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2017-08-22 15:52:57 +08:00
\file gd32f4xx_fmc.h
\brief definitions for the FMC
Copyright (C) 2016 GigaDevice
2016-08-15, V1.0.0, firmware for GD32F4xx
#ifndef GD32F4XX_FMC_H
#define GD32F4XX_FMC_H
#include "gd32f4xx.h"
/* FMC and option byte definition */
#define FMC FMC_BASE /*!< FMC register base address */
#define OB OB_BASE /*!< option byte base address */
/* registers definitions */
#define FMC_WS REG32((FMC) + 0x00U) /*!< FMC wait state register */
#define FMC_KEY REG32((FMC) + 0x04U) /*!< FMC unlock key register */
#define FMC_OBKEY REG32((FMC) + 0x08U) /*!< FMC option byte unlock key register */
#define FMC_STAT REG32((FMC) + 0x0CU) /*!< FMC status register */
#define FMC_CTL REG32((FMC) + 0x10U) /*!< FMC control register */
#define FMC_OBCTL0 REG32((FMC) + 0x14U) /*!< FMC option byte control register 0 */
#define FMC_OBCTL1 REG32((FMC) + 0x18U) /*!< FMC option byte control register 1 */
#define FMC_WSEN REG32((FMC) + 0xFCU) /*!< FMC wait state enable register */
#define FMC_PID REG32((FMC) + 0x100U) /*!< FMC product ID register */
#define OB_WP1 REG32((OB) + 0x00000008U) /*!< option byte write protection 1 */
#define OB_USER REG32((OB) + 0x00010000U) /*!< option byte user value*/
#define OB_SPC REG32((OB) + 0x00010001U) /*!< option byte security protection value */
#define OB_WP0 REG32((OB) + 0x00010008U) /*!< option byte write protection 0 */
/* bits definitions */
/* FMC_WS */
#define FMC_WC_WSCNT BITS(0,3) /*!< wait state counter */
/* FMC_KEY */
#define FMC_KEY_KEY BITS(0,31) /*!< FMC main flash key bits */
#define FMC_OBKEY_OBKEY BITS(0,31) /*!< option byte key bits */
/* FMC_STAT */
#define FMC_STAT_END BIT(0) /*!< end of operation flag bit */
#define FMC_STAT_OPERR BIT(1) /*!< flash operation error flag bit */
#define FMC_STAT_WPERR BIT(4) /*!< erase/Program protection error flag bit */
#define FMC_STAT_PGMERR BIT(6) /*!< program size not match error flag bit */
#define FMC_STAT_PGSERR BIT(7) /*!< program sequence error flag bit */
#define FMC_STAT_RDDERR BIT(8) /*!< read D-bus protection error flag bit */
#define FMC_STAT_BUSY BIT(16) /*!< flash busy flag bit */
/* FMC_CTL */
#define FMC_CTL_PG BIT(0) /*!< main flash program command bit */
#define FMC_CTL_SER BIT(1) /*!< main flash sector erase command bit */
#define FMC_CTL_MER0 BIT(2) /*!< main flash mass erase for bank0 command bit */
#define FMC_CTL_SN BITS(3,7) /*!< select which sector number to be erased */
#define FMC_CTL_PSZ BITS(8,9) /*!< program size bit */
#define FMC_CTL_MER1 BIT(15) /*!< main flash mass erase for bank1 command bit */
#define FMC_CTL_START BIT(16) /*!< send erase command to FMC bit */
#define FMC_CTL_ENDIE BIT(24) /*!< end of operation interrupt enable bit */
#define FMC_CTL_ERRIE BIT(25) /*!< error interrupt enable bit */
#define FMC_CTL_LK BIT(31) /*!< FMC_CTL lock bit */
/* FMC_OBCTL0 */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_OB_LK BIT(0) /*!< FMC_OBCTL0 lock bit */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_OB_START BIT(1) /*!< send option byte change command to FMC bit */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_BOR_TH BITS(2,3) /*!< option byte BOR threshold value */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_BB BIT(4) /*!< option byte boot bank value */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_NWDG_HW BIT(5) /*!< option byte watchdog value */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_NRST_DPSLP BIT(6) /*!< option byte deepsleep reset value */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_NRST_STDBY BIT(7) /*!< option byte standby reset value */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_SPC BITS(8,15) /*!< option byte Security Protection code */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_WP0 BITS(16,27) /*!< erase/program protection of each sector when DRP is 0 */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_DBS BIT(30) /*!< double banks or single bank selection when flash size is 1M bytes */
#define FMC_OBCTL0_DRP BIT(31) /*!< D-bus read protection bit */
/* FMC_OBCTL1 */
#define FMC_OBCTL1_WP1 BITS(16,27) /*!< erase/program protection of each sector when DRP is 0 */
