// hw_i2c.h - Macros used when accessing the I2C master and slave hardware.
// Copyright (c) 2005-2011 Texas Instruments Incorporated.  All rights reserved.
// Software License Agreement
// Texas Instruments (TI) is supplying this software for use solely and
// exclusively on TI's microcontroller products. The software is owned by
// TI and/or its suppliers, and is protected under applicable copyright
// laws. You may not combine this software with "viral" open-source
// software in order to form a larger program.
// This is part of revision 8264 of the Stellaris Firmware Development Package.

#ifndef __HW_I2C_H__
#define __HW_I2C_H__

// The following are defines for the I2C register offsets.
#define I2C_O_MSA               0x00000000  // I2C Master Slave Address
#define I2C_O_SOAR              0x00000000  // I2C Slave Own Address
#define I2C_O_SCSR              0x00000004  // I2C Slave Control/Status
#define I2C_O_MCS               0x00000004  // I2C Master Control/Status
#define I2C_O_SDR               0x00000008  // I2C Slave Data
#define I2C_O_MDR               0x00000008  // I2C Master Data
#define I2C_O_MTPR              0x0000000C  // I2C Master Timer Period
#define I2C_O_SIMR              0x0000000C  // I2C Slave Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_O_SRIS              0x00000010  // I2C Slave Raw Interrupt Status
#define I2C_O_MIMR              0x00000010  // I2C Master Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_O_MRIS              0x00000014  // I2C Master Raw Interrupt Status
#define I2C_O_SMIS              0x00000014  // I2C Slave Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_O_SICR              0x00000018  // I2C Slave Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_O_MMIS              0x00000018  // I2C Master Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_O_MICR              0x0000001C  // I2C Master Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_O_SOAR2             0x0000001C  // I2C Slave Own Address 2
#define I2C_O_MCR               0x00000020  // I2C Master Configuration
#define I2C_O_SACKCTL           0x00000020  // I2C ACK Control
#define I2C_O_MCLKOCNT          0x00000024  // I2C Master Clock Low Timeout
                                            // Count
#define I2C_O_MBMON             0x0000002C  // I2C Master Bus Monitor
#define I2C_O_PP                0x00000FC0  // I2C Peripheral Properties

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MSA register.
#define I2C_MSA_SA_M            0x000000FE  // I2C Slave Address
#define I2C_MSA_RS              0x00000001  // Receive not send
#define I2C_MSA_SA_S            1

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SOAR register.
#define I2C_SOAR_OAR_M          0x0000007F  // I2C Slave Own Address
#define I2C_SOAR_OAR_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SCSR register.
#define I2C_SCSR_QCMDRW         0x00000020  // Quick Command Read / Write
#define I2C_SCSR_QCMDST         0x00000010  // Quick Command Status
#define I2C_SCSR_OAR2SEL        0x00000008  // OAR2 Address Matched
#define I2C_SCSR_FBR            0x00000004  // First Byte Received
#define I2C_SCSR_TREQ           0x00000002  // Transmit Request
#define I2C_SCSR_DA             0x00000001  // Device Active
#define I2C_SCSR_RREQ           0x00000001  // Receive Request

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MCS register.
#define I2C_MCS_CLKTO           0x00000080  // Clock Timeout Error
#define I2C_MCS_BUSBSY          0x00000040  // Bus Busy
#define I2C_MCS_IDLE            0x00000020  // I2C Idle
#define I2C_MCS_QCMD            0x00000020  // Quick Command
#define I2C_MCS_ARBLST          0x00000010  // Arbitration Lost
#define I2C_MCS_HS              0x00000010  // High-Speed Enable
#define I2C_MCS_ACK             0x00000008  // Data Acknowledge Enable
#define I2C_MCS_DATACK          0x00000008  // Acknowledge Data
#define I2C_MCS_ADRACK          0x00000004  // Acknowledge Address
#define I2C_MCS_STOP            0x00000004  // Generate STOP
#define I2C_MCS_START           0x00000002  // Generate START
#define I2C_MCS_ERROR           0x00000002  // Error
#define I2C_MCS_RUN             0x00000001  // I2C Master Enable
#define I2C_MCS_BUSY            0x00000001  // I2C Busy

