/* * File : rtgui_theme.c * This file is part of RTGUI in RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006 - 2009, RT-Thread Development Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://www.rt-thread.org/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2009-10-04 Bernard first version */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define WINTITLE_CB_WIDTH 14 #define WINTITLE_CB_HEIGHT 14 static const char * close_unpressed_xpm[] = { "14 14 55 1", " c None", ". c #DCDFEA", "+ c #A4ADD3", "@ c #8F9ACA", "# c #98A2CD", "$ c #D2D6E6", "% c #F7F7F7", "& c #F6F6F6", "* c #B9C1D0", "= c #7A8AAA", "- c #D6DAE2", "; c #D8DCE3", "> c #7485A5", ", c #455C89", "' c #516690", ") c #D3D8E0", "! c #536891", "~ c #6D7FA1", "{ c #F5F5F5", "] c #D1D6DF", "^ c #D2D7DF", "/ c #D5D9E1", "( c #4E648E", "_ c #CFD4DE", ": c #F4F4F4", "< c #D0D5DE", "[ c #CED3DD", "} c #F3F3F3", "| c #CFD4DD", "1 c #CDD2DC", "2 c #F2F2F2", "3 c #D3D7DF", "4 c #526790", "5 c #D0D5DD", "6 c #F1F1F1", "7 c #D2D6DE", "8 c #CFD4DC", "9 c #F0F0F0", "0 c #D1D5DD", "a c #C9CED8", "b c #CDD2DB", "c c #50658F", "d c #CED3DB", "e c #7283A3", "f c #6E80A2", "g c #EFEFEF", "h c #B2BACA", "i c #7081A2", "j c #C8CDD7", "k c #CCD1DA", "l c #ACB5C7", "m c #D0D4E2", "n c #EEEEEE", "o c #D2D5E3", "p c #97A1CC", ".+@@@@@@@@@@+.", "#$%%%%%%%%%%$#", "@&*=-&&&&;=*&@", "@&>,')&&-!,~&@", "@{]','^/!,(_{@", "@::<','!,([::@", "@}}}|',,(1}}}@", "@22234,,'5222@", "@6674,(','866@", "@904,(abc,cd9@", "@9e,(a99bc,f9@", "@ghijggggkelg@", "#mnnnnnnnnnnm#", "op@@@@@@@@@@po"}; static const char * close_pressed_xpm[] = { "14 14 66 1", " c None", ". c #CED4EE", "+ c #7E90DD", "@ c #6076D7", "# c #6C80D9", "$ c #BFC8EA", "% c #F2F3F5", "& c #F0F2F3", "* c #A5B6D7", "= c #587ABB", "- c #C9D3E4", "; c #CBD5E4", "> c #EEF0F2", ", c #5073B7", "' c #1746A3", ") c #2551A8", "! c #C5CFE2", "~ c #C8D1E3", "{ c #2853A8", "] c #496DB4", "^ c #ECEEF1", "/ c #C0CCE0", "( c #C3CEE1", "_ c #C6D0E2", ": c #224FA7", "< c #BEC9DF", "[ c #EAECF0", "} c #BFCAE0", "| c #2551A7", "1 c #224EA7", "2 c #BCC8DF", "3 c #E8EBEE", "4 c #BDCADE", "5 c #BAC7DD", "6 c #E6E9ED", "7 c #C1CBDF", "8 c #2753A8", "9 c #BECADE", "0 c #E4E7EB", "a c #BFCADD", "b c #224EA6", "c c #BDC8DC", "d c #E1E5EA", "e c #2752A8", "f c #B3C0D9", "g c #B8C5DB", "h c #2451A7", "i c #BAC6DB", "j c #DFE2E8", "k c #4C70B4", "l c #B2BED8", "m c #B6C2D9", "n c #2450A7", "o c #486BB3", "p c #DCE0E7", "q c #96A8CE", "r c #496CB3", "s c #AFBCD7", "t c #B4C1D8", "u c #4B6FB4", "v c #8EA4CC", "w c #6C80D8", "x c #B4BEDF", "y c #DADEE5", "z c #B5BEDE", "A c #6A7ED7", ".+@@@@@@@@@@+.", "#$%%%%%%%%%%$#", "@&*=-&&&&;=*&@", "@>,')!>>~{']>@", "@^/)')(_{':<^@", "@[[}|'|{'12[[@", "@3334|''15333@", "@66678''|9666@", "@00a8'b|'|c00@", "@dce'bfgh'hid@", "@jk'bljjmn'oj@", "@pqrspppptuvp@", "wxyyyyyyyyyyxw", "zA@@@@@@@@@@Az"}; static rtgui_image_t* close_pressed = RT_NULL; static rtgui_image_t* close_unpressed = RT_NULL; /* window drawing */ void rtgui_theme_draw_win(struct rtgui_topwin* win) { struct rtgui_dc* dc; rtgui_rect_t rect; /* init close box image */ if (close_pressed == RT_NULL) close_pressed = rtgui_image_create_from_mem("xpm", close_pressed_xpm, sizeof(close_pressed_xpm)); if (close_unpressed == RT_NULL) close_unpressed = rtgui_image_create_from_mem("xpm", close_unpressed_xpm, sizeof(close_unpressed_xpm)); /* begin drawing */ dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title)); /* get rect */ rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title), &rect); /* draw border */ if (win->flag & WINTITLE_BORDER) { RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title)) = RTGUI_RGB(219, 210, 243); rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, &rect); /* shrink border */ rect.x1 += WINTITLE_BORDER_SIZE; rect.y1 += WINTITLE_BORDER_SIZE; rect.x2 -= WINTITLE_BORDER_SIZE; rect.y2 -= WINTITLE_BORDER_SIZE; } /* draw title */ if (!