;/* S3C2440.S: Startup file for Samsung S3C440 */
;/* <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> */
;/* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools. */
;/* Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Keil Software. All rights reserved. */
;/* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current, */
;/* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software */
;/* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software. */
; * The S3C2440.S code is executed after CPU Reset. This file may be
; * translated with the following SET symbols. In uVision these SET
; * symbols are entered under Options - ASM - Define.
; *
; * NO_CLOCK_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize Clock
; * (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script .ini
; * file).
; *
; * NO_MC_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize Memory
; * Controller (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script
; * .ini file).
; *
; * NO_GP_SETUP: when set the startup code will not initialize General Ports
; * (used mostly when clock is already initialized from script .ini
; * file).
; *
; * RAM_INTVEC: when set the startup code copies exception vectors
; * from execution address to on-chip RAM.
; */
; Standard definitions of Mode bits and Interrupt (I & F) flags in PSRs
Mode_USR EQU 0x10
Mode_FIQ EQU 0x11
Mode_IRQ EQU 0x12
Mode_SVC EQU 0x13
Mode_ABT EQU 0x17
Mode_UND EQU 0x1B
Mode_SYS EQU 0x1F
I_Bit EQU 0x80 ; when I bit is set, IRQ is disabled
F_Bit EQU 0x40 ; when F bit is set, FIQ is disabled
;----------------------- Stack and Heap Definitions ----------------------------
;// Stack Configuration (Stack Sizes in Bytes)
;// Undefined Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// Supervisor Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// Abort Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// Fast Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// Interrupt Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
;// User/System Mode <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8>
UND_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000000
SVC_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000100
ABT_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000000
FIQ_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000000
IRQ_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000100
USR_Stack_Size EQU 0x00000100
ISR_Stack_Size EQU (UND_Stack_Size + SVC_Stack_Size + ABT_Stack_Size + \
FIQ_Stack_Size + IRQ_Stack_Size)
Stack_Mem SPACE USR_Stack_Size
__initial_sp SPACE ISR_Stack_Size
;// Heap Configuration
;// Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF>
Heap_Size EQU 0x00000000
Heap_Mem SPACE Heap_Size
;----------------------- Memory Definitions ------------------------------------
; Internal Memory Base Addresses
IRAM_BASE EQU 0x40000000
;----------------------- Watchdog Timer Definitions ----------------------------
WT_BASE EQU 0x53000000 ; Watchdog Timer Base Address
WTCON_OFS EQU 0x00 ; Watchdog Timer Control Register Offset
WTDAT_OFS EQU 0x04 ; Watchdog Timer Data Register Offset
WTCNT_OFS EQU 0x08 ; Watchdog Timer Count Register Offset
;// Watchdog Timer Setup
;// Watchdog Timer Control Register (WTCON)
;// Prescaler Value <0-255>
;// Watchdog Timer Enable
;// Clock Division Factor
;// <0=> 16 <1=> 32 <2=> 64 <3=> 128
;// Interrupt Generation Enable
;// Reset Enable
;// Watchdog Timer Data Register (WTDAT)
;// Count Reload Value <0-65535>
;// Watchdog Timer Setup
WTCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
WTDAT_Val EQU 0x00008000
;----------------------- Clock and Power Management Definitions ----------------
CLOCK_BASE EQU 0x4C000000 ; Clock Base Address
LOCKTIME_OFS EQU 0x00 ; PLL Lock Time Count Register Offset
MPLLCON_OFS EQU 0x04 ; MPLL Configuration Register Offset
UPLLCON_OFS EQU 0x08 ; UPLL Configuration Register Offset
CLKCON_OFS EQU 0x0C ; Clock Generator Control Reg Offset
CLKSLOW_OFS EQU 0x10 ; Clock Slow Control Register Offset
CLKDIVN_OFS EQU 0x14 ; Clock Divider Control Register Offset
CAMDIVN_OFS EQU 0x18 ; Camera Clock Divider Register Offset
;// Clock Setup
;// PLL Lock Time Count Register (LOCKTIME)
;// U_LTIME: UPLL Lock Time Count Value for UCLK <0x0-0xFFFF>
