/***************************************************************************//** * @file application.c * @brief application tasks * COPYRIGHT (C) 2011, RT-Thread Development Team * @author Bernard, onelife * @version 0.4 beta ******************************************************************************* * @section License * The license and distribution terms for this file may be found in the file * LICENSE in this distribution or at http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE ******************************************************************************* * @section Change Logs * Date Author Notes * 2009-01-05 Bernard first version * 2010-12-29 onelife Modify for EFM32 * 2011-05-06 onelife Add SPI Flash DEMO * 2011-07-15 onelife Add accelerometer DEMO * 2011-07-27 onelife Modify Ethernet DEMO * 2011-08-23 onelife Modify Ethernet DEMO according to the changes of * lwIP API in reversion 1668 * 2011-12-20 onelife Add LCD DEMO ******************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************//** * @addtogroup efm32 * @{ ******************************************************************************/ /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <board.h> #if defined(RT_USING_DFS) /* dfs init */ #include <dfs_init.h> /* dfs filesystem:ELM filesystem init */ #include <dfs_elm.h> /* dfs Filesystem APIs */ #include <dfs_fs.h> #endif #include "dev_led.h" #if defined(EFM32_USING_ACCEL) #include "dev_accel.h" #endif #if defined(EFM32_USING_SFLASH) #include "dev_sflash.h" #endif #if defined(EFM32_USING_SPISD) #include "drv_sdcard.h" #endif #if defined(EFM32_USING_ETHERNET) #include "drv_ethernet.h" #endif #if defined(EFM32_USING_LCD) #include "dev_lcd.h" #include <rtgui/rtgui_server.h> #include <rtgui/rtgui_system.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/workbench.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/widget.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/view.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/label.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/window.h> #include <rtgui/widgets/box.h> #endif /* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/ volatile rt_uint32_t rt_system_status = 0; /* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/ /* Private functions ---------------------------------------------------------*/ static rt_uint8_t index = 0 ; static rt_bool_t view_event_handler(struct rtgui_widget* widget, struct rtgui_event* event) { if (event->type == RTGUI_EVENT_PAINT) { struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(widget); if (dc == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; rtgui_widget_get_rect(widget, &rect); rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); rect.x2 -= 1; rect.y2 -= 1; rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1, rect.x2, rect.y1); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x1, rect.y1, rect.y2); rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1, rect.x2, rect.y2); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x2, rect.y1, rect.y2 + 1); /* shrink border */ rtgui_rect_inflate(&rect, -1); /* draw text */ rtgui_widget_get_rect(widget, &rect); rect.y1 += 25; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, " EFM3 EFM32GG_DK3750 Kit", &rect); rect.y1 += 10; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, " RT-Thread & RTGUI", &rect); rect.y1 += 10; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, " ����Ҳ��!", &rect); rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); return RT_FALSE; } else if (event->type == RTGUI_EVENT_KBD) { struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; struct rtgui_event_kbd* ekbd = (struct rtgui_event_kbd*)event; if (ekbd->type == RTGUI_KEYDOWN) { char key_str[16]; switch (ekbd->key) { case RTGUIK_LEFT: rt_sprintf(key_str, "%s", "L"); break; case RTGUIK_RIGHT: rt_sprintf(key_str, "%s", "R"); break; case RTGUIK_DOWN: rt_sprintf(key_str, "%s", "D"); break; case RTGUIK_UP: rt_sprintf(key_str, "%s", "U"); break; default: rt_sprintf(key_str, "%s", "S"); break; } dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(widget); if (dc == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; rect.x1 = 118; rect.y1 = 1; rect.x2 = 127; rect.y2 = 10; rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, key_str, &rect); rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } else if (ekbd->type == RTGUI_KEYUP) { dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(widget); if (dc == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; rect.x1 = 118; rect.y1 = 1; rect.x2 = 127; rect.y2 = 10; rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); //rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, key_str, &rect); rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } } else if (event->type == RTGUI_EVENT_COMMAND) { char str[16]; struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; struct rtgui_event_command* ecmd; rt_uint8_t major,minor; dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(widget); if (dc == RT_NULL) return RT_FALSE; ecmd = (struct rtgui_event_command*)event; switch (ecmd->command_id) { default: rect.x1 = 1; rect.y1 = 1; rect.x2 = 117; rect.y2 = 10; rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); rt_sprintf(str, "ADC = %d mv", 123); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, str, &rect); break; /* case ADC_UPDATE: rect.x1 = 1; rect.y1 = 1; rect.x2 = 117; rect.y2 = 10; rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); rt_sprintf(str, "ADC = %d mv", adc_value); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, str, &rect); break; case CPU_UPDATE: cpu_usage_get(&major, &minor); rect.x1 = 1; rect.y1 = 12; rect.x2 = 127; rect.y2 = 22; rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); rt_sprintf(str, "CPU : %d.%d%", major, minor); rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, str, &rect); rect.y1 = 23; rect.y2 = 63; index++; if (index == 127) { index = 1; rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); } if (major>40) rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, index, rect.y1, rect.y2); else rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, index, rect.y2-major, rect.y2); break; */ } rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } return rtgui_view_event_handler(widget, event); } static void wb_info(void* parameter) { rt_mq_t mq; rtgui_view_t *view; rtgui_workbench_t *workbench; /* Create message queue for self */ mq = rt_mq_create("mq_wb1", 256, 4, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); if(mq == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create mq failed!\n"); return; } rtgui_thread_register(rt_thread_self(), mq); /* Create workbench */ workbench = rtgui_workbench_create("info", "wb_1"); if(workbench == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create wb failed!\n"); return; } /* Create a view */ view = rtgui_view_create("view_1"); if(view == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create view failed!\n"); return; } RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(view)) = red; RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(view)) = white; // rtgui_widget_set_event_handler(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), view_event_handler); /* Create a lable */ rtgui_label_t *label = rtgui_label_create("R-Thread & RTGUI"); if(label == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create lable failed!\n"); return; } RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)) = red; RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)) = white; /* Set lable position */ rtgui_rect_t rect; rect.x1 = 10; rect.y1 = 2; rect.x2 = 230; rect.y2 = 22; rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect); rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(label)); /* Add view to workbench */ rtgui_workbench_add_view(workbench, view); /* this view can be focused */ // RTGUI_WIDGET(view)->flag |= RTGUI_WIDGET_FLAG_FOCUSABLE; /* set widget focus */ // rtgui_widget_focus(RTGUI_WIDGET(view)); /* Show view */ rtgui_view_show(view, RT_FALSE); /* Workbench loop */ rtgui_workbench_event_loop(workbench); /* Prepare for exit */ rtgui_thread_deregister(rt_thread_self()); rt_mq_delete(mq); } static void wb_main(void* parameter) { rt_mq_t mq; rtgui_view_t *view; rtgui_workbench_t *workbench; /* Create message queue for self */ mq = rt_mq_create("mq_wb2", 256, 4, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); if(mq == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create mq failed!\n"); return; } rtgui_thread_register(rt_thread_self(), mq); /* Create workbench */ workbench = rtgui_workbench_create("main", "wb_2"); if(workbench == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create wb failed!\n"); return; } /* Create a view */ view = rtgui_view_create("view_2"); if(view == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create view failed!