/* * File : board.c * This file is part of RT-Thread RTOS * COPYRIGHT (C) 2006, RT-Thread Develop Team * * The license and distribution terms for this file may be * found in the file LICENSE in this distribution or at * http://openlab.rt-thread.com/license/LICENSE * * Change Logs: * Date Author Notes * 2006-08-23 Bernard first implementation * * 2011-12-17 nl1031 for MacroBlaze * */ #include <rtthread.h> #include <rthw.h> #include "xbasic_types.h" #include "board.h" #include "xgpio.h" #include "xparameters.h" #include "xuartlite.h" #include "xtmrctr.h" #include "xintc.h" #include "xstatus.h" #include "xuartlite_l.h" #include "xintc_l.h" #ifdef RT_USING_UART1 #include "serial.h" #endif #define TIMER_CNTR_0 0 #define PIV (XPAR_PROC_BUS_0_FREQ_HZ / RT_TICK_PER_SECOND) #define LEDS_DEVICE_ID XPAR_LEDS_4BITS_DEVICE_ID #define RS232_DEVICE_ID XPAR_USB_UART_DEVICE_ID #ifdef RT_USING_UART1 #define USB_UART_BASE ((struct uartport *)XPAR_USB_UART_BASEADDR) #endif /* Global Variables: */ XTmrCtr timer; /* The instance of the timer */ XGpio gpio_output; /* The driver instance for GPIO Device configured as O/P */ XUartLite uart_lite; /* Instance of the UartLite device */ XIntc int_ctl; /* The instance of the Interrupt Controller */ static rt_uint32_t led_data; static int cnt; static void rt_hw_board_led_init(void); /** * This function will init led on the board */ static void rt_hw_board_led_init() { rt_uint32_t status; led_data = 0; cnt = 0; status = XGpio_Initialize(&gpio_output, LEDS_DEVICE_ID); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { return; } /* * Set the direction for all signals to be outputs */ XGpio_SetDataDirection(&gpio_output, 1, 0x0); /* * Set the GPIO outputs to high */ XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_output, 1, 3); } /** * This function will take the led on board on. * * @param n the number nth led */ void rt_hw_board_led_on(rt_uint32_t led) { led_data |= led; XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_output, 1, led_data); } /** * This function will take the led on board off. * * @param n the number nth led */ void rt_hw_board_led_off(rt_uint32_t led) { led_data &= ~led; XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&gpio_output, 1, led_data); } void rt_hw_led_flash(void) { volatile rt_uint32_t i; rt_hw_board_led_off(1); for (i = 0; i < 20000; i ++); rt_hw_board_led_on(1); for (i = 0; i < 20000; i ++); } #ifdef RT_USING_CONSOLE /* * RT-Thread Console Interface, used by rt_kprintf */ /** * This function is used to display a string on console, normally, it's * invoked by rt_kprintf * * @param str the displayed string */ void rt_hw_console_output(const char* str) { while (*str) { /* Transmit Character */ XUartLite_SendByte(STDOUT_BASEADDRESS, *str); if (*str == '\n') XUartLite_SendByte(STDOUT_BASEADDRESS, '\r'); str++; } } static void rt_hw_console_init() { rt_uint32_t status; /* * Initialize the UartLite driver so that it is ready to use. */ status = XUartLite_Initialize(&uart_lite, RS232_DEVICE_ID); if (status != XST_SUCCESS) { return; } } #endif void rt_hw_timer_handler(void) { rt_uint32_t csr; csr = XTmrCtr_ReadReg(timer.BaseAddress, TIMER_CNTR_0, XTC_TCSR_OFFSET); /* * Check if timer expired and interrupt occured */ if (csr & XTC_CSR_INT_OCCURED_MASK) { rt_tick_increase(); XTmrCtr_WriteReg(timer.BaseAddress, TIMER_CNTR_0, XTC_TCSR_OFFSET, csr | XTC_CSR_INT_OCCURED_MASK); } } /* ********************************************************************************************************* * rt_intc_init() * * Description: This function intializes the interrupt controller by registering the appropriate handler * functions and enabling interrupts. * * Arguments : None * * Returns : None ********************************************************************************************************* */ void rt_intc_init (void) { XStatus status; XIntc_MasterDisable(XPAR_INTC_0_BASEADDR); status = XIntc_Initialize(&int_ctl, XPAR_INTC_0_DEVICE_ID); /* install interrupt handler */ rt_hw_interrupt_install(XPAR_INTC_0_TMRCTR_0_VEC_ID, (rt_isr_handler_t)rt_hw_timer_handler, RT_NULL); rt_hw_interrupt_umask(XPAR_INTC_0_TMRCTR_0_VEC_ID); XIntc_Start(&int_ctl, XIN_REAL_MODE); } void rt_tmr_init (void) { rt_uint32_t ctl; XStatus status; status = XTmrCtr_Initialize(&timer,XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_DEVICE_ID); XTmrCtr_WriteReg(timer.BaseAddress, TIMER_CNTR_0, XTC_TLR_OFFSET, PIV); ctl = XTC_CSR_ENABLE_TMR_MASK | XTC_CSR_ENABLE_INT_MASK | XTC_CSR_AUTO_RELOAD_MASK | XTC_CSR_DOWN_COUNT_MASK; XTmrCtr_WriteReg(timer.BaseAddress, TIMER_CNTR_0, XTC_TCSR_OFFSET, ctl); } /** * This function will initial SPARTAN 6 LX9 board. */ void rt_hw_board_init() { microblaze_disable_icache(); microblaze_disable_dcache(); /* init hardware console */ rt_hw_console_init(); /* init led */ rt_hw_board_led_init(); /* init intc */ rt_intc_init(); /* timer init */ rt_tmr_init(); }