;// M_LTIME: MPLL Lock Time Count Value for FCLK, HCLK and PCLK <0x0-0xFFFF>
;// MPLL Configuration Register (MPLLCON)
;// MPLL = (2 * m * Fin) / (p * 2^s)
;// m: Main Divider m Value <9-256><#-8>
;// m = MDIV + 8
;// p: Pre-divider p Value <3-64><#-2>
;// p = PDIV + 2
;// s: Post Divider s Value <0-3>
;// s = SDIV
;// UPLL Configuration Register (UPLLCON)
;// UPLL = ( m * Fin) / (p * 2^s)
;// m: Main Divider m Value <8-263><#-8>
;// m = MDIV + 8
;// p: Pre-divider p Value <2-65><#-2>
;// p = PDIV + 2
;// s: Post Divider s Value <0-3>
;// s = SDIV
;// Clock Generation Control Register (CLKCON)
;// AC97 Enable
;// Camera Enable
;// SPI Enable
;// IIS Enable
;// IIC Enable
;// ADC + Touch Screen Enable
;// RTC Enable
;// GPIO Enable
;// UART2 Enable
;// UART1 Enable
;// UART0 Enable
;// SDI Enable
;// PWMTIMER Enable
;// USB Device Enable
;// USB Host Enable
;// LCDC Enable
;// NAND FLASH Controller Enable
;// SLEEP Enable
;// IDLE BIT Enable
;// Clock Slow Control Register (CLKSLOW)
;// MPLL_OFF: Turn off PLL
;// SLOW_BIT: Slow Mode Enable
;// SLOW_VAL: Slow Clock Divider <0-7>
;// Clock Divider Control Register (CLKDIVN)
;// DIVN_UPLL: UCLK Select
;// <0=> UCLK = UPLL clock
;// <1=> UCLK = UPLL clock / 2
;// HDIVN: HCLK Select
;// <0=> HCLK = FCLK
;// <1=> HCLK = FCLK / 2
;// <2=> HCLK = FCLK / 4 if HCLK4_HALF = 0 in CAMDIVN, else HCLK = FCLK / 8
;// <3=> HCLK = FCLK / 3 if HCLK3_HALF = 0 in CAMDIVN, else HCLK = FCLK / 6
;// PDIVN: PCLK Select
;// <0=> PCLK = HCLK
;// <1=> PCLK = HCLK / 2
;// Camera Clock Divider Control Register (CAMDIVN)
;// DVS_EN: ARM Core Clock Select
;// <0=> ARM core runs at FCLK
;// <1=> ARM core runs at HCLK
;// HCLK4_HALF: HDIVN Division Rate Change Bit
;// <0=> If HDIVN = 2 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 4
;// <1=> If HDIVN = 2 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 8
;// HCLK3_HALF: HDIVN Division Rate Change Bit
;// <0=> If HDIVN = 3 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 3
;// <1=> If HDIVN = 3 in CLKDIVN then HCLK = FCLK / 6
;// CAMCLK Select
;// <0=> CAMCLK = UPLL
;// CAMCLK_DIV: CAMCLK Divider <0-15>
;// Camera Clock = UPLL / (2 * (CAMCLK_DIV + 1))
;// Divider is used only if CAMCLK_SEL = 1
;// Clock Setup
MPLLCON_Val EQU 0x00043011
UPLLCON_Val EQU 0x00038021
CLKSLOW_Val EQU 0x00000004
CLKDIVN_Val EQU 0x0000000F
CAMDIVN_Val EQU 0x00000000
;----------------------- Memory Controller Definitions -------------------------
MC_BASE EQU 0x48000000 ; Memory Controller Base Address
BWSCON_OFS EQU 0x00 ; Bus Width and Wait Status Ctrl Offset
BANKCON0_OFS EQU 0x04 ; Bank 0 Control Register Offset
BANKCON1_OFS EQU 0x08 ; Bank 1 Control Register Offset
BANKCON2_OFS EQU 0x0C ; Bank 2 Control Register Offset
BANKCON3_OFS EQU 0x10 ; Bank 3 Control Register Offset
BANKCON4_OFS EQU 0x14 ; Bank 4 Control Register Offset
BANKCON5_OFS EQU 0x18 ; Bank 5 Control Register Offset
BANKCON6_OFS EQU 0x1C ; Bank 6 Control Register Offset
BANKCON7_OFS EQU 0x20 ; Bank 7 Control Register Offset
REFRESH_OFS EQU 0x24 ; SDRAM Refresh Control Register Offset
BANKSIZE_OFS EQU 0x28 ; Flexible Bank Size Register Offset
MRSRB6_OFS EQU 0x2C ; Bank 6 Mode Register Offset
MRSRB7_OFS EQU 0x30 ; Bank 7 Mode Register Offset
;// Memory Controller Setup
;// Bus Width and Wait Control Register (BWSCON)
;// ST7: Use UB/LB for Bank 7
;// WS7: Enable Wait Status for Bank 7
;// DW7: Data Bus Width for Bank 7
;// <0=> 8-bit <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit <3=> Reserved
;// ST6: Use UB/LB for Bank 6
;// WS6: Enable Wait Status for Bank 6
;// DW6: Data Bus Width for Bank 6
;// <0=> 8-bit <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit <3=> Reserved
;// ST5: Use UB/LB for Bank 5
;// WS5: Enable Wait Status for Bank 5
;// DW5: Data Bus Width for Bank 5
;// <0=> 8-bit <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit <3=> Reserved
;// ST4: Use UB/LB for Bank 4
;// WS4: Enable Wait Status for Bank 4
;// DW4: Data Bus Width for Bank 4
;// <0=> 8-bit <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit <3=> Reserved
;// ST3: Use UB/LB for Bank 3
;// WS3: Enable Wait Status for Bank 3
;// DW3: Data Bus Width for Bank 3
;// <0=> 8-bit <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit <3=> Reserved
