/** ***************************************************************************** * @file cmem7_eth.h * * @brief CMEM7 ethernet header file * * * @version V1.0 * @date 3. September 2013 * * @note * ***************************************************************************** * @attention * * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE * TIME. AS A RESULT, CAPITAL-MICRO SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING * FROM THE CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE * CODING INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. * *

© COPYRIGHT 2013 Capital-micro

***************************************************************************** */ #ifndef __CMEM7_ETH_H #define __CMEM7_ETH_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "cmem7.h" #include "cmem7_conf.h" /** @defgroup ETH_SPEED * @{ */ #define ETH_SPEED_10M 0x0 #define ETH_SPEED_100M 0x1 #define ETH_SPEED_1000M 0x2 #define IS_ETH_SPEED(SPEED) (((SPEED) == ETH_SPEED_10M) || \ ((SPEED) == ETH_SPEED_100M) || \ ((SPEED) == ETH_SPEED_1000M)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup ETH_DUPLEX * @{ */ #define ETH_DUPLEX_HALF 0x0 #define ETH_DUPLEX_FULL 0x1 #define IS_ETH_DUPLEX(DUPLEX) (((DUPLEX) == ETH_DUPLEX_HALF) || \ ((DUPLEX) == ETH_DUPLEX_FULL)) /** * @} */ /** @defgroup ETH_INT * @{ */ #define ETH_INT_TX_COMPLETE_FRAME 0x0001 #define ETH_INT_TX_STOP 0x0002 #define ETH_INT_TX_BUF_UNAVAI 0x0004 #define ETH_INT_RX_OVERFLOW 0x0010 #define ETH_INT_TX_UNDERFLOW 0x0020 #define ETH_INT_RX_COMPLETE_FRAME 0x0040 #define ETH_INT_RX_BUF_UNAVAI 0x0080 #define ETH_INT_RX_STOP 0x0100 #define ETH_INT_BUS_FATAL_ERROR 0x2000 #define ETH_INT_ALL (ETH_INT_TX_COMPLETE_FRAME | \ ETH_INT_TX_STOP | \ ETH_INT_TX_BUF_UNAVAI | \ ETH_INT_RX_OVERFLOW | \ ETH_INT_TX_UNDERFLOW | \ ETH_INT_RX_COMPLETE_FRAME | \ ETH_INT_RX_BUF_UNAVAI | \ ETH_INT_RX_STOP | \ ETH_INT_BUS_FATAL_ERROR) #define IS_ETH_INT(INT) (((INT) != 0) && (((INT) & ~ETH_INT_ALL) == 0)) /** * @} */ /** * @brief EFUSE receive filter structure */ typedef struct { BOOL ETH_BroadcastFilterEnable; /*!< Broadcast is dropped or passed */ BOOL ETH_OwnFilterEnable; /*!< source address filter is on or off */ BOOL ETH_SelfDrop; /*!< Only own address is dropped or passed */ BOOL ETH_SourceFilterEnable; /*!< source address filter is on or off */ BOOL ETH_SourceDrop; /*!< Only specific source address is dropped or passed */ uint8_t ETH_SourceMacAddr[6]; /*!< Source MAC address */ } ETH_FrameFilter; /** * @brief Ethernet initialization structure */ typedef struct { BOOL ETH_LinkUp; /*!< If ETH is linked up and it can be retrieved from PHY */ uint8_t ETH_Speed; /*!< speed of ETH, refer as @ref ETH_SPEED */ uint8_t ETH_Duplex; /*!< duplex mode of ETH, refer as @ref ETH_DUPLEX */ BOOL ETH_RxEn; /*!< Rx enable */ BOOL ETH_TxEn; /*!< Tx enable */ BOOL ETH_ChecksumOffload; /*!< Checksum offload enable */ BOOL ETH_JumboFrame; /*!< Jumbo Frame Enable */ uint8_t ETH_MacAddr[6]; /*!< MAC address */ ETH_FrameFilter *ETH_Filter; /*!< Received frame address filter, receive all if null */ } ETH_InitTypeDef; /** * @brief Ethernet Tx descriptor structure */ typedef struct { union { uint32_t TX0; struct { uint32_t : 1; uint32_t UNDERFLOW_ERR : 1; /*!< [OUT] Underflow error */ uint32_t : 1; uint32_t COLLISION_CNT : 4; /*!< [OUT] Collision count */ uint32_t : 1; uint32_t EX_COLLISION : 1; /*!< [OUT] Excessive collision error */ uint32_t LATE_COLLISION : 1; /*!