(win->flag & WINTITLE_NO)) { if (win->flag & WINTITLE_ACTIVATE) { RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title)) = RTGUI_RGB(229, 236, 249); RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title)) = RTGUI_RGB( 51, 102, 204); } else { RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title)) = RTGUI_RGB(242, 245, 252); RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title)) = RTGUI_RGB(153, 178, 229); } rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); rect.x1 += 4; rect.y1 += 2; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, rtgui_wintitle_get_title(win->title), &rect); if (win->flag & WINTITLE_CLOSEBOX) { /* get close button rect */ rect.x1 = rtgui_rect_width(RTGUI_WIDGET(win->title)->extent) - WINTITLE_BORDER_SIZE - WINTITLE_CB_WIDTH - 3; rect.y1 = 3; rect.x2 = rect.x1 + WINTITLE_CB_WIDTH; rect.y2 = rect.y1 + WINTITLE_CB_HEIGHT; /* draw close box */ if(win->flag & WINTITLE_CB_PRESSED) rtgui_image_blit(close_pressed, dc, &rect); else rtgui_image_blit(close_unpressed, dc, &rect); } } rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } /* widget drawing */ void rtgui_theme_draw_button(rtgui_button_t* btn) { /* draw button */ struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; /* begin drawing */ dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)); if (dc == RT_NULL) return; rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(btn), &rect); /* fill button rect with background color */ // RTGUI_WIDGET_BACKGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)) = RTGUI_RGB(212, 208, 200); rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); if (btn->flag & RTGUI_BUTTON_TYPE_PUSH && btn->flag & RTGUI_BUTTON_FLAG_PRESS) { /* draw border */ RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)) = RTGUI_RGB(64, 64, 64); rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1, rect.x2, rect.y1); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x1, rect.y1, rect.y2); RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)) = RTGUI_RGB(128, 128, 128); rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1, rect.x2 - 1, rect.y1 + 1); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x1 + 1, rect.y1 + 1, rect.y2 - 2); RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)) = RTGUI_RGB(255, 255, 255); rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1, rect.x2 + 1, rect.y2 - 1); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x2 - 1, rect.y1, rect.y2); if (btn->pressed_image != RT_NULL) { rtgui_rect_t image_rect = {0, 0, btn->unpressed_image->w, btn->unpressed_image->h}; rtgui_rect_moveto_align(&rect, &image_rect, RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); rtgui_image_blit(btn->pressed_image, dc, &image_rect); } } else if (btn->flag & RTGUI_BUTTON_FLAG_PRESS) { if (btn->pressed_image != RT_NULL) { rtgui_rect_t image_rect = {0, 0, btn->unpressed_image->w, btn->unpressed_image->h}; rtgui_rect_moveto_align(&rect, &image_rect, RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); rtgui_image_blit(btn->pressed_image, dc, &image_rect); } else { /* draw border */ RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)->gc.foreground = RTGUI_RGB(0, 0, 0); rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, &rect); RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)->gc.foreground = RTGUI_RGB(128, 128, 128); rect.x1 += 1; rect.y1 += 1; rect.x2 -= 1; rect.y2 -= 1; rtgui_dc_draw_rect(dc, &rect); } } else { if (btn->unpressed_image != RT_NULL) { rtgui_rect_t