;// ST2: Use UB/LB for Bank 2
;// WS2: Enable Wait Status for Bank 2
;// DW2: Data Bus Width for Bank 2
;// <0=> 8-bit <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit <3=> Reserved
;// ST1: Use UB/LB for Bank 1
;// WS1: Enable Wait Status for Bank 1
;// DW1: Data Bus Width for Bank 1
;// <0=> 8-bit <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit <3=> Reserved
;// DW0: Indicate Data Bus Width for Bank 0
;// <1=> 16-bit <2=> 32-bit
;// Bank 0 Control Register (BANKCON0)
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;// <0=> normal (1 data) <1=> 4 data <2=> 8 data <3=> 16 data
;// Bank 1 Control Register (BANKCON1)
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;// <0=> normal (1 data) <1=> 4 data <2=> 8 data <3=> 16 data
;// Bank 2 Control Register (BANKCON2)
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;// <0=> normal (1 data) <1=> 4 data <2=> 8 data <3=> 16 data
;// Bank 3 Control Register (BANKCON3)
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;// <0=> normal (1 data) <1=> 4 data <2=> 8 data <3=> 16 data
;// Bank 4 Control Register (BANKCON4)
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;// <0=> normal (1 data) <1=> 4 data <2=> 8 data <3=> 16 data
;// Bank 5 Control Register (BANKCON5)
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC: Page Mode Configuration
;// <0=> normal (1 data) <1=> 4 data <2=> 8 data <3=> 16 data
;// Bank 6 Control Register (BANKCON6)
;// Memory Type Selection
;// <0=> ROM or SRAM <3=> SDRAM
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp/Trcd: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode / RAS to CAS Delay
;// Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is Tacp,
;// if type is SDRAM then parameter is Trcd
;// For SDRAM 6 cycles setting is not allowed
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC/SCAN: Page Mode Configuration / Column Address Number <0-3>
;// Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is PMC,
;// if type is SDRAM then parameter is SCAN
;// Bank 7 Control Register (BANKCON7)
;// Memory Type Selection
;// <0=> ROM or SRAM <3=> SDRAM
;// Tacs: Address Set-up Time before nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcos: Chip Selection Set-up Time before nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacc: Access Cycle
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// <4=> 6 clocks <5=> 8 clocks <6=> 10 clocks <7=> 14 clocks
;// Tcoh: Chip Selection Hold Time after nOE
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tcah: Address Hold Time after nGCS
;// <0=> 0 clocks <1=> 1 clocks <2=> 2 clocks <3=> 4 clocks
;// Tacp/Trcd: Page Mode Access Cycle at Page Mode / RAS to CAS Delay
;// Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is Tacp,
;// if type is SDRAM then parameter is Trcd
;// For SDRAM 6 cycles setting is not allowed
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> 6 clocks
;// PMC/SCAN: Page Mode Configuration / Column Address Number <0-3>
;// Parameter depends on Memory Type: if type SRAM then parameter is PMC,
;// if type is SDRAM then parameter is SCAN
;// SDRAM Refresh Control Register (REFRESH)
;// REFEN: SDRAM Refresh Enable
;// TREFMD: SDRAM Refresh Mode
;// <0=> CBR/Auto Refresh <1=> Self Refresh
;// Trp: SDRAM RAS Pre-charge Time
;// <0=> 2 clocks <1=> 3 clocks <2=> 4 clocks <3=> Reserved
;// Tsrc: SDRAM Semi Row Cycle Time
;// SDRAM Row cycle time: Trc = Tsrc + Trp
;// <0=> 4 clocks <1=> 5 clocks <2=> 6 clocks <3=> 7 clocks
;// Refresh Counter <0-1023>
;// Refresh Period = (2048 - Refresh Count + 1) / HCLK
;// Flexible Bank Size Register (BANKSIZE)
;// BURST_EN: ARM Core Burst Operation Enable
;// SCKE_EN: SDRAM Power Down Mode Enable
;// SCLK_EN: SCLK Enabled During SDRAM Access Cycle
;// <0=> SCLK is always active <1=> SCLK is active only during the access
;// BK76MAP: BANK6 and BANK7 Memory Map
;// <0=> 32MB / 32MB <1=> 64MB / 64MB <2=> 128MB / 128MB
;// <4=> 2MB / 2MB <5=> 4MB / 4MB <6=> 8MB / 8MB <7=> 16MB / 16MB
;// Refresh Counter <0-1023>
;// Refresh Period = (2048 - Refresh Count + 1) / HCLK
;// SDRAM Mode Register Set Register 6 (MRSRB6)
;// WBL: Write Burst Length
;// <0=> Burst (Fixed)
;// TM: Test Mode
;// <0=> Mode register set (Fixed)
;// CL: CAS Latency