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SDR register.
#define I2C_SDR_DATA_M          0x000000FF  // Data for Transfer
#define I2C_SDR_DATA_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MDR register.
#define I2C_MDR_DATA_M          0x000000FF  // Data Transferred
#define I2C_MDR_DATA_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MTPR register.
#define I2C_MTPR_TPR_M          0x0000007F  // SCL Clock Period
#define I2C_MTPR_TPR_S          0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SIMR register.
#define I2C_SIMR_STOPIM         0x00000004  // Stop Condition Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_SIMR_STARTIM        0x00000002  // Start Condition Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_SIMR_DATAIM         0x00000001  // Data Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SRIS register.
#define I2C_SRIS_STOPRIS        0x00000004  // Stop Condition Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SRIS_STARTRIS       0x00000002  // Start Condition Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SRIS_DATARIS        0x00000001  // Data Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MIMR register.
#define I2C_MIMR_CLKIM          0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Interrupt Mask
#define I2C_MIMR_IM             0x00000001  // Interrupt Mask

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MRIS register.
#define I2C_MRIS_CLKRIS         0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Raw Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_MRIS_RIS            0x00000001  // Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SMIS register.
#define I2C_SMIS_STOPMIS        0x00000004  // Stop Condition Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SMIS_STARTMIS       0x00000002  // Start Condition Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_SMIS_DATAMIS        0x00000001  // Data Masked Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SICR register.
#define I2C_SICR_STOPIC         0x00000004  // Stop Condition Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_SICR_STARTIC        0x00000002  // Start Condition Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_SICR_DATAIC         0x00000001  // Data Interrupt Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MMIS register.
#define I2C_MMIS_CLKMIS         0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Masked Interrupt
                                            // Status
#define I2C_MMIS_MIS            0x00000001  // Masked Interrupt Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MICR register.
#define I2C_MICR_CLKIC          0x00000002  // Clock Timeout Interrupt Clear
#define I2C_MICR_IC             0x00000001  // Interrupt Clear

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SOAR2 register.
#define I2C_SOAR2_OAR2EN        0x00000080  // I2C Slave Own Address 2 Enable
#define I2C_SOAR2_OAR2_M        0x0000007F  // I2C Slave Own Address 2
#define I2C_SOAR2_OAR2_S        0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MCR register.
#define I2C_MCR_SFE             0x00000020  // I2C Slave Function Enable
#define I2C_MCR_MFE             0x00000010  // I2C Master Function Enable
#define I2C_MCR_LPBK            0x00000001  // I2C Loopback

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SACKCTL register.
#define I2C_SACKCTL_ACKOVAL     0x00000002  // I2C Slave ACK Override Value
#define I2C_SACKCTL_ACKOEN      0x00000001  // I2C Slave ACK Override Enable

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MCLKOCNT register.
#define I2C_MCLKOCNT_CNTL_M     0x000000FF  // I2C Master Count
#define I2C_MCLKOCNT_CNTL_S     0

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_MBMON register.
#define I2C_MBMON_SDA           0x00000002  // I2C SDA Status
#define I2C_MBMON_SCL           0x00000001  // I2C SCL Status

// The following are defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_PP register.
#define I2C_PP_HS               0x00000001  // High-Speed Capable

// The following definitions are deprecated.

// The following are deprecated defines for the I2C register offsets.
#define I2C_O_SLAVE             0x00000800  // Offset from master to slave

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SIMR
// register.
#define I2C_SIMR_IM             0x00000001  // Interrupt Mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SRIS
// register.
#define I2C_SRIS_RIS            0x00000001  // Raw Interrupt Status

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SMIS
// register.
#define I2C_SMIS_MIS            0x00000001  // Masked Interrupt Status

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C_O_SICR
// register.
#define I2C_SICR_IC             0x00000001  // Clear Interrupt

// The following are deprecated defines for the I2C master register offsets.
#define I2C_MASTER_O_SA         0x00000000  // Slave address register
#define I2C_MASTER_O_CS         0x00000004  // Control and Status register
#define I2C_MASTER_O_DR         0x00000008  // Data register
#define I2C_MASTER_O_TPR        0x0000000C  // Timer period register
#define I2C_MASTER_O_IMR        0x00000010  // Interrupt mask register
#define I2C_MASTER_O_RIS        0x00000014  // Raw interrupt status register
#define I2C_MASTER_O_MIS        0x00000018  // Masked interrupt status reg
#define I2C_MASTER_O_MICR       0x0000001C  // Interrupt clear register
#define I2C_MASTER_O_CR         0x00000020  // Configuration register