\n"); return; } RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(view)) = white; RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(view)) = red; // rtgui_widget_set_event_handler(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), view_event_handler); /* Create a lable */ rtgui_label_t* label = rtgui_label_create("EFM32GG_DK3750 Kit"); if(label == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create lable failed!\n"); return; } RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)) = white; RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)) = red; /* Set lable position */ rtgui_rect_t rect; rect.x1 = 10; rect.y1 = 50; rect.x2 = 230; rect.y2 = 70; rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect); rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(label)); /* Add view to workbench */ rtgui_workbench_add_view(workbench, view); /* this view can be focused */ // RTGUI_WIDGET(view)->flag |= RTGUI_WIDGET_FLAG_FOCUSABLE; /* set widget focus */ // rtgui_widget_focus(RTGUI_WIDGET(view)); /* Show view */ rtgui_view_show(view, RT_FALSE); /* Workbench loop */ rtgui_workbench_event_loop(workbench); /* Prepare for exit */ rtgui_thread_deregister(rt_thread_self()); rt_mq_delete(mq); } static void win_hello(void* parameter) { rt_mq_t mq; struct rtgui_view* view; rtgui_win_t *win; /* Create message queue for self */ mq = rt_mq_create("mq_win", 256, 4, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO); if(mq == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create mq failed!\n"); return; } rtgui_thread_register(rt_thread_self(), mq); /* Window position */ rtgui_rect_t rect; rect.x1 = 50; rect.y1 = 50; rect.x2 = 180; rect.y2 = 180; /* Create window */ win = rtgui_win_create(RT_NULL, "Hello", &rect, RTGUI_WIN_STYLE_DEFAULT); if(win == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create win failed!\n"); return; } /* Create a box */ rtgui_box_t *box = rtgui_box_create(RTGUI_VERTICAL, RT_NULL); if(box == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create box failed!\n"); return; } rtgui_win_set_box(win, box); rtgui_label_t *label = rtgui_label_create("����,����!"); if(label == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Create lable failed!\n"); return; } RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)) = white; RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)) = black; RTGUI_WIDGET(label)->align = RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL; rtgui_widget_set_miniwidth(RTGUI_WIDGET(label),130); rtgui_box_append(box, RTGUI_WIDGET(label)); /* Auto layout */ rtgui_box_layout(box); /* Show window */ rtgui_win_show(win, RT_FALSE); /* Window loop */ rtgui_win_event_loop(win); /* Prepare for exit */ rtgui_thread_deregister(rt_thread_self()); rt_mq_delete(mq); } void rt_demo_thread_entry(void* parameter) { #if 0 //defined(EFM32_USING_ACCEL) { struct efm32_accel_result_t result; rt_kprintf(">>> waiting\n"); rt_thread_sleep(6000); rt_kprintf(">>> start\n"); while(1) { efm_accel_get_data(&result); rt_kprintf("Accel x: %x\n", result.x); rt_kprintf("Accel y: %x\n", result.y); rt_kprintf("Accel z: %x\n\n", result.z); rt_thread_sleep(200); } } #endif #if defined(RT_USING_DFS) { rt_kprintf("File system DEMO start...\n"); /* Filesystem Initialization */ dfs_init(); #if defined(RT_USING_DFS_ELMFAT) /* init the elm chan FatFs filesystam*/ elm_init(); #if defined(EFM32_USING_SPISD) /* mount sd card fat partition 1 as root directory */ if (dfs_mount(SPISD_DEVICE_NAME, "/", "elm", 0, 0) == 0) { rt_kprintf("FatFs init OK\n"); } else { rt_kprintf("FatFs init failed!\n"); } #endif #endif rt_kprintf("File system DEMO end.\n"); } #endif #ifdef EFM32_USING_SFLASH { rt_kprintf("SPI Flash DEMO start...\n"); rt_uint8_t i; rt_uint8_t test[] = "123456789ABCDEF"; rt_uint8_t buf[30], buf2[30]; efm_spiFlash_cmd(sflash_inst_rdid_l, EFM32_NO_DATA, buf, sizeof(buf)); rt_kprintf("Manuf ID: %x\n", buf[0]); rt_kprintf("Memory type: %x\n", buf[1]); rt_kprintf("Memory capacity: %x\n", buf[2]); rt_kprintf("CFD length: %x\n", buf[3]); rt_kprintf("CFD: %x%x%x...%x%x\n", buf[4], buf[5], buf[6], buf[18], buf[19]); efm_spiFlash_cmd(sflash_inst_wren, EFM32_NO_DATA, EFM32_NO_POINTER, EFM32_NO_DATA); do { efm_spiFlash_cmd(sflash_inst_rdsr, EFM32_NO_DATA, buf2, sizeof(buf2)); rt_kprintf("Status: %x\n", buf2[0]); } while (buf2[0] == 0xFF); rt_kprintf("Status: %x\n", buf2[0]); //efm_spiFash_cmd(sflash_inst_pp, 0x000003F8, test, sizeof(test) - 1); efm_spiFlash_cmd(sflash_inst_rdsr, EFM32_NO_DATA, buf2, sizeof(buf2)); rt_kprintf("Status: %x\n", buf2[0]); efm_spiFlash_cmd(sflash_inst_read, 0x00000300, buf, sizeof(buf)); rt_kprintf("READ: \n"); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i++) { rt_kprintf("%c\n", buf[i]); } //efm_spiFlash_deinit(); rt_kprintf("SPI Flash DEMO end.