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks
;// BT: Burst Type
;// <0=> Sequential (Fixed)
;// BL: Burst Length
;// <0=> 1 (Fixed)
;// SDRAM Mode Register Set Register 7 (MRSRB7)
;// WBL: Write Burst Length
;// <0=> Burst (Fixed)
;// TM: Test Mode
;// <0=> Mode register set (Fixed)
;// CL: CAS Latency
;// <0=> 1 clocks <1=> 2 clocks <2=> 3 clocks
;// BT: Burst Type
;// <0=> Sequential (Fixed)
;// BL: Burst Length
;// <0=> 1 (Fixed)
;// Memory Controller Setup
BWSCON_Val EQU 0x22000000
BANKCON0_Val EQU 0x00000700
BANKCON1_Val EQU 0x00000700
BANKCON2_Val EQU 0x00000700
BANKCON3_Val EQU 0x00000700
BANKCON4_Val EQU 0x00000700
BANKCON5_Val EQU 0x00000700
BANKCON6_Val EQU 0x00018005
BANKCON7_Val EQU 0x00018005
REFRESH_Val EQU 0x008404F3
BANKSIZE_Val EQU 0x00000032
MRSRB6_Val EQU 0x00000020
MRSRB7_Val EQU 0x00000020
;----------------------- I/O Port Definitions ----------------------------------
GPA_BASE EQU 0x56000000 ; GPA Base Address
GPB_BASE EQU 0x56000010 ; GPB Base Address
GPC_BASE EQU 0x56000020 ; GPC Base Address
GPD_BASE EQU 0x56000030 ; GPD Base Address
GPE_BASE EQU 0x56000040 ; GPE Base Address
GPF_BASE EQU 0x56000050 ; GPF Base Address
GPG_BASE EQU 0x56000060 ; GPG Base Address
GPH_BASE EQU 0x56000070 ; GPH Base Address
GPJ_BASE EQU 0x560000D0 ; GPJ Base Address
GPCON_OFS EQU 0x00 ; Control Register Offset
GPDAT_OFS EQU 0x04 ; Data Register Offset
GPUP_OFS EQU 0x08 ; Pull-up Disable Register Offset
;// I/O Setup
;// Port A Settings
;// Port A Control Register (GPACON)
;// GPA22 <0=> Output <1=> nFCE
;// GPA21 <0=> Output <1=> nRSTOUT
;// GPA20 <0=> Output <1=> nFRE
;// GPA19 <0=> Output <1=> nFWE
;// GPA18 <0=> Output <1=> ALE
;// GPA17 <0=> Output <1=> CLE
;// GPA16 <0=> Output <1=> nGCS[5]
;// GPA15 <0=> Output <1=> nGCS[4]
;// GPA14 <0=> Output <1=> nGCS[3]
;// GPA13 <0=> Output <1=> nGCS[2]
;// GPA12 <0=> Output <1=> nGCS[1]
;// GPA11 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR26
;// GPA10 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR25
;// GPA9 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR24
;// GPA8 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR23
;// GPA7 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR22
;// GPA6 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR21
;// GPA5 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR20
;// GPA4 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR19
;// GPA3 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR18
;// GPA2 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR17
;// GPA1 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR16
;// GPA0 <0=> Output <1=> ADDR0
GPACON_Val EQU 0x000003FF
;// Port B Settings
;// Port B Control Register (GPBCON)
;// GPB10 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDREQ0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPB9 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDACK0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPB8 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDREQ1 <3=> Reserved
;// GPB7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXDACK1 <3=> Reserved
;// GPB6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXBREQ <3=> Reserved
;// GPB5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nXBACK <3=> Reserved
;// GPB4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TCLK[0] <3=> Reserved
;// GPB3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT3 <3=> Reserved
;// GPB2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT2 <3=> Reserved
;// GPB1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT1 <3=> Reserved
;// GPB0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TOUT0 <3=> Reserved
;// Port B Pull-up Settings Register (GPBUP)
;// GPB10 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB9 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB8 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPB0 Pull-up Disable
GPBCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPBUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// Port C Settings
;// Port C Control Register (GPCCON)
