/**************************************************************************//** * @file * @brief API for enabling SWO or ETM trace on DK3750 board * @author Energy Micro AS * @version 1.2.1 ****************************************************************************** * @section License * (C) Copyright 2011 Energy Micro AS, http://www.energymicro.com ****************************************************************************** * * This source code is the property of Energy Micro AS. The source and compiled * code may only be used on Energy Micro "EFM32" microcontrollers. * * This copyright notice may not be removed from the source code nor changed. * * DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY/LIMITATION OF REMEDIES: Energy Micro AS has no * obligation to support this Software. Energy Micro AS is providing the * Software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind, * including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability * or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement * of any proprietary rights of a third party. * * Energy Micro AS will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or * special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party, * arising from your use of this Software. * *****************************************************************************/ /***************************************************************************//** * @addtogroup BSP * @{ ******************************************************************************/ #include "efm32.h" #include "efm32_gpio.h" #include "efm32_cmu.h" /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Configure EFM32GG990F1024 for DK3750 ETM trace output * @note You need to configure ETM trace on on kit config menu as well! *****************************************************************************/ void TRACE_ETMSetup(void) { /* Enable peripheral clocks */ CMU->HFCORECLKEN0 |= CMU_HFCORECLKEN0_LE; CMU->HFPERCLKEN0 |= CMU_HFPERCLKEN0_GPIO; CMU->OSCENCMD = CMU_OSCENCMD_AUXHFRCOEN; /* Wait until AUXHFRCO clock is ready */ while (!(CMU->STATUS & CMU_STATUS_AUXHFRCORDY)) ; /* Enable Port D, pins 3,4,5,6 for ETM Trace Data output */ GPIO->P[3].MODEL = (GPIO->P[3].MODEL & ~_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE3_MASK) | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE3_PUSHPULL; GPIO->P[3].MODEL = (GPIO->P[3].MODEL & ~_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE4_MASK) | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE4_PUSHPULL; GPIO->P[3].MODEL = (GPIO->P[3].MODEL & ~_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE5_MASK) | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE5_PUSHPULL; GPIO->P[3].MODEL = (GPIO->P[3].MODEL & ~_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE6_MASK) | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE6_PUSHPULL; /* Enable Port D, pin 7 for DBG_TCLK */ GPIO->P[3].MODEL = (GPIO->P[3].MODEL & ~_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE7_MASK) | GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE7_PUSHPULL; /* Configure trace output for alternate location */ GPIO->ROUTE = GPIO->ROUTE | GPIO_ROUTE_TCLKPEN | GPIO_ROUTE_TD0PEN | GPIO_ROUTE_TD1PEN | GPIO_ROUTE_TD2PEN | GPIO_ROUTE_TD3PEN | GPIO_ROUTE_ETMLOCATION_LOC0; } /**************************************************************************//** * @brief Configure EFM32GG990F1024 for DK3750 SWO trace output *****************************************************************************/ void TRACE_SWOSetup(void) { /* Debug logic registers */ volatile uint32_t *dwt_ctrl = (uint32_t *) 0xE0001000; volatile uint32_t *tpiu_prescaler = (uint32_t *) 0xE0040010; volatile uint32_t *tpiu_protocol = (uint32_t *) 0xE00400F0; /* Enable GPIO clock */ CMU->HFPERCLKEN0 |= CMU_HFPERCLKEN0_GPIO; /* Enable Serial wire output pin */ GPIO->ROUTE |= GPIO_ROUTE_SWOPEN; /* Set location 0 */ GPIO->ROUTE = (GPIO->ROUTE & ~(_GPIO_ROUTE_SWLOCATION_MASK)) | GPIO_ROUTE_SWLOCATION_LOC0; /* Enable output on pin - GPIO Port F, Pin 2 */ GPIO->P[5].MODEL &= ~(_GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE2_MASK); GPIO->P[5].MODEL |= GPIO_P_MODEL_MODE2_PUSHPULL; /* Enable debug clock AUXHFRCO */ CMU->OSCENCMD = CMU_OSCENCMD_AUXHFRCOEN; /* Wait until clock is ready */ while(!(CMU->STATUS & CMU_STATUS_AUXHFRCORDY)); /* Enable trace in core debug */ CoreDebug->DHCSR |= 1; CoreDebug->DEMCR |= CoreDebug_DEMCR_TRCENA_Msk; /* Enable PC and IRQ sampling output */ *dwt_ctrl = 0x400113FF; /* Set TPIU prescaler to 16. */ *tpiu_prescaler = 0xf; /* Set protocol to NRZ */ *tpiu_protocol = 2; /* Unlock ITM and output data */ ITM->LAR = 0xC5ACCE55; ITM->TCR = 0x10009; } /** @} (end group BSP) */