image_rect = {0, 0, btn->unpressed_image->w, btn->unpressed_image->h}; rtgui_rect_moveto_align(&rect, &image_rect, RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL | RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); rtgui_image_blit(btn->unpressed_image, dc, &image_rect); } else { /* draw border */ RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)->gc.foreground = RTGUI_RGB(255, 255, 255); rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1, rect.x2, rect.y1); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x1, rect.y1, rect.y2); RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)->gc.foreground = RTGUI_RGB(0, 0, 0); rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1, rect.x2 + 1, rect.y2); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x2, rect.y1, rect.y2); RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)->gc.foreground = RTGUI_RGB(128, 128, 128); rtgui_dc_draw_hline(dc, rect.x1 + 1, rect.x2, rect.y2 - 1); rtgui_dc_draw_vline(dc, rect.x2 - 1, rect.y1 + 1, rect.y2 - 1); } } if (btn->pressed_image == RT_NULL) { /* re-set foreground and get default rect */ RTGUI_WIDGET(btn)->gc.foreground = RTGUI_RGB(0, 0, 0); rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(btn), &rect); /* remove border */ rtgui_rect_inflate(&rect, -2); /* draw text */ rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, rtgui_label_get_text(RTGUI_LABEL(btn)), &rect); } /* end drawing */ rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } void rtgui_theme_draw_label(rtgui_label_t* label) { /* draw label */ struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; /* begin drawing */ dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)); if (dc == RT_NULL) return; rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect); rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); /* default left and center draw */ rect.y1 = rect.y1 + (rtgui_rect_height(rect) - 8)/2; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, rtgui_label_get_text(label), &rect); /* end drawing */ rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } #define RTGUI_TEXTBOX_MARGIN 3 void rtgui_theme_draw_textbox(rtgui_textbox_t* box) { /* draw button */ struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; /* begin drawing */ dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(RTGUI_WIDGET(box)); if (dc == RT_NULL) return; /* get widget rect */ rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(box), &rect); /* fill widget rect with background color */ rtgui_dc_fill_rect(dc, &rect); /* draw border */ rtgui_dc_draw_border(dc, &rect, RTGUI_BORDER_STATIC); /* draw text */ if (box->text != RT_NULL) { rect.x1 += RTGUI_TEXTBOX_MARGIN; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, box->text, &rect); } /* end drawing */ rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); } void rtgui_theme_draw_iconbox(rtgui_iconbox_t* iconbox) { struct rtgui_dc* dc; struct rtgui_rect rect; /* begin drawing */ dc = rtgui_dc_begin_drawing(RTGUI_WIDGET(iconbox)); if (dc == RT_NULL) return; /* get widget rect */ rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(iconbox), &rect); /* draw icon */ rtgui_image_blit(iconbox->image, dc, &rect); /* draw text */ if (iconbox->text_position == RTGUI_ICONBOX_TEXT_BELOW && iconbox->text != RT_NULL) { rect.y1 = iconbox->image->h + RTGUI_WIDGET_DEFAULT_MARGIN; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, iconbox->text, &rect); } else if (iconbox->text_position == RTGUI_ICONBOX_TEXT_RIGHT && iconbox->text != RT_NULL) { rect.x1 = iconbox->image->w + RTGUI_WIDGET_DEFAULT_MARGIN; rtgui_dc_draw_text(dc, iconbox->text, &rect); } /* end drawing */ rtgui_dc_end_drawing(dc); }