< [OUT] Late collision error */ uint32_t NO_CARRIER : 1; /*!< [OUT] No carrier error */ uint32_t LOSS_CARRIER : 1; /*!< [OUT] loss of carrier error */ uint32_t PAYLOAD_ERR : 1; /*!< [OUT] IP payload error */ uint32_t : 2; uint32_t ERR_SUM : 1; /*!< [OUT] Error summary */ uint32_t HEADER_ERR : 1; /*!< [OUT] IP header error */ uint32_t : 8; uint32_t TTSE : 1; /*!< enables IEEE1588 hardware timestamping in first segment */ uint32_t : 2; uint32_t FS : 1; /*!< first segment flag */ uint32_t LS : 1; /*!< last segment flag */ uint32_t : 2; } TX0_b; } TX_0; union { uint32_t TX1; struct { uint32_t SIZE : 13; /*!< buffer size */ uint32_t : 19; } TX1_b; } TX_1; uint32_t bufAddr; /*!< address of buffer */ uint32_t nextDescAddr; /*!< address of next descriptor */ uint64_t reserved; uint64_t timeStamp; /*!< time stamp while last segment */ } ETH_TX_DESC; /** * @brief Ethernet Rx descriptor structure */ typedef struct { union { uint32_t RX0; struct { uint32_t : 1; uint32_t CRC_ERR : 1; /*!< [OUT] CRC error while last segment */ uint32_t : 5; uint32_t TTSE : 1; /*!< timestamp available while last segment */ uint32_t LS : 1; /*!< last segment flag */ uint32_t FS : 1; /*!< first segment flag */ uint32_t : 1; uint32_t OVERFLOW_ERR : 1; /*!< [OUT] FIFO overflow while last segment */ uint32_t LENGTH_ERR : 1; /*!< [OUT] length error while last segment */ uint32_t : 2; uint32_t ERR_SUM : 1; /*!< [OUT] Error summary while last segment */ uint32_t FL : 14; /*!< frame length while last segment */ uint32_t : 2; } RX0_b; } RX_0; union { uint32_t RX1; struct { uint32_t SIZE : 13; /*!< buffer size */ uint32_t : 19; } RX1_b; } RX_1; uint32_t bufAddr; /*!< buffer address */ uint32_t nextDescAddr; /*!< address of next descriptor */ uint64_t reserved; uint64_t timeStamp; /*!< time stamp while the last segment */ } ETH_RX_DESC; /** * @brief Read data from phy chip * @param[in] phyAddr Address of phy chip * @param[in] phyReg Address of phy's register to be read * @retval uint32_t value of phy's register */ uint32_t ETH_PhyRead(uint32_t phyAddr, uint32_t phyReg); /** * @brief Write data to phy chip * @param[in] phyAddr Address of phy chip * @param[in] phyReg Address of phy's register to be written * @param[in] data Data to be written * @retval None */ void ETH_PhyWrite(uint32_t phyAddr, uint32_t phyReg, uint32_t data); /** * @brief Ethernet initialization * @note This function should be called at first before any other interfaces. * @param[in] init A pointer to structure ETH_InitTypeDef * @retval BOOL The bit indicates if ethernet is initialized successfully */ BOOL ETH_Init(ETH_InitTypeDef *init); /** * @brief Enable or disable ethernet interrupt. * @param[in] Int interrupt mask bits, which can be the combination of @ref ETH_INT * @param[in] Enable The bit indicates if specific interrupts are enable or not * @retval None */ void ETH_EnableInt(uint32_t Int, BOOL enable); /** * @brief Check specific interrupts are set or not * @param[in] Int interrupt mask bits, which can be the combination of @ref ETH_INT * @retval BOOL The bit indicates if specific interrupts are set or not */ BOOL ETH_GetIntStatus(uint32_t Int); /** * @brief Clear specific interrupts * @param[in] Int interrupt mask bits, which can be the combination of @ref ETH_INT * @retval None */ void ETH_ClearInt(uint32_t Int); /** * @brief Get ethernte MAC address * @param[in] mac A user-allocated buffer to fetch MAC to be read, 6 bytes. * @retval None */ void ETH_GetMacAddr(uint8_t *mac); /** * @brief Set ethernet transmission descriptor ring * @note Make sure that memory occupied by descriptors should be in physical * memory and keep valid before ethernet transmission is finished. * @param[in] ring A pointer to header of ETH_TX_DESC ring, whose last node * has a 'nextDescAddr' pointed to first node. * @retval BOOL The bit indicates if valid ring is set */ BOOL ETH_SetTxDescRing(ETH_TX_DESC *ring); /** * @brief Start ethernet transmission * @param None * @retval None */ void ETH_StartTx(void); /** * @brief Stop ethernet transmission * @param None * @retval None */ void ETH_StopTx(void); /** * @brief Resume ethernet transmission\n * While ethernet doesn't have enough buffer to transmit data, it will * pause and inform users by interrupt 'ETH_INT_TX_BUF_UNAVAI'. Users * must call this function to start ethernet again after new buffer * prepared. * @param None * @retval None */ void ETH_ResumeTx(void); /** * @brief Get free transmission descriptor\n * @param None * @retval ETH_TX_DESC* A pointer of free transmission descriptor, * NULL if no free descriptor */ ETH_TX_DESC *ETH_AcquireFreeTxDesc(void); /** * @brief Check if a transmission descriptor is free or not * @param desc A pointer of a transmission descriptor * @retval BOOL True if the transmission descriptor is free, or flase. */ BOOL ETH_IsFreeTxDesc(ETH_TX_DESC *desc); /** * @brief Release a transmission descriptor to ethernet\n * After users prepared data in the buffer of a free descriptor, * They must call this function to change ownership of the * descriptor to hardware. * @param desc A pointer of a transmission descriptor * @retval None */ void ETH_ReleaseTxDesc(ETH_TX_DESC *desc); /** * @brief Set ethernet receive descriptor ring * @note Make sure that memory occupied by descriptors should be in physical * memory and keep valid before ethernet receive is finished. * @param[in] ring A pointer to header of ETH_TX_DESC ring, whose last node * has a 'nextDescAddr' pointed to first node. * @retval BOOL The bit indicates if valid ring is set */ BOOL ETH_SetRxDescRing(ETH_RX_DESC *ring); /** * @brief Start ethernet receive * @param None * @retval None */ void ETH_StartRx(void); /** * @brief Stop ethernet receive * @param None * @retval None */ void ETH_StopRx(void); /** * @brief Resume ethernet receive\n * While ethernet doesn't have enough buffer to receive data, it will * pause and inform users by interrupt 'ETH_INT_RX_BUF_UNAVAI'. Users * must call this function to start ethernet again after new buffer * prepared. * @param None * @retval None */ void ETH_ResumeRx(void); /** * @brief Get the free descriptor which contains received data\n * @param None * @retval ETH_RX_DESC* A pointer of free receive descriptor, * NULL if no free descriptor */ ETH_RX_DESC *ETH_AcquireFreeRxDesc(void); /** * @brief Check if a receive descriptor is free or not * @param desc A pointer of a receive descriptor * @retval BOOL True if the receive descriptor is free, or flase. */ BOOL ETH_IsFreeRxDesc(ETH_RX_DESC *desc); /** * @brief Release a receive descriptor to ethernet\n * After users handled data in the buffer of a free descriptor, * They must call this function to change ownership of the * descriptor to hardware. * @param desc A pointer of a transmission descriptor * @retval None */ void ETH_ReleaseRxDesc(ETH_RX_DESC *desc); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* __CMEM7_ETH_H */