// The following are deprecated defines for the I2C slave register offsets.
#define I2C_SLAVE_O_SICR        0x00000018  // Interrupt clear register
#define I2C_SLAVE_O_MIS         0x00000014  // Masked interrupt status reg
#define I2C_SLAVE_O_RIS         0x00000010  // Raw interrupt status register
#define I2C_SLAVE_O_IM          0x0000000C  // Interrupt mask register
#define I2C_SLAVE_O_DR          0x00000008  // Data register
#define I2C_SLAVE_O_CSR         0x00000004  // Control/Status register
#define I2C_SLAVE_O_OAR         0x00000000  // Own address register

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C master
// slave address register.
#define I2C_MASTER_SA_SA_MASK   0x000000FE  // Slave address
#define I2C_MASTER_SA_RS        0x00000001  // Receive/send

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Master
// Control and Status register.
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_BUS_BUSY  0x00000040  // Bus busy
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_IDLE      0x00000020  // Idle
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_ERR_MASK  0x0000001C
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_BUSY      0x00000001  // Controller is TX/RX data
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_ERROR     0x00000002  // Error occurred
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_ADDR_ACK  0x00000004  // Address byte not acknowledged
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_DATA_ACK  0x00000008  // Data byte not acknowledged
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_ARB_LOST  0x00000010  // Lost arbitration
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_ACK       0x00000008  // Acknowlegde
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_STOP      0x00000004  // Stop
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_START     0x00000002  // Start
#define I2C_MASTER_CS_RUN       0x00000001  // Run

// The following are deprecated defines for the values used in determining the
// contents of the I2C Master Timer Period register.
#define I2C_SCL_FAST            400000      // SCL fast frequency
#define I2C_SCL_STANDARD        100000      // SCL standard frequency
#define I2C_MASTER_TPR_SCL_LP   0x00000006  // SCL low period
#define I2C_MASTER_TPR_SCL_HP   0x00000004  // SCL high period

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Master
// Interrupt Mask register.
#define I2C_MASTER_IMR_IM       0x00000001  // Master interrupt mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Master
// Raw Interrupt Status register.
#define I2C_MASTER_RIS_RIS      0x00000001  // Master raw interrupt status

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Master
// Masked Interrupt Status register.
#define I2C_MASTER_MIS_MIS      0x00000001  // Master masked interrupt status

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Master
// Interrupt Clear register.
#define I2C_MASTER_MICR_IC      0x00000001  // Master interrupt clear

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Master
// Configuration register.
#define I2C_MASTER_CR_SFE       0x00000020  // Slave function enable
#define I2C_MASTER_CR_MFE       0x00000010  // Master function enable
#define I2C_MASTER_CR_LPBK      0x00000001  // Loopback enable

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Slave Own
// Address register.
#define I2C_SLAVE_SOAR_OAR_MASK 0x0000007F  // Slave address

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Slave
// Control/Status register.
#define I2C_SLAVE_CSR_FBR       0x00000004  // First byte received from master
#define I2C_SLAVE_CSR_TREQ      0x00000002  // Transmit request received
#define I2C_SLAVE_CSR_DA        0x00000001  // Enable the device
#define I2C_SLAVE_CSR_RREQ      0x00000001  // Receive data from I2C master

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Slave
// Interrupt Mask register.
#define I2C_SLAVE_IMR_IM        0x00000001  // Slave interrupt mask

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Slave Raw
// Interrupt Status register.
#define I2C_SLAVE_RIS_RIS       0x00000001  // Slave raw interrupt status

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Slave
// Masked Interrupt Status register.
#define I2C_SLAVE_MIS_MIS       0x00000001  // Slave masked interrupt status

// The following are deprecated defines for the bit fields in the I2C Slave
// Interrupt Clear register.
#define I2C_SLAVE_SICR_IC       0x00000001  // Slave interrupt clear


#endif // __HW_I2C_H__