/* FMC_WSEN */
#define FMC_WSEN_WSEN BIT(0) /*!< FMC wait state enable bit */
/* FMC_PID */
#define FMC_PID_PID BITS(0,31) /*!< product ID bits */
/* constants definitions */
/* fmc state */
typedef enum
FMC_READY, /*!< the operation has been completed */
FMC_BUSY, /*!< the operation is in progress */
FMC_RDDERR, /*!< read D-bus protection error */
FMC_PGSERR, /*!< program sequence error */
FMC_PGMERR, /*!< program size not match error */
FMC_WPERR, /*!< erase/program protection error */
FMC_OPERR, /*!< operation error */
FMC_PGERR, /*!< program error */
FMC_TOERR /*!< timeout error */
/* unlock key */
#define UNLOCK_KEY0 ((uint32_t)0x45670123U) /*!< unlock key 0 */
#define UNLOCK_KEY1 ((uint32_t)0xCDEF89ABU) /*!< unlock key 1 */
#define OB_UNLOCK_KEY0 ((uint32_t)0x08192A3BU) /*!< ob unlock key 0 */
#define OB_UNLOCK_KEY1 ((uint32_t)0x4C5D6E7FU) /*!< ob unlock key 1 */
/* FMC time out */
#define FMC_TIMEOUT_COUNT ((uint32_t)0x000F0000) /*!< enable FMC error timeout */
/* option byte write protection */
#define OB_LWP ((uint32_t)0x000000FFU) /*!< write protection low bits */
#define OB_HWP ((uint32_t)0x0000FF00U) /*!< write protection high bits */
/* FMC wait state counter */
#define WC_WSCNT(regval) (BITS(0,3) & ((uint32_t)(regval)))
#define WS_WSCNT_0 WC_WSCNT(0) /*!< FMC 0 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_1 WC_WSCNT(1) /*!< FMC 1 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_2 WC_WSCNT(2) /*!< FMC 2 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_3 WC_WSCNT(3) /*!< FMC 3 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_4 WC_WSCNT(4) /*!< FMC 4 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_5 WC_WSCNT(5) /*!< FMC 5 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_6 WC_WSCNT(6) /*!< FMC 6 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_7 WC_WSCNT(7) /*!< FMC 7 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_8 WC_WSCNT(8) /*!< FMC 8 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_9 WC_WSCNT(9) /*!< FMC 9 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_10 WC_WSCNT(10) /*!< FMC 10 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_11 WC_WSCNT(11) /*!< FMC 11 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_12 WC_WSCNT(12) /*!< FMC 12 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_13 WC_WSCNT(13) /*!< FMC 13 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_14 WC_WSCNT(14) /*!< FMC 14 wait */
#define WS_WSCNT_15 WC_WSCNT(15) /*!< FMC 15 wait */
/* option byte BOR threshold value */
#define OBCTL0_BOR_TH(regval) (BITS(2,3) & ((uint32_t)(regval))<< 2)
#define OB_BOR_TH_VALUE3 OBCTL0_BOR_TH(0) /*!< BOR threshold value 3 */
#define OB_BOR_TH_VALUE2 OBCTL0_BOR_TH(1) /*!< BOR threshold value 2 */
#define OB_BOR_TH_VALUE1 OBCTL0_BOR_TH(2) /*!< BOR threshold value 1 */
#define OB_BOR_TH_OFF OBCTL0_BOR_TH(3) /*!< no BOR function */
/* option byte boot bank value */
#define OBCTL0_BB(regval) (BIT(4) & ((uint32_t)(regval)<<4))
#define OB_BB_DISABLE OBCTL0_BB(0) /*!< boot from bank0 */
#define OB_BB_ENABLE OBCTL0_BB(1) /*!< boot from bank1 or bank0 if bank1 is void */
/* option byte software/hardware free watch dog timer */
#define OBCTL0_NWDG_HW(regval) (BIT(5) & ((uint32_t)(regval))<< 5)
#define OB_FWDGT_SW OBCTL0_NWDG_HW(1) /*!< software free watchdog */
#define OB_FWDGT_HW OBCTL0_NWDG_HW(0) /*!< hardware free watchdog */
/* option byte reset or not entering deep sleep mode */
#define OBCTL0_NRST_DPSLP(regval) (BIT(6) & ((uint32_t)(regval))<< 6)
#define OB_DEEPSLEEP_NRST OBCTL0_NRST_DPSLP(1) /*!< no reset when entering deepsleep mode */
#define OB_DEEPSLEEP_RST OBCTL0_NRST_DPSLP(0) /*!< generate a reset instead of entering deepsleep mode */
/* option byte reset or not entering standby mode */
#define OBCTL0_NRST_STDBY(regval) (BIT(7) & ((uint32_t)(regval))<< 7)
#define OB_STDBY_NRST OBCTL0_NRST_STDBY(1) /*!< no reset when entering deepsleep mode */
#define OB_STDBY_RST OBCTL0_NRST_STDBY(0) /*!< generate a reset instead of entering standby mode */
/* read protect configure */
#define FMC_NSPC ((uint8_t)0xAAU) /*!< no security protection */
#define FMC_LSPC ((uint8_t)0xABU) /*!< low security protection */
#define FMC_HSPC ((uint8_t)0xCCU) /*!< high security protection */