;// GPC15 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[7] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC14 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[6] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC13 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[5] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC12 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[4] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC11 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[3] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC10 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[2] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC9 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[1] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC8 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[0] <3=> Reserved
;// GPC7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCREVB <3=> Reserved
;// GPC6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCREV <3=> Reserved
;// GPC5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LCD_LPCOE <3=> Reserved
;// GPC4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VM <3=> I2SSDI
;// GPC3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VFRAME <3=> Reserved
;// GPC2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VLINE <3=> Reserved
;// GPC1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VCLK <3=> Reserved
;// GPC0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> LEND <3=> Reserved
;// Port C Pull-up Settings Register (GPCUP)
;// GPC15 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC14 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC13 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC12 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC11 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC10 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC9 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC8 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPC0 Pull-up Disable
GPCCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPCUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// Port D Settings
;// Port D Control Register (GPDCON)
;// GPD15 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[23] <3=> nSS0
;// GPD14 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[22] <3=> nSS1
;// GPD13 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[21] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD12 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[20] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD11 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[19] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD10 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[18] <3=> SPICLK1
;// GPD9 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[17] <3=> SPIMOSI1
;// GPD8 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[16] <3=> SPIMISO1
;// GPD7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[15] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[14] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[13] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[12] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[11] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[10] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[9] <3=> Reserved
;// GPD0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> VD[8] <3=> Reserved
;// Port D Pull-up Settings Register (GPDUP)
;// GPD15 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD14 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD13 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD12 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD11 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD10 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD9 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD8 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPD0 Pull-up Disable
GPDCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPDUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// Port E Settings
;// Port E Control Register (GPECON)
;// GPE15 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> IICSDA <3=> Reserved
;// This pad is open-drain, and has no pull-up option.
;// GPE14 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> IICSCL <3=> Reserved
;// This pad is open-drain, and has no pull-up option.