\n"); } #endif #if defined(EFM32_USING_ETHERNET) { rt_kprintf("Ethernet DEMO start...\n"); extern void lwip_sys_init(void); /* init lwip system */ lwip_sys_init(); rt_kprintf("TCP/IP stack init OK!\n"); #if defined(EFM32_USING_ETH_HTTPD) extern void httpd_init(void); /* init http server */ httpd_init(); rt_kprintf("Http service init OK!\n"); #endif /* defined(EFM32_USING_ETH_HTTPD) */ rt_kprintf("Ethernet DEMO end.\n"); } #endif /* defined(EFM32_USING_ETHERNET) */ #if defined(EFM32_USING_LCD) { rt_kprintf("LCD DEMO start...\n"); /* find lcd device */ rt_device_t lcd = rt_device_find(LCD_DEVICE_NAME); if (lcd == RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("Can't find LCD\n"); } /* read LCD info */ struct rt_device_graphic_info lcd_info; lcd->control(lcd, RTGRAPHIC_CTRL_GET_INFO, (void *)&lcd_info); rt_kprintf("LCD size: %dX%d\n", lcd_info.width, lcd_info.height); /* register panels */ rtgui_rect_t rect; rect.x1 = 0; rect.y1 = 0; rect.x2 = lcd_info.width; rect.y2 = 25; rtgui_panel_register("info", &rect); rect.x1 = 0; rect.y1 = 25; rect.x2 = lcd_info.width; rect.y2 = lcd_info.height; rtgui_panel_register("main", &rect); rtgui_panel_set_default_focused("main"); /* Create workbenc threads */ rt_thread_t wb_tid; wb_tid = rt_thread_create( "wb_main", wb_main, RT_NULL, 2048, 25, 10); if (wb_tid != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(wb_tid); } else { rt_kprintf("Create workbench \"main\" failed!\n"); } wb_tid = rt_thread_create( "wb_info", wb_info, RT_NULL, 2048, 25, 10); if (wb_tid != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(wb_tid); } else { rt_kprintf("Create workbench \"info\" failed!\n"); } wb_tid = rt_thread_create( "win", win_hello, RT_NULL, 2048, 25, 10); if (wb_tid != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(wb_tid); } else { rt_kprintf("Create window \"win\" failed!\n"); } rt_kprintf("LCD DEMO end.\n"); } #endif rt_kprintf("All Demo end.\n"); while(1) { rt_thread_sleep(10); } } void rt_led_thread_entry(void* parameter) { rt_uint8_t n = 0; rt_hw_led_on(0); rt_hw_led_on(1); rt_hw_led_on(2); rt_hw_led_on(3); while(1) { /* Toggle a led per second */ rt_hw_led_toggle(n++); if (n == LEDS_MAX_NUMBER) { n =0; } rt_thread_delay(100); } } int rt_application_init() { rt_thread_t demo_thread, led_thread; #if defined(EFM32_USING_ACCEL) if (efm_accel_init() != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("*** Init accelerometer driver failed!"); while(1); //Or do something? } #endif #if defined(EFM32_USING_SFLASH) if (efm_spiFlash_init() != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("*** Init SPI Flash driver failed!"); while(1); //Or do something? } #endif #if defined(EFM32_USING_SPISD) if (efm_spiSd_init() != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("*** Init SD card driver failed!"); while(1); //Or do something? } #endif /* Initialize all device drivers (dev_?.c) */ if (rt_hw_led_init() != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("*** Init LED driver failed!"); while(1); //Or do something? } #if defined(RT_USING_MISC) if (rt_hw_misc_init() != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("*** Init miscellaneous driver failed!"); while(1); //Or do something? } #endif #if defined(RT_USING_LWIP) { /* Create Ethernet Threads */ if (eth_system_device_init() != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("*** Create Ethernet threads failed!"); while(1); //Or do something? } #if defined(EFM32_USING_ETHERNET) if (efm_hw_eth_init() != RT_EOK) { rt_kprintf("*** Init Ethernet driver failed!"); while(1); //Or do something? } #endif } #endif #if (RT_THREAD_PRIORITY_MAX == 32) demo_thread = rt_thread_create( "demo", rt_demo_thread_entry, RT_NULL, 1024, 5, 20); led_thread = rt_thread_create( "led", rt_led_thread_entry, RT_NULL, 256, 5, 20); #else #endif if(demo_thread != RT_NULL) { rt_kprintf("demo sp:%x\n", demo_thread->sp); rt_thread_startup(demo_thread); } if(led_thread != RT_NULL) { rt_thread_startup(led_thread); } return 0; } /***************************************************************************//** * @} ******************************************************************************/