/* option bytes write protection */
#define OB_WP_0 ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 0 */
#define OB_WP_1 ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 1 */
#define OB_WP_2 ((uint32_t)0x00000004U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 2 */
#define OB_WP_3 ((uint32_t)0x00000008U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 3 */
#define OB_WP_4 ((uint32_t)0x00000010U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 4 */
#define OB_WP_5 ((uint32_t)0x00000020U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 5 */
#define OB_WP_6 ((uint32_t)0x00000040U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 6 */
#define OB_WP_7 ((uint32_t)0x00000080U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 7 */
#define OB_WP_8 ((uint32_t)0x00000100U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 8 */
#define OB_WP_9 ((uint32_t)0x00000200U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 9 */
#define OB_WP_10 ((uint32_t)0x00000400U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 10 */
#define OB_WP_11 ((uint32_t)0x00000800U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 11 */
#define OB_WP_12 ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 12 */
#define OB_WP_13 ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 13 */
#define OB_WP_14 ((uint32_t)0x00000004U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 14 */
#define OB_WP_15 ((uint32_t)0x00000008U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 15 */
#define OB_WP_16 ((uint32_t)0x00000010U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 16 */
#define OB_WP_17 ((uint32_t)0x00000020U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 17 */
#define OB_WP_18 ((uint32_t)0x00000040U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 18 */
#define OB_WP_19 ((uint32_t)0x00000080U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 19 */
#define OB_WP_20 ((uint32_t)0x00000100U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 20 */
#define OB_WP_21 ((uint32_t)0x00000200U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 21 */
#define OB_WP_22 ((uint32_t)0x00000400U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 22 */
#define OB_WP_23_30 ((uint32_t)0x00000800U) /*!< erase/program protection of sector 23~30 */
#define OB_WP_ALL ((uint32_t)0x00000FFFU) /*!< erase/program protection of all sectors */
/* option bytes D-bus read protection */
#define OB_DRP_0 ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 0 */
#define OB_DRP_1 ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 1 */
#define OB_DRP_2 ((uint32_t)0x00000004U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 2 */
#define OB_DRP_3 ((uint32_t)0x00000008U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 3 */
#define OB_DRP_4 ((uint32_t)0x00000010U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 4 */
#define OB_DRP_5 ((uint32_t)0x00000020U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 5 */
#define OB_DRP_6 ((uint32_t)0x00000040U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 6 */
#define OB_DRP_7 ((uint32_t)0x00000080U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 7 */
#define OB_DRP_8 ((uint32_t)0x00000100U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 8 */
#define OB_DRP_9 ((uint32_t)0x00000200U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 9 */
#define OB_DRP_10 ((uint32_t)0x00000400U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 10 */
#define OB_DRP_11 ((uint32_t)0x00000800U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 11 */
#define OB_DRP_12 ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 12 */
#define OB_DRP_13 ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 13 */
#define OB_DRP_14 ((uint32_t)0x00000004U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 14 */
#define OB_DRP_15 ((uint32_t)0x00000008U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 15 */
#define OB_DRP_16 ((uint32_t)0x00000010U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 16 */
#define OB_DRP_17 ((uint32_t)0x00000020U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 17 */
#define OB_DRP_18 ((uint32_t)0x00000040U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 18 */
