16)	/* Clock Enabling Status */
#define		AT91_TC_MTIOA		(1 << 17)	/* TIOA Mirror */
#define		AT91_TC_MTIOB		(1 << 18)	/* TIOB Mirror */

#define AT91_TC_IER		0x24		/* Interrupt Enable Register */
#define AT91_TC_IDR		0x28		/* Interrupt Disable Register */
#define AT91_TC_IMR		0x2c		/* Interrupt Mask Register */

#ifdef __cplusplus