;// GPE13 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPICLK0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPE12 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPIMOSI0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPE11 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SPIMISO0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPE10 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT3 <3=> Reserved
;// GPE9 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT2 <3=> Reserved
;// GPE8 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT1 <3=> Reserved
;// GPE7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDDAT0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPE6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDCMD <3=> Reserved
;// GPE5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> SDCLK <3=> Reserved
;// GPE4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SDO <3=> AC_SDATA_OUT
;// GPE3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SDI <3=> AC_SDATA_IN
;// GPE2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CDCLK <3=> AC_nRESET
;// GPE1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SSCLK <3=> AC_BIT_CLK
;// GPE0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> I2SLRCK <3=> AC_SYNC
;// Port E Pull-up Settings Register (GPEUP)
;// GPE13 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE12 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE11 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE10 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE9 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE8 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPE0 Pull-up Disable
GPECON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPEUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// Port F Settings
;// Port F Control Register (GPFCON)
;// GPF7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[7] <3=> Reserved
;// GPF6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[6] <3=> Reserved
;// GPF5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[5] <3=> Reserved
;// GPF4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[4] <3=> Reserved
;// GPF3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[3] <3=> Reserved
;// GPF2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[2] <3=> Reserved
;// GPF1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[1] <3=> Reserved
;// GPF0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[0] <3=> Reserved
;// Port F Pull-up Settings Register (GPFUP)
;// GPF7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPF6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPF5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPF4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPF3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPF2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPF1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPF0 Pull-up Disable
GPFCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPFUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// Port G Settings
;// Port G Control Register (GPGCON)
;// GPG15 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[23] <3=> Reserved
;// GPG14 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[22] <3=> Reserved
;// GPG13 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[21] <3=> Reserved
;// GPG12 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[20] <3=> Reserved
;// GPG11 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[19] <3=> TCLK[1]
;// GPG10 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[18] <3=> nCTS1
;// GPG9 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[17] <3=> nRTS1
;// GPG8 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[16] <3=> Reserved
;// GPG7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[15] <3=> SPICLK1
;// GPG6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[14] <3=> SPIMOSI1
;// GPG5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[13] <3=> SPIMISO1
;// GPG4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[12] <3=> LCD_PWRDN
;// GPG3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[11] <3=> nSS1
;// GPG2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[10] <3=> nSS0
;// GPG1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[9] <3=> Reserved
;// GPG0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> EINT[8] <3=> Reserved
;// Port G Pull-up Settings Register (GPGUP)
;// GPG15 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG14 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG13 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG12 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG11 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG10 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG9 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG8 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPG0 Pull-up Disable
GPGCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPGUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// Port H Settings
;// Port H Control Register (GPHCON)
;// GPH10 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CLKOUT1 <3=> Reserved
;// GPH9 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CLKOUT0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPH8 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> UEXTCLK <3=> Reserved
;// GPH7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[2] <3=> nCTS1
;// GPH6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[2] <3=> nRTS1
;// GPH5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[1] <3=> Reserved
;// GPH4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[1] <3=> Reserved
;// GPH3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> RXD[0] <3=> Reserved
;// GPH2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> TXD[0] <3=> Reserved
;// GPH1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nRTS0 <3=> Reserved
;// GPH0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> nCTS0 <3=> Reserved
;// Port H Pull-up Settings Register (GPHUP)
;// GPH10 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH9 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH8 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPH0 Pull-up Disable
GPHCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPHUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// Port J Settings
;// Port J Control Register (GPJCON)
;// GPJ12 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMRESET <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ11 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMCLKOUT <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ10 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMHREF <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ9 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMVSYNC <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ8 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMPCLK <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ7 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[7] <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ6 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[6] <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ5 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[5] <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ4 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[4] <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ3 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[3] <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ2 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[2] <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ1 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[1] <3=> Reserved
;// GPJ0 <0=> Input <1=> Output <2=> CAMDATA[0] <3=> Reserved
;// Port J Pull-up Settings Register (GPJUP)
;// GPJ12 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ11 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ10 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ9 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ8 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ7 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ6 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ5 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ4 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ3 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ2 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ1 Pull-up Disable
;// GPJ0 Pull-up Disable
GPJCON_Val EQU 0x00000000
GPJUP_Val EQU 0x00000000
;// I/O Setup