#define OB_DRP_19 ((uint32_t)0x00000080U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 19 */
#define OB_DRP_20 ((uint32_t)0x00000100U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 20 */
#define OB_DRP_21 ((uint32_t)0x00000200U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 21 */
#define OB_DRP_22 ((uint32_t)0x00000400U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 22 */
#define OB_DRP_23_30 ((uint32_t)0x00000800U) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of sector 23~30 */
#define OB_DRP_ALL ((uint32_t)0x00000FFFU) /*!< D-bus read protection protection of all sectors */
/* double banks or single bank selection when flash size is 1M bytes */
#define OBCTL0_DBS(regval) (BIT(30) & ((uint32_t)(regval)<<30))
#define OB_DBS_DISABLE OBCTL0_DBS(0) /*!< single bank when flash size is 1M bytes */
#define OB_DBS_ENABLE OBCTL0_DBS(1) /*!< double bank when flash size is 1M bytes */
/* option bytes D-bus read protection mode */
#define OBCTL0_DRP(regval) (BIT(31) & ((uint32_t)(regval)<<31))
#define OB_DRP_DISABLE OBCTL0_DRP(0) /*!< the WPx bits used as erase/program protection of each sector */
#define OB_DRP_ENABLE OBCTL0_DRP(1) /*!< the WPx bits used as erase/program protection and D-bus read protection of each sector */
/* FMC sectors */
#define CTL_SN(regval) (BITS(3,7) & ((uint32_t)(regval))<< 3)
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_0 CTL_SN(0) /*!< sector 0 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_1 CTL_SN(1) /*!< sector 1 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_2 CTL_SN(2) /*!< sector 2 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_3 CTL_SN(3) /*!< sector 3 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_4 CTL_SN(4) /*!< sector 4 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_5 CTL_SN(5) /*!< sector 5 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_6 CTL_SN(6) /*!< sector 6 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_7 CTL_SN(7) /*!< sector 7 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_8 CTL_SN(8) /*!< sector 8 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_9 CTL_SN(9) /*!< sector 9 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_10 CTL_SN(10) /*!< sector 10 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_11 CTL_SN(11) /*!< sector 11 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_24 CTL_SN(12) /*!< sector 24 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_25 CTL_SN(13) /*!< sector 25 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_26 CTL_SN(14) /*!< sector 26 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_27 CTL_SN(15) /*!< sector 27 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_12 CTL_SN(16) /*!< sector 12 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_13 CTL_SN(17) /*!< sector 13 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_14 CTL_SN(18) /*!< sector 14 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_15 CTL_SN(19) /*!< sector 15 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_16 CTL_SN(20) /*!< sector 16 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_17 CTL_SN(21) /*!< sector 17 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_18 CTL_SN(22) /*!< sector 18 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_19 CTL_SN(23) /*!< sector 19 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_20 CTL_SN(24) /*!< sector 20 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_21 CTL_SN(25) /*!< sector 21 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_22 CTL_SN(26) /*!< sector 22 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_23 CTL_SN(27) /*!< sector 23 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_28 CTL_SN(28) /*!< sector 28 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_29 CTL_SN(29) /*!< sector 29 */
#define CTL_SECTOR_NUMBER_30 CTL_SN(30) /*!< sector 30 */
/* FMC program size */
#define CTL_PSZ(regval) (BITS(8,9) & ((uint32_t)(regval))<< 8)
#define CTL_PSZ_BYTE CTL_PSZ(0) /*!< FMC program by byte access */
#define CTL_PSZ_HALF_WORD CTL_PSZ(1) /*!< FMC program by half-word access */
#define CTL_PSZ_WORD CTL_PSZ(2) /*!< FMC program by word access */
/* FMC interrupt enable */
#define FMC_INTEN_END ((uint32_t)0x01000000U) /*!< enable FMC end of program interrupt */
#define FMC_INTEN_ERR ((uint32_t)0x02000000U) /*!< enable FMC error interrupt */
/* FMC flags */
#define FMC_FLAG_END ((uint32_t)0x00000001U) /*!< FMC end of operation flag bit */
#define FMC_FLAG_OPERR ((uint32_t)0x00000002U) /*!< FMC operation error flag bit */
#define FMC_FLAG_WPERR ((uint32_t)0x00000010U) /*!< FMC erase/program protection error flag bit */
#define FMC_FLAG_PGMERR ((uint32_t)0x00000040U) /*!< FMC program size not match error flag bit */
#define FMC_FLAG_PGSERR ((uint32_t)0x00000080U) /*!< FMC program sequence error flag bit */
#define FMC_FLAG_RDDERR ((uint32_t)0x00000100U) /*!< FMC read D-bus protection error flag bit */
#define FMC_FLAG_BUSY ((uint32_t)0x00010000U) /*!< FMC busy flag */
/* function declarations */
/* FMC main memory programming functions */
/* set the FMC wait state counter */
void fmc_wscnt_set(uint32_t wscnt);
/* unlock the main FMC operation */
void fmc_unlock(void);
/* lock the main FMC operation */
void fmc_lock(void);
/* FMC erase sector */
fmc_state_enum fmc_sector_erase(uint32_t fmc_sector);
/* FMC erase whole chip */
fmc_state_enum fmc_mass_erase(void);
/* FMC erase whole bank0 */
fmc_state_enum fmc_bank0_erase(void);
/* FMC erase whole bank1 */
fmc_state_enum fmc_bank1_erase(void);
/* FMC program a word at the corresponding address */
fmc_state_enum fmc_word_program(uint32_t address, uint32_t data);
/* FMC program a half word at the corresponding address */
fmc_state_enum fmc_halfword_program(uint32_t address, uint16_t data);
/* FMC program a byte at the corresponding address */
fmc_state_enum fmc_byte_program(uint32_t address, uint8_t data);
/* FMC option bytes programming functions */
/* unlock the option byte operation */
void ob_unlock(void);
/* lock the option byte operation */
void ob_lock(void);
/* send option byte change command */
void ob_start(void);
/* enable write protect */
void ob_write_protection0_enable(uint32_t ob_wp);
/* disable write protect */
void ob_write_protection0_disable(uint32_t ob_wp);
/* enable write protect */
void ob_write_protection1_enable(uint32_t ob_wp);
/* disable write protect */
void ob_write_protection1_disable(uint32_t ob_wp);
/* configure the erase/program protection mode */
void ob_drp_config(uint32_t ob_drp);
/* enable the erase/program protection mode */
void ob_drp0_enable(uint32_t ob_drp);
/* disable the erase/program protection mode */
void ob_drp0_disable(uint32_t ob_drp);
/* enable the erase/program protection mode */
void ob_drp1_enable(uint32_t ob_drp);
/* disable the erase/program protection mode */
void ob_drp1_disable(uint32_t ob_drp);
/* set the option byte security protection level */
void ob_security_protection_config(uint8_t ob_spc);
/* write the FMC option byte user */
void ob_user_write(uint32_t ob_fwdgt, uint32_t ob_deepsleep, uint32_t ob_stdby);
/* option byte BOR threshold value */
void ob_user_bor_threshold(uint32_t ob_bor_th);
/* configure the boot mode */
void ob_boot_mode_config(uint32_t boot_mode);
/* get the FMC option byte user */
uint8_t ob_user_get(void);
/* get the FMC option byte write protection */
uint16_t ob_write_protection0_get(void);
/* get the FMC option byte write protection */
uint16_t ob_write_protection1_get(void);
/* get the FMC erase/program protection and D-bus read protection option bytes value */
uint16_t ob_drp0_get(void);
/* get the FMC erase/program protection and D-bus read protection option bytes value */
uint16_t ob_drp1_get(void);
/* get option byte security protection code value */
FlagStatus ob_spc_get(void);
/* get the FMC threshold value */
uint8_t ob_user_bor_threshold_get(void);
/* FMC interrupts and flags management functions */
/* enable FMC interrupt */
void fmc_interrupt_enable(uint32_t fmc_int);
/* disable FMC interrupt */
void fmc_interrupt_disable(uint32_t fmc_int);
/* get flag set or reset */
FlagStatus fmc_flag_get(uint32_t fmc_flag);
/* clear the FMC pending flag */
void fmc_flag_clear(uint32_t fmc_flag);
/* return the FMC state */
fmc_state_enum fmc_state_get(void);
/* check FMC ready or not */
fmc_state_enum fmc_ready_wait(uint32_t count);
#endif /* GD32F4XX_FMC_H */